03/30/17 12:05PM
Need help finding some similar MC Stories
Hi, currently I've been going through the archives and reading some old stories. I was hoping you guys could help me find more like "Best Served Hot" or "Smoking! part 1". I really like the stories that have a random stranger show up at a house and then take control of everyone.

Thank you for any help!
03/30/17 10:13PM
There's a site that gives the mcstories more tags than what mcstories itself tags, which may be helpful to you.

Granted I barely use it so if you need usage tips you're out of luck.
03/30/17 11:40PM
The other thing is that you can look in the favorites listing and authors listings. People tend to like pools of similar things, so if your story shows up or someone likes something that you like, your good to go.

An author will also tend to write similar content, with rare exceptions.

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