05/04/17 11:35AM
May the Fourth be with you
Happy Star Wars Day peeps~

As such I think I'd like to ask some Star Wars related questions:

Do you side with the Jedi or the Sith? (I chose the Sith)
If you lived in Star Wars what would you do or where would you go?
Which movie is your favorite?

That kinda stuff. And if anyone else has any Star Wars related thing to say, go ahead~

May the Force be with you all
05/04/17 11:40AM
I'd be a Grey Jedi. Cause you know what the regular Jedi...suck, like they suck so much it's absurd.

And the Sith are just a bunch of selfish assholes.

Grey Jedi is the best oath cause that way you don't have to be evil or an idiot who give up everything.

Oh and I want a Light Whip rather than a Light Saber, cause whips are cooler than swords.
05/04/17 11:41AM
grey jedi, because jedi requires giving up humanity, and siths are all collectively edgy cunts. so chaotic good for the win bitches. i even have a design for a lightsaber

also, sith-lord? more like....shit-lord [AIRHORN NOISES]
05/04/17 11:42AM
Oh shit yeah, I forgot!

Sith all day every day! That's some good evil!
I mean, I'd probably be a huge Sith suckup, with a sadistic streak. What?
New Hope. It's just honestly my favourite.

Well, since I've been binging Samurai Jack, seems like an apt time to watch Genndy's Clone Wars. Best thing to come out of the prequels imo. If you haven't seen it, hiiiiiighly recommended.

Also, I've a lifelong goal of owning an Ultrasaber someday. Give me that Lord Starkiller design with a pink blade? Unf.
05/04/17 11:45AM
Pinkanator said:
Oh shit yeah, I forgot!

Sith all day every day! That's some good evil!
I mean, I'd probably be a huge Sith suckup, with a sadistic streak. What?
New Hope. It's just honestly my favourite.

Well, since I've been binging Samurai Jack, seems like an apt time to watch Genndy's Clone Wars. Best thing to come out of the prequels imo. If you haven't seen it, hiiiiiighly recommended.

Also, I've a lifelong goal of owning an Ultrasaber someday. Give me that Lord Starkiller design with a pink blade? Unf.

Pink you don't need a light saber, you'll just hurt yourself.
05/04/17 11:47AM
Oh and if we're talking combat, give me a long ass lightsaber, and a shoto blade.
05/04/17 11:48AM
I even came up with a name for myself, *suddenly explodes and she's suddenly in an all black very revealing outfit and cape with black eye liner and black lipstick*

Meet Darth Lus, voluptuous vixen of the Dark Side~ >;) I use this name when I do Star Wars realted games, RPs and cosplays.

And if I had a custom Lightsaber I'd either have one with a katana like hilt or one that's like a laser pistol that transforms into a lightsaber (And no it's not like Ezra Bridger's lightsaber where it's a lightsaber with a laser shooting attachment)
05/04/17 11:49AM
Pinkanator said:
Oh and if we're talking combat, give me a long ass lightsaber, and a shoto blade.

Take you pick
05/04/17 11:58AM
Imasuky said:
Take you pick

Again, 40 Inch saber, with a shoto.

Edit: <<s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg....2acd71d754ccd78956abf.jpg|Prefferably this one.>>
05/04/17 11:59AM
I always liked the idea of the grey Jedi. Jedi seem to rigid with too many rules and Sith just seem kinda dumb (Stop killing each other all the time dammit)

Favorite movie? Rogue One

Yeah ok it's a bit darker then the others but it's the first movie (IMO) to make the empire actually scary and a decent bad guy. That one scene with Darth Vader makes him more terrifying in 30 seconds then anything in the original trilogy. Even the AT-AT's go from slightly dorky things that get tripped up to "Oh dear lord look at the size of that"
05/04/17 11:59AM
so custom lightsaber, long blade, long hilt, but the hilt seperates to become a shoto blade, much like pinks idea but cooler. designed for sudden surprise strikes and duel wielding, or just being swung like a giant sword. also, when seperated the normal saber becomes normal sized due to power redistribution or something

also, green blade. because green is my favorite color
05/04/17 12:09PM
Pinkanator said:
Oh shit yeah, I forgot!

Sith all day every day! That's some good evil!
I mean, I'd probably be a huge Sith suckup, with a sadistic streak. What?

StepfordCrimson said:
I even came up with a name for myself, *suddenly explodes and she's suddenly in an all black very revealing outfit and cape with black eye liner and black lipstick*

Meet Darth Lus, voluptuous vixen of the Dark Side~ >;) I use this name when I do Star Wars realted games, RPs and cosplays.

And if I had a custom Lightsaber I'd either have one with a katana like hilt or one that's like a laser pistol that transforms into a lightsaber (And no it's not like Ezra Bridger's lightsaber where it's a lightsaber with a laser shooting attachment)

watch out for pink, he's a sith starscream,

as for your lightsaber, i'm thinking a modified lightsaber tonfa, blade comes out from the back of the gun, barrel towards you, turn the saber off, spin the handle, barrel towards enemy. you're now firing death the kid style
05/04/17 12:13PM
I'd go with the double bladed saber. I imagine a lot of my firestaff skills would cross over. I did actually have to teach a Darth Maul cosplayer how to do some staff tricks with his lightsaber when I helped run my uni's circus skills club
05/04/17 12:13PM
skullman2033 said:
watch out for pink, he's a sith starscream

I think Crimson can take him. She's a deeper shade of red and therefor more aligned with the Dark side.
05/04/17 12:13PM

Look it up if you don't know what it is.
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