04/27/17 08:05AM
Political Hypnosis
I know politics is an extremely taboo subject for most of the internet for obvious reasons, so I just want to make sure y'all know that this is not supposed to be actually about who's wrong or right or whatever.

All I'm saying is does anyone agree that it's kinda hot to think about being hypnotized to the other end of the political spectrum?
04/27/17 08:11AM
ViennaOrange said:
I know politics is an extremely taboo subject for most of the internet for obvious reasons, so I just want to make sure y'all know that this is not supposed to be actually about who's wrong or right or whatever.

All I'm saying is does anyone agree that it's kinda hot to think about being hypnotized to the other end of the political spectrum?

Not exactly "politics" specifically, but I have thought about the idea of individuals being brainwashed/eventually conforming to a different culture, be it of this World, or perhaps even something alien. Like captured soldiers now joining their opponents, or spies double-crossing their agency's. Shit like that can be sexy (as far as how it's handled ofc), but also fairly intriguing.
"I have in mind a higher, super pristine group of individuals (think mages or scientists) either enslaving or enlisting lesser groups of individuals (think barbarians or amazonians) to become a part of their pristine group. Vice-versa could also work, but the vital thing would be for both appearance and persona to change. The subs wouldn't just be following orders mindlessly; rather, they're now truly a part of the new group, and will dress + act the part to a T.

Some rough examples, although I wish there was more emphasis on the personality change:"
04/27/17 08:17AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Not exactly "politics" specifically, but I have thought about the idea of individuals being brainwashed/eventually conforming to a different culture, be it of this World, or perhaps even something alien. Like captured soldiers now joining their opponents, or spies double-crossing their agency's. Shit like that can be sexy (as far as how it's handled ofc), but also fairly intriguing.
"I have in mind a higher, super pristine group of individuals (think mages or scientists) either enslaving or enlisting lesser groups of individuals (think barbarians or amazonians) to become a part of their pristine group. Vice-versa could also work, but the vital thing would be for both appearance and persona to change. The subs wouldn't just be following orders mindlessly; rather, they're now truly a part of the new group, and will dress + act the part to a T.

Some rough examples, although I wish there was more emphasis on the personality change:"

Agreed! The sexy costume change is half the fun, really. For instance, a feminist being hypnotized to think women are inferior, then adopting a skimpy 50s-style housewife outfit... Or making their body into a counter-protest sign with body paint!
04/27/17 08:19AM
04/27/17 08:24AM
ViennaOrange said:
Agreed! The sexy costume change is half the fun, really. For instance, a feminist being hypnotized to think women are inferior, then adopting a skimpy 50s-style housewife outfit... Or making their body into a counter-protest sign with body paint!

That example's... Not exactly what I'd get behind, but yeah, sometimes there are some more "tame" subjects that can be fairly interesting.

Mindwipe said:

What I woulda said, though I do think that there's an extent to what could be "political" that I could totally get behind... Really depends though case by case for sure.
04/27/17 08:25AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
What I woulda said, though I do think that there's an extent to what could be "political" that I could totally get behind... Really depends though case by case for sure.

I mean, /everything/ is political, when ya think about it...
04/27/17 08:32AM
ViennaOrange said:
I mean, /everything/ is political, when ya think about it...

Hence the "case by case" part.
04/27/17 08:44AM
I'm pretty sure only conservatives would be really into that. Not sure what that says.
04/27/17 08:46AM
oh dear
04/27/17 08:46AM
akaece said:
I'm pretty sure only conservatives would be really into that. Not sure what that says.

Not gonna lie, I'm about as far left as you can go and I'm into it. I think it's the element of the taboo...
04/27/17 08:52AM
ViennaOrange said:
Not gonna lie, I'm about as far left as you can go and I'm into it. I think it's the element of the taboo...

ViennaOrange said:
Agreed! The sexy costume change is half the fun, really. For instance, a feminist being hypnotized to think women are inferior, then adopting a skimpy 50s-style housewife outfit... Or making their body into a counter-protest sign with body paint!

04/27/17 08:52AM
04/27/17 08:55AM
Contorted said:

i cant believe i just got prequelmeme'd on hypnohub
04/27/17 08:55AM

ViennaOrange said:
Not gonna lie, I'm about as far left as you can go and I'm into it. I think it's the element of the taboo...

That's a part of it, certainly.

This is speculation on my part, but one of the main allures of hypnosis as a fetish is that you don't need to go through the mental agony of justifying yourself, to yourself or anyone else. You can "let go", "let my voice carry you" etc. etc. to do all the degenerate things you want to do but can't acknowledge in public or even consciously.
With a partner, it has the components of a trust fall and of surrendering agency.
How far can you trust this person? Do they have your best interests at heart, even when you're going down?

In a materialist world where trust is scarce, it's very important currency.

ViennaOrange said:
I mean, /everything/ is political, when ya think about it...

Postmodernist detected :^)
04/27/17 09:01AM
I'm still waiting on somebody to make an Anita Sarkeesian bimbofication caption, TBQH.
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