04/02/17 09:31PM
Hypnohub Contribution Challenge
Remember the Hypnohub monthly themes? Those were fun, even though I understand why they were discontinued. However, I wanted to bring them back to some extent and talked to Vanndril about it from time to time. Ultimately, I couldn't come up with any implementation of the monthly theme he or someone else hadn't already tried at the time. However, I've since had a new idea for a community challenge...

The Hypnohub Contribution Challenge!

Take note this isn't a monthly theme - this will never close. This is instead an ongoing challenge to anyone interested to try and create an image (be it original art or photo manipulation) that features either a series or character that has not yet been featured on the hub. The rules are as follows:

>The image must feature a character or series that hasn't been posted yet.
>You have to have drawn or manipulated the image yourself for it to be added.
^please try to have the original artist's name (and potentially source link) featured for any photo manips when possible?
>Please post a link to any of your images that you'd like to add to this thread's pool, or PM the links to me.

Anyone who submits an image will have it placed in the pool and be listed here.
04/02/17 09:37PM
NinjaW said:
>The image must feature a character or series that hasn't up until that it was posted.
>You have to of drawn or manipulated the image yourself for it to be added.
>Original Characters and Series are allowed.
>The image can still be submitted into the challenge pool so long as it fits the first three criteria.
>Please post a link to any of your images that you'd like to add to the pool in this thread, of PM them to me.

Anyone who submits an image will have it placed in the pool and be listed here.

Seeing as this is a serious idea you'd like to pitch, the phrasing could use some editing:

>The image must feature a character or series that hasn't been posted yet.
>You have to have drawn or manipulated the image yourself for it to be added.
^I assume manipper should also be incentivized to have the original artist's name (and potentially source link) featured as well, right?
>Please post a link to any of your images that you'd like to add to this thread's pool, or PM the links to me.
04/02/17 09:58PM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Seeing as this is a serious idea you'd like to pitch, the phrasing could use some editing:

>The image must feature a character or series that hasn't been posted yet.
>You have to have drawn or manipulated the image yourself for it to be added.
^I assume manipper should also be incentivized to have the original artist's name (and potentially source link) featured as well, right?
>Please post a link to any of your images that you'd like to add to this thread's pool, or PM the links to me.

Thanks for helping!
04/03/17 04:36AM
I'm confused. What's the stuff we're supposed to draw now? Or is it an "anything goes" thing, because that's pretty much how generally uploading works, no?
04/03/17 04:49AM
Friye said:
I'm confused. What's the stuff we're supposed to draw now? Or is it an "anything goes" thing, because that's pretty much how generally uploading works, no?

Instead of having monthly themes where we pool the images that fit into it, the suggestion's to have a pool of "new content" that features characters/series/franchises that haven't been posted to the Hub yet. Part of me's kinda "eh" about the idea, seeing as any new franchise can allow for new art to be made easily. I personally wanna see some art of lesser-known franchises out there, like Endless Legend for example. Some cool characters to choose from as doms (and I guess a few here and there as potential subs).
04/03/17 05:31PM
I'm writing a long form hypno related comic. Please look forward to it in five years when I learn how to draw!

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