05/03/17 09:26AM
Trying to find that ONE story on mcstories..
So, a while back I read this fd story. In it, a young woman awakens to hypnotic powers and wants to try them out. So, she dresses all sexily despite being shy, and wants to seduce someone. A boy knocks on her door (paperboy? Mailman? I don't remember) and she lures him inside. Using candles, body language, and a sultry tone she takes him under and has him masturbate for her. When he cums, he swears allegiance. The story maks a point that he is just the first.

I loved it because it was really corruption of the domme, as well. She was surprised to find herself so turned on by watching the boy enslave himself, and slowly grew to like her power. I also loved the focus on seduction rather than inmediate bypnosis.

Well, the issue is that I can't find it. Anywhere. I've searched around 4 hours using Google ("site:mcstories.com" and adding as many words as I rememberred from the story), and checking EVERY fd story on mcstories. Maybe it has a weird obscure title that doesn't jump out, but I seriously spent my night reading every title on the fd and masturbation pages.

For the love of God, someone help me before I go insane.
05/03/17 10:39AM
I don't know, the closest I can find is this:

Not sure if that's it or not, but that's what I remembered fairly closely to that description.
05/03/17 05:05PM
Bobbette said:
I don't know, the closest I can find is this:

Not sure if that's it or not, but that's what I remembered fairly closely to that description.

You are a godsend. I can't believe someone out there had it right off-hand like that. I didn't know if I should have added the detail that she was a teacher because I really couldn't tell if that memory was real or not. Thanks so much mate
05/03/17 07:48PM
05/03/17 08:46PM
JaoShingan said:
You are a godsend. I can't believe someone out there had it right off-hand like that. I didn't know if I should have added the detail that she was a teacher because I really couldn't tell if that memory was real or not. Thanks so much mate

No problem, I happen to have a favorites folder of MCstories to reread, and the details rung a bell for that. Feel free to ask if looking for anything else, or even for recommendations with certain things (like the fd/ma you mentioned).
05/04/17 01:57AM
YouAreARobotNow said:
Try this website next time. www.gregariousfrog.com/svengali/svengali.html

Svengali is radical.
05/15/17 01:08AM
Please use the <<hypnohub.net/forum/show/10859?page=1|Hunting Thread>> next time if you're searching for a particular story/image. Locking this thread.

[Not to single out this thread in particular, but just adding that I will be starting to hand out warnings and potentially bans to users who continue to disregard the forum rules of conduct in the future (especially if they've been apart of the community for a while and should know better).]

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