05/05/17 06:45PM
Revenge of the Fifth
Name the thing you miss most from the un-canonized Star Wars Extended Universe.

I'll go first:
The explanation for Lightsaber colors.
05/05/17 06:49PM
It's a tie between Force Unleashed and Clone Wars '03
05/05/17 06:52PM
Pinkanator said:
It's a tie between Force Unleashed and Clone Wars '03

Force Unleashed isn't canon? Didn't know that. I thought all the games were spared from being bludgeoned by the Cudgel of Un-canonization +7 that Disney wields in combat.

Yet another thing to add to my list of the stuff that's no longer canon, I guess.
05/05/17 06:53PM
today's my birthday so i guess i'm a sith.

but yeah i miss the colors they could possibly add them later.
05/05/17 07:15PM
Anon_3.141 said:
Force Unleashed isn't canon? Didn't know that. I thought all the games were spared from being bludgeoned by the Cudgel of Un-canonization +7 that Disney wields in combat.

Yet another thing to add to my list of the stuff that's no longer canon, I guess.

I believe there was a brief period where Disney did consider at least the first Unleashed game canon, but I'm only going from my memory of the canon timeline list on Wookiepedia.

The original Clone Wars cartoon for one, mostly since it actually introduced multiple characters. I'm sure many are fond of Old Republic but its so far removed from most canon anyway it doesn't matter anyway. Though Rebels has made some references to it, not seen the last season however.
05/05/17 07:16PM
Anon_3.141 said:
Name the thing you miss most from the un-canonized Star Wars Extended Universe.

I'll go first:
The explanation for Lightsaber colors.

Mmm... the Hut-Jedi?
05/05/17 07:19PM
I pray the Republic Commandos are still canon, if not I'd miss them dearly. (The boys from the Games did appear, but not Omega Squad from the books...)
05/05/17 07:26PM
Jar Jar Binks is really a Sith lord.
05/05/17 07:28PM
WhatIsLove said:
Jar Jar Binks is really a Sith lord.

That is canon, though... Plus, given how incompetently he would "help" out the Rebels in the previous movies, I'm actually not surprised he was eventually revealed to be a Sith Lord in disguise.
05/05/17 07:48PM
There is quite a list actually...

Some examples:
Kreia (and Kotor 2) - Screw Bioware for retconning...
Lightsaber-color explanation (as mentioned before)
The entire lore and history of the Sith (post-hundred year darkness)
Kyle Katarn
Bane & Zannah
Gilad Palleon (Thrawn is fantastic hands-down but Gilad seemed to me the more approachable/identifiable non-prodigy of the due)
Darth Plagueis (character & novel): Novel for delivering a final and good explanation for the prophecy; Character for his "unique" approach towards the force
05/05/17 08:34PM
Oh, Kyle got de-canon'd? What about Mara Jade?

...What IS [was] the explanation for lightsaber colors, anyway?
05/05/17 08:50PM
Pastel-Daemon said:
...What IS [was] the explanation for lightsaber colors, anyway?

Just watch this:
05/05/17 09:00PM
Kyle Katarn
05/05/17 09:19PM
I will forever miss Kyle Katarn and Mara Jade being characters. My gf and I loved those characters so much and they were ripped from us! I guess they were just too badass for this world to handle. :(
05/05/17 09:20PM
Not much; The expanded universe was also a goddamn over complicated headache. There was some good, but in the big picture, none of it meant jackshit in comparison to the main films.
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