04/02/17 12:02PM
Disclaimer For Naomi's Content Cop
Hey guys! Just wanted to clarify the viewpoints pointed out in the comic I just posted now that we are ALL no longer in April Fools Day.

The entire comic was done in good fun. The offensive language used, again, were all just jokes.

The people and OC's I specifically made fun of, I spoke with before hand.... except maybe plsgts and Jimryu. whoopsies. (will fix that later)

I don't hate kaa/ kaa eyes/ hypno snake pics. I love em seeing how it's my main fetish lol.

I also don't hate Haigure, but it's pretty much widely accepted to make fun of it (same goes for kaa content)

That being said, I am EXTREMELY surprised with the reception of the Content Cop. I was slightly worried I was going to offend so many peeps! I was really surprised how many people went along with the joke! Thank you all so much!

For those out of the loop, just look up idubbbztv, the Content Cop show and concept belong to him.

I'd be interested in doing a sequel soonish with a bit more quality. Or maybe even touch up the one I already did, not sure. We'll see as time goes by! Thanks again!!!!
04/02/17 12:32PM
Anyone expressing distaste would probably just get yelled down by your fans anyway so it's not exactly worth it.

04/02/17 12:34PM
It was pretty clear you were just having fun and I got a good few laughs out of it as did plenty of others.
04/02/17 07:36PM
shooting kaa was such catharsis though
04/02/17 08:02PM
Isn't the point of a disclaimer to have it before you put out the content, as to avoid any preconceived notions being made...?

Eh, whatever. I'm not gonna dispute the comic, as I know how it was trying to be silly for obvious reasons. Thought the parody was kinda "underdone," but that's just me. Fun surprise for a lot of users I'm sure.
04/02/17 08:28PM
Pen you and one other person were the only ones to put any effort on the 1st so your good.
04/02/17 09:39PM
ZeldaIsHot said:
A disclaimer's just a fun little way to get out of having any responsibility, it's equally as valid regardless of whether it's before or after.

Enough real financial loss can result from that attitude that I'm just going to say 'Nope' to that.

But while I take that seriously I don't what Pen' made seriously. It was pretty funny.
04/02/17 09:49PM
no it was offended and i'm offensive
04/03/17 12:41AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Isn't the point of a disclaimer to have it before you put out the content, as to avoid any preconceived notions being made...?

They can come after the content as well. Like how, in political ads, politicians say "I'm X and I approve this message," or if it wasn't made by them whatever group made it says "X is responsible for the content of this advertisement" at the end.
04/03/17 01:04AM
Jabberwocky said:
They can come after the content as well. Like how, in political ads, politicians say "I'm X and I approve this message," or if it wasn't made by them whatever group made it says "X is responsible for the content of this advertisement" at the end.

Yeah, but this isn't a political ad. This is Penken putting up a disclaimer that most of the people's work he featured + made fun of were fine with him doing that. Imo, I think woulda been best to have put that up before going through with the comic, but obviously, it's not a huge deal. Really, it's just something I think he (and others) should put into consideration when doing this sorta thing, especially if this pops up next year again. Otherwise, ik how it's all in good dumb fun.
04/03/17 01:22AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Yeah, but this isn't a political ad. This is Penken putting up a disclaimer that most of the people's work he featured + made fun of were fine with him doing that. Imo, I think woulda been best to have put that up before going through with the comic, but obviously, it's not a huge deal. Really, it's just something I think he (and others) should put into consideration when doing this sorta thing, especially if this pops up next year again. Otherwise, ik how it's all in good dumb fun.

if I did it before hand, it'd kill the initial reaction. This post is less of a disclaimer and more of a reassurance that like, i don't hate the people I made fun of or just poked at in the comic.
04/03/17 01:25AM
PenKen said:
if I did it before hand, it'd kill the initial reaction. This post is less of a disclaimer and more of a reassurance that like, i don't hate the people I made fun of or just poked at in the comic.

Fair point, and dw, I am aware that's the case as far as it all being harmless dumb fun.
04/03/17 03:48AM
penken is a fucking clod

jk lol it's joke
04/03/17 08:34AM
skullman2033 said:
shooting kaa was such catharsis though

It really was.

I know I have been rather off and on in this community for what appears to be going on a little over 17 straight years now, since around 1999 and i've never actually stated this for the record, but.....

I've never really liked that snake.

04/03/17 08:38AM
KarmaX said:
I've never really liked that snake.

I came.
1 2>>>

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