04/25/17 04:05PM
I would like to know about a artist
Triple: well i made a commission with the artist Napdust on Friday and after i payed i haven't heard a single thing from them despite sending a few messages i can get my money back via paypal but i would like to know if anyone might know about them and any situation they are in
04/25/17 06:21PM
I've waited, like, four months for a commission before, and it's taken me a few weeks to finish a picture myself. What's your rush?
04/25/17 06:43PM
akaece said:
I've waited, like, four months for a commission before, and it's taken me a few weeks to finish a picture myself. What's your rush?

Well, I won't deny that it can be frustrating to have no communication going on, but even then, it's been what... Four days since you paid them? What is the rush?

You're not giving us the full context. After you paid them, what were you trying to ask them in the messages exactly? Cause if it was about progress updates, I don't know if they'd have that stuff ready right away.
04/25/17 07:57PM
Triple: its just the communication totally stopped as soon as i payed them that made me nervous i do believe im over reacting thou but i wanted to ask others and from what i understand wait a bit longer
04/25/17 08:47PM
It kind of depends on the artist and their schedule. I've had artists I've commissioned keep in contact every three to four days, and a few have contacted me after over a week if I don't contact them first. My recommendation is that if you're worried, to ask those who have commissioned the artist before what their experiences were like with them so you can get a bit of a gauge for how long it might take.

Personally, I'd wait a few more days for a response, but if you're really worried, you can stop the payment until you're contacted again. I don't know what arrangement you made with them regarding payment, but if you explain to them that you were worried about not getting your commission due to lack of contact, I think they'll understand.
04/26/17 03:27AM
In my opinion these kind of things need to be addressed while agreeing on the details of the commission and the payment. I'd say give it a day or two still. I'm not sure how long PayPal allows you to draw back your payment, and the best art isn't rushed.

I've heard it depends on whether you just sent them the money or if you received an invoice which you paid. The latter I believe you cannot recuperate.
(Source: an artist in a FB group I'm in got scammed that way and essentially will only work with invoices anymore so he/she doesn't work for free anymore.)

Next time, agree on an update schedule as well as payment and the commission details, if not a date by which it should be finished - not to say "Is it finished yet?" but so you can be sure you're not forgotten or ignored.
04/26/17 03:36AM
I do story commissions. But I try to stay in contact all the time until it's finished. And I only take payment when it's finished. I know sending a preview of a picture is differnt than a preview of a story but I feel that it's a good way to ensure everyone gets what they want.

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