04/24/17 10:59AM
Disappearance of DaisyHypnoCharm
Did... Did DaisyHypnoCharm just... disappear from HypnoHub? Because I can't find pictures of Cleopatra or any of the comments by them, even though I saw their comments just a few hours ago (I think?)

Am I going crazy or something? Anyone know what happened?
04/24/17 11:04AM
They requested that all their uploads and their account be deleted. I (sadly) followed through with the request just a few hours ago.

It's a real shame. I liked what they posted. :/
04/24/17 11:06AM
Vanndril said:
They requested that all their uploads and their account be deleted. I (sadly) followed through with the request just a few hours ago.

It's a real shame. I liked what they posted. :/

Trippy: ummmm their account was accessed by their room mate and they did that....
04/24/17 11:07AM
But didn't they say on the forums that that wasn't their request but someone on their computer messing with them?
04/24/17 11:08AM
Vanndril said:
They requested that all their uploads and their account be deleted. I (sadly) followed through with the request just a few hours ago.

It's a real shame. I liked what they posted. :/

How recent did they request this? Because a few days ago they said their roommate was trying to get their account deleted and made a forum post about it.
04/24/17 11:09AM
111 said:
Trippy: ummmm their account was accessed by their room mate and they did that....

Multiple times? Over the course of a week? There was even a 5 days period after the last DMail about it to clear up that misunderstanding, and I received nothing saying so.

Well, here's hoping it was an intended request, because otherwise their day just got a whole lot shittier when they realize all their Hub stuff is perma-gone.


EdgeOfTheMoon said:
But didn't they say on the forums that that wasn't their request but someone on their computer messing with them?


I'll see if I can't restore the account somehow, but I'm not exactly hopeful about it.
04/24/17 11:12AM
Vanndril said:

I'll see if I can't restore the account somehow, but I'm not exactly hopeful about it.

DB rollback?
04/24/17 11:16AM
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
DB rollback?

That's the idea. Contacting Slayerduck about that now, under the hopes that he's still awake.
04/24/17 11:31AM
How come the recent thread/news wasn't brought up to your attention...?
Thread itself got locked by a mod, so I question how this wasn't discussed/brought up... =_____=
04/24/17 11:35AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
How come the recent thread/news wasn't brought up to your attention...?
Thread itself got locked by a mod, so I question how this wasn't discussed/brought up... =_____=

You would think it would have been, right?

But nope. T'was nothing short of a communication gap.
04/24/17 11:44AM
Vanndril said:
You would think it would have been, right?

But nope. T'was nothing short of a communication gap.

Ik I cause a bit of a public shit storm over how things are run/handled here, not to take the piss outta you guys (as I'm sure you know that's never my intetion), but like...

There's just gotta be better ways to handle this sorta stuff at times. Fact no mods told ya (from what I'm assuming) is kinda concerning...
04/24/17 11:48AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Ik I cause a bit of a public shit storm over how things are run/handled here, not to take the piss outta you guys (as I'm sure you know that's never my intetion), but like...

There's just gotta be better ways to handle this sorta stuff at times. Fact no mods told ya (from what I'm assuming) is kinda concerning...

Things are set up to where I should be informed about this sort of happening.

Somewhere down the line of communication, something broke before the information reached me. Whether it be a personnel or technical error, I'm not yet sure. But I'm not exactly happy, so you can be sure I'll find out once the situation is properly handled.
04/24/17 11:51AM
Vanndril said:
Things are set up to where I should be informed about this sort of happening.

Somewhere down the line of communication, something broke before the information reached me. Whether it be a personnel or technical error, I'm not yet sure. But I'm not exactly happy, so you can be sure I'll find out once the situation is properly handled.

Alright, cause if mods aren't relaying to you about these sorts of incidences, I'm going to have to try and step it up myself...
04/24/17 11:55AM
I saw the post from Daisy about this and how her roommate essentially tried to screw her over as well. I figured that the mods would have seen it already.

RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Alright, cause if mods aren't relaying to you about these sorts of incidences, I'm going to have to try and step it up myself...

If this is the case, I'll step up for a mod position too. I'm on here daily at multiple times throughout the day, and the most time I'm away is one to two days. Plus I do tend to check out multiple forum threads to see if there's anything interesting to discuss or if someone linked something good, so...guess I'm available. :P
04/24/17 12:08PM
If anyone knows a way to contact Daisy and could tell me via DMail, I'd appreciate it. Slayer seems to be asleep and only he has access to the database backup files, so this may take a while, and I'd like to ease their concerns over the situation.
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