04/17/17 06:08AM
Hypno-related things that creep YOU out
I want to get to know you all on a deeper level

So let's start by talking about what creeps YOU out when it comes to hypnosis.

Whether it be certain types of hypno images, past hypno-inductions, or weird/cringy/things one thinks of/went through themselves or others doing while UNDER hypnosis.

Now I don't mean to freak anybody out with this Topic, but it's for a personal relationship between me and ALL of you.

Anyone can join in. It's up to you.

And if no one can think of anything, I'll start just to get us going somewhere.

Okay, so, the creepiest hypno image I've seen is one involving Hastune Miku and a giant cockroach. That in general, especially with the birth commencing, creeped me out so much.

And currently, the one thing I don't like about hypno images is the possibility of ANYTHING.

Illusions, nightmares, walking yourself to your own death outside of your will.

Even hallucinating that you're with someone you love, but when in reality, it's someone you JUST HATE TO THE CORE.

Like, for me, I had a scenario pop in my head whee I was hypnotized and in a padded cell, and I thought I was talking to (the one I love) Princess Celestia, but in reality, it was (The one I kind-of hate) my adopted grandfather. It was so bad.

And sometimes when your friends or family or people in your personal life know about or mention anything, even a WORD, about the stuff you like as a fetish, like for me it's hypnosis,

.... It's just cringy and it makes you feel uncomfortable.

As well as certain occupations that one has while under hypnosis. Like mutha-fuckin' CLOWNS! NOPE! FUCK THAT!

So how do YOU all feel about some of that stuff?
04/17/17 06:30AM
I find it uncomfortable when girls are being injected with eggs or some kinda disgusting unknown fluid though a flesh tube or sack from a super detailed bug like creature. Stuff like that just makes my skin crawl.
04/17/17 06:43AM
the criiiiinge
04/17/17 06:48AM
Death (even implied), necrophilia, amputee and just badly hurting characters through hypnosis gets my noggin' joggin'.
Everything else is meh or just makes me feel... funny down here, in some degree.
04/17/17 06:52AM
Old guys.

04/17/17 07:15AM
There's this one artist, (I think his name is Pegasus?), and all of his works really unsettle me for a couple of reasons.

1. I'm 99% sure the male character he uses in all of his comics is a self-insert, and has in recent times transitioned from a young looking man to a hulk with bulging muscles and a massive dick. Although self inserts aren't bad inherently, and it's possible to stroke one's own ego with one in a healthy way, all this becomes disheartening when you consider

2. His comics are invariably less about Bimboification than they are about just general degradation of the females characters in them. I love me a good bimbo, same as anyone else, but his cruel manner makes me think that the point of the comics is less about making the women in question bimbos as it is just about abusing them.

Even most of the straight up rape porn on this site doesn't unsettle me as much as his works, because with those the aggressor is usually a fictional character, whereas with this one it's almost like the artist is using his art as an outlet for his sexual frustrations and intense desires to rape

or maybe i should stop playing armchair psychologist and get back to my cereal, cause i'm probably just being oversensitive
04/17/17 07:16AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
the criiiiinge

My favourite bunch of hack frauds.
04/17/17 07:55AM
Anything involving this fucker:

04/17/17 08:04AM
Contorted said:
Anything involving this fucker:


oh fuck, that reminds me, when I was younger, I created a superhero in my head who had the power to control pheromones, and he used them to do all sorts of racy stuff. He was nowhere near Evil, though. a Chaotic Neutral troublemaker at worst.

Years later, the character pops into my head again, and I decide to google pheromone based superpowers and see if anyone else shared my brilliant idea.

I was... less than enthused when I found Killgrave
04/17/17 08:27AM
Diplo_Song said:
oh fuck, that reminds me, when I was younger, I created a superhero in my head who had the power to control pheromones, and he used them to do all sorts of racy stuff. He was nowhere near Evil, though. a Chaotic Neutral troublemaker at worst.

Years later, the character pops into my head again, and I decide to google pheromone based superpowers and see if anyone else shared my brilliant idea.

I was... less than enthused when I found Killgrave

What a coinkydink.
04/17/17 08:40AM
Contorted said:
Anything involving this fucker:


YIKES. Fuck that guy!

For me it's anything involving Death, Vore that doesn't explicitly show the sub surviving, amputation, scat, watersports, most stuff involving Kaa and The Joker's toxin. (I hate him more the Purple Man...piece of shit...)

In fact: I find it creepy when MC is used in ANY non-erotic scenario. It's the weirdest thing in the world now that I think about it...it's to the point where immediately go "the fuck is wrong with me?!" After each session. It kind of bothers me...
04/17/17 08:51AM
waverun said:
Okay, so, the creepiest hypno image I've seen is one involving Hastune Miku and a giant cockroach. That in general, especially with the birth commencing, creeped me out so much.

Ha, I know exactly the one you're talking about. I like it.

Anyway, it might sound contradictory, but what I dislike about some erotic hypno images is implied permanency, humiliation, and Bad End type stuff. By which I mean anything that could indicate that the subject will be stuck in that state for the rest of their lives, mindlessly serving a complete dickwad of a master that has no respect for them. I like my hypno fun to be temporary romps that, even if caused by an evil master, retain the possibility of eventual reversal. I can enjoy plenty of things like enslavement, mind break, corruption, and even death, as long as I can justify to myself that once the fun is over things can go back to normal.

THAT SAID, I don't just like mind control as an erotic thing. I absolutely love stories that use it in the plot, and given certain elements a hypno story featuring permanent changes has excellent tragic potential. Thing is, I prefer this to be treated tragically. Trying to go "oh it's a Bad End where they're broken forever but since they're being made to feel happy it's okay" is not my thing. I want a story to either give me good vibes with the subject breaking free and living happy after the fun bits are over, or to rip my heart out when they fail to resist. None of this half and half Happy Bad End stuff. Permanent identity death is bad and I should feel bad.
04/17/17 09:07AM
I keep the stuff that's so cringe worthy it's impressive under my 'good' stars.

04/17/17 10:29AM
waverun said:
I want to get to know you all on a deeper level

This, for one...
04/17/17 10:58AM
Rotem_Dishon said:
waverun said:
I want to get to know you all on a deeper level

This, for one...

waverun said:
...it's for a personal relationship between me and ALL of you.

^Not this?

Really, while I get it's simply just "share the stuff that creeps you out in relation to hypnosis," I don't know why was set up to sound kinda personal...
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