04/21/17 11:09PM
Brief Sociology Survey - Nerds in Society
Hey, so uh... Little weird for me to be posting this here of all places, or maybe it isn't considering the topic, but a friend of mine's working on a project for sociology. Don't really know all the details off the top of my head, but the survey sheds some light on things. It's apparently something about society's view of nerd culture as a whole, and he wanted me to spread this survey around so he'd get as much info as possible from as many places on the internet as possible. It'd really help him out if some of you guys took this, so if you've got a few minutes, please give it a shot, thanks.
04/21/17 11:30PM
I figured I would take the survey and assist with your friends research :)
04/22/17 12:06AM
I decided to give my imput. Hope it goes well for your friend.

04/22/17 01:00AM
04/22/17 01:33AM
04/22/17 01:47AM
Tell your friend that I might have gone a liiiiitle overboard with my answer.
04/22/17 02:59AM
I consider myself to be more of a "geek" than a "nerd" mostly because I get really excited about science fiction and such - but I don't really understand it in the end (sciences were my worst topic at school though I was pretty decent at math) and will most likely never go into the famous "nerd rage" over a topic as such.

Maybe some people consider them to be synonyms, but to me the word "nerd" just sounds a lot more negative than "geek". Just imagine a stereotyical jock shouting the words at you at school. "Neeerrrrrd!" sounds a lot more agressive than "Geeeek!" :P

Good luck to your friend! :)
04/22/17 03:02AM
Friye said:
I consider myself to be more of a "geek" than a "nerd" mostly because I get really excited about science fiction and such - but I don't really understand it in the end (sciences were my worst topic at school though I was pretty decent at math) and will most likely never go into the famous "nerd rage" over a topic as such.

Maybe some people consider them to be synonyms, but to me the word "nerd" just sounds a lot more negative than "geek". Just imagine a stereotyical jock shouting the words at you at school. "Neeerrrrrd!" sounds a lot more agressive than "Geeeek!" :P

Good luck to your friend! :)

04/22/17 03:05AM
Pinkanator said:

I'm not sorry

Also I filled out the survey, hope it give some good insight
04/22/17 04:08AM
Online survey. Sociology. I suggest telling your friend to pick one.

This survey mainly involves questions about society's view of nerds, and whether or not you feel like it's changing for the better or for the worse. Remember, it's okay to be a nerd! Many people who wouldn't call themselves nerds at least have a "nerdy side".

Also, for a survey it seems a bit weird that it's trying to influence the opinions of the people taking it...
04/22/17 05:05AM
Pinkanator said:

Imasuky said:
I'm not sorry

Also I filled out the survey, hope it give some good insight

You're both ridiculous and I love you xD
04/22/17 05:35AM
I did it. Hope it helps!
04/22/17 05:39AM
Friye said:
You're both ridiculous and I love you xD

I had honestly thought about post that the second I saw you saying nerd and geek like that. Pink beat me to it.
04/22/17 06:35AM
Filled it out too!

TheKinkyFinn said:
Also, for a survey it seems a bit weird that it's trying to influence the opinions of the people taking it...

I agree, and some questions probably could've been worded better and such (I blame my course on research methods making me scrutinize every survey now Dx) but for an intro to sociology project it probably doesn't matter.
04/22/17 06:45AM
Filled it out on my end. :P
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