04/01/17 12:40AM
Any bad memories that caused by hypno fetish?
I once told to my friends... Aaaand very long story short... We are not friends anymore
Do you have any bad and akward stories?
04/01/17 12:42AM
*braces for the inevitable flood of bad experiences that will make me lose faith in this community*
04/01/17 01:41AM
First mistress not telling me of actual gender. Sure, it was only in text, but still felt bad.

Guy who I used to really trust forgetting of my preferences (straight) and making me feel eating sperm as part of trance. (Also text only, but I *feel* what happens in trance)
04/01/17 01:42AM
Nope! Just more nice orgasms than I can count ^-^
04/01/17 01:51AM
Nazwa said:
Guy who I used to really trust forgetting of my preferences (straight) and making me feel eating sperm as part of trance. (Also text only, but I *feel* what happens in trance)

So far, no bad memories but I guess this is why I don't go on the IRC much anymore.
04/01/17 02:29AM
crazyman said:
*braces for the inevitable flood of bad experiences that will make me lose faith in this community*

*cough* incident with pinky and that other guy from the hub *cough*
04/01/17 02:34AM
Sophia said:
*cough* incident with pinky and that other guy from the hub *cough*

yeah was totally gonna bring up this one time this guy tried to bait me into leaving my loveys and total mindrape devotion while totally buttering me up and at the same time being scummy to everyone who was trying to keep me safe and even though im triggered to be safe to him he still tries to drag me back down to his depths
04/01/17 02:39AM
Pinkanator said:
yeah was totally gonna bring up this one time this guy tried to bait me into leaving my loveys and total mindrape devotion while totally buttering me up and at the same time being scummy to everyone who was trying to keep me safe and even though im triggered to be safe to him he still tries to drag me back down to his depths

tell me who he is and i will at the very least make his life inconvenienced.
04/01/17 03:54AM
While not a bad memory, it's worsened my previously mild pharmacophobia. The thought of someone slipping me something, losing control, being affected by a pure biological reaction without any recourse... scares me shitless, man.

In the case of "normal" hypnosis, there's still the assertion that you cannot be truly forced into anything. I rely on that a lot - frankly, the thought of the ability to force someone to do something outside of their normal selves is sickening to me (while at the same time being my hardest turn-on as a subfetish). I absolutely need that separation of fantasy and reality to maintain any enjoyment of hypnofetish material - but when it comes to real, hard molecules reacting? There's nothing I can do about that - and that's fucking scary.
04/01/17 03:57AM
Searching for the tag of Hypnosis on sadpanda and then some of the things that tied to it...

I'd say shit tied to it but oh boy some of the fun with feces you'd find in some of those things... Especially when you don't know what the technical term for shit eating is...
04/01/17 03:58AM
Well, not a bad memory, but more like an awkward one when I realized that someone I play a PF game with also Surfs the Hub, and I met them outside the hub. Usually when it comes to PF games, I meet them on the hub then play the game, but this was the opposite, and was the one that showed my other friend my shenanigans involving his character. So yeah...
04/01/17 04:20AM
Zhingouz said:
While not a bad memory, it's worsened my previously mild pharmacophobia. The thought of someone slipping me something, losing control, being affected by a pure biological reaction without any recourse... scares me shitless, man.

In the case of "normal" hypnosis, there's still the assertion that you cannot be truly forced into anything. I rely on that a lot - frankly, the thought of the ability to force someone to do something outside of their normal selves is sickening to me (while at the same time being my hardest turn-on as a subfetish). I absolutely need that separation of fantasy and reality to maintain any enjoyment of hypnofetish material - but when it comes to real, hard molecules reacting? There's nothing I can do about that - and that's fucking scary.

While I don't have pharmacophobia (which I had to google let's be honest) a lot of this resonates with me. I know I'm a control freak and I'm working on it, but hypnosis or losing control so much that I have no inhibitions or take on a new, looser personality is both mind-bogglingly terrifying and the greatest turn-on to me.

Somehow I seem to attract friends over the internet with silky-smooth voices, you know the kind that just send shivers down your spine while talking about the weather. Not necessarily hypnotic on their own thankfully, I don't get huffy or turned on every time I hear their voices. That sure would make running around in MMO's together very awkward very quickly.

A few have tried to hypnotise me (after agreeing on it!) but only one's sort-of succeeded. I felt like I was playing along and still fully in control but at the same time I was so warm and felt like my mind was floating as if I was asleep, a great experience. (We don't talk anymore because of unrelated issues.)

The times where it didn't work were mostly due to my own apprehension and basically not trusting the person on the other side of the line to hold up "their end of the deal", and make me do stuff I wouldn't want to. I rarely truly trust people, but I do trust people to serve their own desires. It takes a lot of convincing for me to believe your desires in an intimate setting align with mine.

As long as I can convince myself it's only fantasy, I can enjoy it - but unhappy trances, degrading of the sub, ... nu-uh. That ain't nice.

My favourite scenario though, born from a rather unpleasant IRL experience oddly enough, has the sub lose themselves to pleasure, becoming completely submissive to the extacy of orgasm. (Not per sé a dom, though that does help with imagery etc.) A nice bonus then is the sub taking on a new personality that is bubblier, lighter, and far more driven by sex than the previous one. (Both personalities, if they're "two people in one body", would have to be okay with the arrangement, though!)

... Oddly specific. I know. But hey, that's my experience! This was pretty interesting to think about and write down :)
04/01/17 04:44AM
My first attempt at being a 'tist for my SO ended in tears. Something I said brought up some bad memories and they burst into tears and cried for about 10 minutes. I felt terrible about it and we've not done anything like that since.
04/01/17 12:14PM
Someone accidentally tripping some traumatic memories in the middle of an hypnosis session. I had completely shut down. Though since it was an accident, no hard feelings toward that person.
04/01/17 02:28PM
Mahyma said:
My first attempt at being a 'tist for my SO ended in tears. Something I said brought up some bad memories and they burst into tears and cried for about 10 minutes. I felt terrible about it and we've not done anything like that since.

I tried hypnotizing my partner a couple of times in the past but it always ended up in a lot of anxiety and bad feelings for both of us. My partner is an anxious person though so I don't think it really had anything to do with the hypnosis specifically. /shrug
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