04/27/17 09:24AM
is there any situation with this hypno fetish that can be bad for me?
So uhm 2 years ago -when i was 12- i've discovered my hypno fetish and i don't know if i'll have any problems such as difficulitis (sorry if i misspelled) with getting girls and stuff like this. i'm affraid of what if i tell it to people becouse i had a friend that i told this and he started to roasting me for that. Before you comment: Do not say a word about my age. i know i'm young. thanls for helping anyways
04/27/17 09:27AM
I mean, I know you said not to talk about your age but, uh, if you're 14, we technically have to ban you. Like, for legal reasons. So uh, sorry about that.
04/27/17 09:29AM
Pinkanator said:
I mean, I know you said not to talk about your age but, uh, if you're 14, we technically have to ban you. Like, for legal reasons. So uh, sorry about that.

yeah, sorry buddy but this isnt japan, or germany.
04/27/17 09:31AM
I sent a DM to Henry but still might want to let the other higher ups know just to be sure.

Hey man come back in 4 years when it's legal.
04/27/17 09:47AM
Jeez, I never like/want to be rude, but it's ridiculous that you're telling us to not comment on your age. Like... Don't tell people that sort of sensitive information online, especially in the PUBLIC FORUMS OF ALL PLACES. Cripes...

Seriously the VERY first rule we have listed here:
"You must be at least 18 to view this site."

Me being a jerk aside, if this truly manifests into an issue that interferes with your social/romantic life, seek actual help to discuss this with properly, not just some friend you can chat to.
04/27/17 09:53AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Jeez, I never like/want to be rude, but it's ridiculous that you're telling us to not comment on your age. Like... Don't tell people that sort of sensitive information online, especially in the PUBLIC FORUMS OF ALL PLACES. Cripes...

Seriously the VERY first rule we have listed here:
"You must be at least 18 to view this site."

Me being a jerk aside, if this truly manifests into an issue that interferes with your social/romantic life, seek actual help to discuss this with properly, not just some friend you can chat to.

Your not being a jerk at all. Just someone with common sense.

Violating a rule like this is a pretty serious issue.
04/27/17 12:09PM
Just to say it I looked and he's been banned.

Mods should lock this thread now.
04/27/17 05:45PM
Imasuky said:
Your not being a jerk at all. Just someone with common sense.

Violating a rule like this is a pretty serious issue.

I say that as I had some...
Not so nice things to say about all this, though I made an effort to reword my comment before posting.

Imasuky said:
Just to say it I looked and he's been banned.

Mods should lock this thread now.

Just a heads up to any other underage users on the site:
I'm sure plenty of people here don't take issue with ya viewing porn, but once you start talking about yourself when it comes to some personal information (mainly age), that shit's really not gonna fly.

Beyond just the rules, you shouldn't be posting personal information publicly ._____.
04/27/17 07:32PM
Back in my day, our parents told us to never, ever tell anyone ANY personally identifiable information on the internet. Unfortunately the cancer that is Facebook has convinced our world's children into telling everyone everything about themselves online. Kids aren't even smart enough to pretend that they're 18 to get into porn sites anymore!
04/27/17 09:43PM
I weep for our future.
04/27/17 10:22PM
Dystopia69 said:
I weep for our future.

I weep for the here and now. We live in the worst timeline.
04/27/17 10:44PM
WhatIsLove said:
I weep for the here and now. We live in the worst timeline.

...implying there are alternative ones that would be far better than this, or not even worse than this...?
04/28/17 12:56AM
The only way a fetish is bad for you is if you let it be. Just don't shout it from the rooftops.

That being said, get the heck out! It's not for your safety, it's for the site's! 14 jesus christ you should be pining over stolen glances between classes and sneaking your first beer, then spitting it out because it's fuckin' gross!

... 14. Jesus. I wish I had a clue about fetishes when I was 14. Hell I didn't know if I liked boys or girls or pizza more at that age!! And I was leaning towards pizza!!
04/28/17 12:57AM
Friye said:
The only way a fetish is bad for you is if you let it be. Just don't shout it from the rooftops.

That being said, get the heck out! It's not for your safety, it's for the site's! 14 jesus christ you should be pining over stolen glances between classes and sneaking your first beer, then spitting it out because it's fuckin' gross!

... 14. Jesus. I wish I had a clue about fetishes when I was 14. Hell I didn't know if I liked boys or girls or pizza more at that age!! And I was leaning towards pizza!!

Pizza is good.
04/28/17 12:59AM
Imasuky said:
Pizza is good.

It's the best~
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