04/23/17 06:13PM
TV Sebastian (aka the Oo_Sebastian_oO anniversary)
*Awakes from feverish night dreams surrounded by two dozen empty Easter egg boxes*

What the--!? Oh, right... Apologies for the delay in putting this message up. ^^'

May is coming (Sean Bean made me <<|pay>> for that). Once again, we are approaching the Seb anniversary and I'd love for us to try another co-operative mini-celebration.

Last year we managed a very large <<|ensemble piece>>, and my thanks again to all whom participated. Now, I'm not certain Seb will want to tackle another huge group pic, but we can certainly get the ball rolling on suggestions for ideas. Not to mention, IF people want to chip in for a 'crowd funded' pic like last year, they can put their characters forward etc.

Last year's arrangement was that once details for the setting were consented upon, the Hub members backing the inclusion of characters (mostly OCs) would send me the funds via paypal, which I then used plus my own funds to pay Seb for the large pic.

I'm fully open to approaching it differently this time, so if anyone has any recommendations on that side of things, please share. ^^

Anyway, onto the funside of things IDEAS!

The established theme of the Anniversary so far is that of a gala, or 'Grand Night Out' aort of feel. So far we've had <<|high stake poker>> and a intimate <<|night club stage performance>> We can continue down those areas, like:
- More acts for the stage show
- Characters interacting at the bar
- Different gambling scenarios with Doms directly betting their subs
- Interactions between already ensnared submissives and yet-to-be mesmerized guests
- Staff moderating a dispute between doms, or cleaning up after the fact.
- Or we can take it to a separate setting, like a spa or sauna, not necessarily divided by gender or mentality
- Another setting is a prize fight, entranced 'combatants' with Dom managers and a vocal audience.
- Or subs enjoying a nice repetitive, mind numbing workout in the gym with Dom 'trainer's guiding them through routines.

At this stage, any one is free to put forward ideas so lets be havin' em ^^

(I'll but this quote in the latest page of this forum too.

Word up, y'all!

So last year I commissioned this <<|big ensemble pic>> from Seb to celebrate two year anniversary of uploading what is technically the first of Seb's pics on the hub. Now, it's almost that time again, and while I cannot promise anything, I want to get a fitting pic commissioned.

Obviously, I don't want to hinder anyone else's ideas is they want to make a big deal out of the date, but yeah, I'd love to hear anyone's recommendations for following up that poker game! It can be anything, like more Dommes elsewhere in the casino, or watches the subs play together etc. Just tell me what comes to mind and we can discuss from there!

One idea I've had is Harley asking around the table, "So... I get that we're all the badass bitches who dominate all the pussy we want, but...! How many of us have been fucked by that damn snake!?"
04/23/17 06:30PM
Same poker game but this time Marinette and Tiffany are there
04/23/17 06:30PM
solddate said:One idea I've had is Harley asking around the table, "So... I get that we're all the badass bitches who dominate all the pussy we want, but...! How many of us have been fucked by that damn snake!?"

Anything that invokes <<|Almost Got 'Im>> is probably going to be worth its weight in gold.

04/23/17 07:59PM
Jabberwocky said:
Same poker game but this time Marinette and Tiffany are there

04/23/17 08:13PM
I am up to pay for anything, Seb's art is worth anyway.
It calls for a celebration to have this great artist on this site.

04/23/17 08:31PM
I know I would love for Kaa'lin to be present this time! In any way shape or form!
04/23/17 08:32PM
Whisper said:
I am up to pay for anything, Seb's art is worth anyway.
It calls for a celebration to have this great artist on this site.

Just to be clear, I'm not expecting anyone else to pay for something I 'decide'. Of course, I'm 100% open to commissioner collaboration, but those involved would need to agree on it.

Of course, Whisper, if you have an idea based in the casino scenario that you want to put on the table (or any other idea), please do!

Jabberwocky said:
Same poker game but this time Marinette and Tiffany are there

No idea who they are...

Sir_Lurksalaot said:
Anything that invokes <<|Almost Got 'Im>> is probably going to be worth its weight in gold.

Can't deny that partially inspired the last pic. The Domme's could perhaps swap stories of girls they've had slip away... That said, I don't think we've had any get away.

mariosonicfan said:
I know I would love for Kaa'lin to be present this time! In any way shape or form!

I absolutely agree, I assume you would prefer her presence as a Domme rather than a sub?
04/23/17 08:34PM
solddate said:
Can't deny that partially inspired the last pic. The Domme's could perhaps swap stories of girls they've had slip away... That said, I don't think we've had any get away.

Maybe have a sort of bait-and-switch where it's revealed that the dommes are actually under the subs' control and are imagining their own dominance when in reality they're the ones serving the drinks and food as the "subs" lounge around.
04/23/17 09:27PM
How about they're all having drinks at a bar, just chatting between themselves? It's simple, but I think that it could work. Some of the subs could even be serving at the bar.
04/23/17 09:52PM
solddate said:
Just to be clear, I'm not expecting anyone else to pay for something I 'decide'. Of course, I'm 100% open to commissioner collaboration, but those involved would need to agree on it.

Of course, Whisper, if you have an idea based in the casino scenario that you want to put on the table (or any other idea), please do!

No idea who they are...

Can't deny that partially inspired the last pic. The Domme's could perhaps swap stories of girls they've had slip away... That said, I don't think we've had any get away.

I absolutely agree, I assume you would prefer her presence as a Domme rather than a sub?

Indeed I would. Gotta keep up the good appearances with all the other dommy ladies around. In fact there may be one or two she's shown the fun of being a sub before he he.
04/23/17 11:32PM
Any room for a dood, my dood?
04/23/17 11:53PM
someguy231 said:
Any room for a dood, my dood?

Prob not, as tends to be 99% yuri.
But ofc that's Solddate's call.
04/24/17 12:15AM
I've got an idea, but I'm not sure if it sounds overambitious:

All of the dommes are kicking back, chatting and enjoying their drinks in an environment similar to the TV Show The View or The Graham Norton Show. However, one of their drinks has been spiked with a chemical that when a certain word is triggered, will turn who ever has ingested the chemical into a slave for the day.

You can elaborate further details, but how does that initial pitch sound?
04/24/17 03:09AM
someguy231 said:
Any room for a dood, my dood?

RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Prob not, as tends to be 99% yuri.
But ofc that's Solddate's call.

Kaa's a dood, theoretically, although eveything is made better with Prinnies, d00d
04/24/17 03:19AM
Sir_Lurksalaot said:
Kaa's a dood, theoretically, although eveything is made better with Prinnies, d00d

Just don't throw them dood.
1 2345>>>

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