04/30/17 05:33PM
A question out of curiosity about manip
I was thinking about doing some artwork in the future, but I'm not good at drawing. If I make some art by piecing itself together, does it count as manip, or just art if that make sense
04/30/17 07:59PM
semantically speaking, you "manipulated" multiple pictures by mixing them together

but I dunno really
05/01/17 04:03AM
Well you'll need to include a bit more than just the pictures, but yeah stuff a like a story that involves mixing multiple pictures is fine so long as you can meet quality control standards and doesn't violate any other rules.

We have at least one on the site like that I can already :
05/01/17 09:44PM
I've done so before (Although I don't think I ever uploaded it) but yeah, that's a manip.

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