05/03/17 08:56PM
Suddenly losing your nerve about trancing
After I had my first session with Henry, I was feeling fantastic about being tranced...but then it just grew into anxiety. Now I've asked him and another person to do it again, but now I'm finding myself in a panic because i want to back this bad? Have i screwed myself over?? And worse have I screwed them too?
05/03/17 09:13PM
The answer to all three questions is the same: no, not at all.

Trancing is a powerful form of trust, and letting go can be a challenging thing for people (it certainly is for me). That's a perfectly reasonable feeling to have. You should never force yourself to do something that makes you anxious or uncomfortable.

If Henry and this other person care for you, then they should have no problem putting trancing on hold for a while. Might be beneficial to take some time for yourself to reflect on why you feel anxiety after the fact or in anticipation of another session, even though it felt wonderful to you during the session. Talk it over with him, and see if opening up help builds more trust and lessens the anxiety. And, if it doesn't, that's perfectly okay, too.

At the end of the day, make sure that you're having fun above all else. If it's not fun, it's not worth putting yourself through all that stress. Take your time, and relax, sweetie. You're perfectly fine as you are. =)
05/03/17 09:21PM
yuusharo said:
The answer to all three questions is the same: no, not at all.

Trancing is a powerful form of trust, and letting go can be a challenging thing for people (it certainly is for me). That's a perfectly reasonable feeling to have. You should never force yourself to do something that makes you anxious or uncomfortable.

If Henry and this other person care for you, then they should have no problem putting trancing on hold for a while. Might be beneficial to take some time for yourself to reflect on why you feel anxiety after the fact or in anticipation of another session, even though it felt wonderful to you during the session. Talk it over with him, and see if opening up help builds more trust and lessens the anxiety. And, if it doesn't, that's perfectly okay, too.

At the end of the day, make sure that you're having fun above all else. If it's not fun, it's not worth putting yourself through all that stress. Take your time, and relax, sweetie. You're perfectly fine as you are. =)

Ok. Thanks you for that. I'm feeling better about the whole thing. I think I'm gonna take your advice and reflect for a while, and talk to him when I can.


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