05/06/17 03:18AM
Fundraiser Stream (WARNING: POLITICS)
This thread deals with opposing the AHCA bill which just passed in the American congress, and is now on its way to the senate.

On May 4th, the United States Congress voted in favor of catastrophic changes to the American healthcare system. In addition to skyrocketing costs for many poor citizens, the proposed bill makes it possible to be denied healthcare coverage for the following gargantuan list of "pre-existing conditions":
Part 1-
Part 2-
These items, for which US insurers would legally be allowed to deny coverage to sick people, includes DEPRESSION, PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS, AND PREGNANCY.

I have always tried to keep my real life separate from my activities here as the Black Wave. This is supposed to be a safe place, a place of enjoyment and fulfillment of one's fantasies. But I have my limits, and when those sworn to serve and protect the weak are instead trying to bully some of the most vulnerable members of society out of existence, I cannot, nor would I want to, ignore my conscience.

So here's what I'm doing about it: I am asking all artists within the sound of my voice, should they have the means, and regardless of skill level, to make themselves available via live streaming on May 11th and 12th, for as much time as possible, to take live commissions.

Suggested prices for participating streamers are, per character: $5 Sketch, $10 Lineart, $20 Colored. Suggested maximum of two characters.

All money raised will go to ActBlue, which will, in turn, distribute it to the opponents of every single congressperson who voted "yes" on this bill. The goal is to make American senators understand that their jobs are not safe if they sign this bill into law. We still have a chance to prevent this disaster, but none of us can do it alone. If you are an artist willing to participate, please get in touch with me at [email protected] to help organize. Remember: you don't have to be an American citizen to help save American lives! If you're a fan, and would like to get some nice art for a great cause, please mark the dates and stay tuned for a list of participating artists. If you don't have the spare change, that's okay! Spread the word as much as you can, show up to the stream, share your support, share your story.

I'll be hosting as many people as I can on a Picarto multistream for this event. Here is a guide to setting up Picarto:

If I fail to drum up support from other artists, I'll be flying solo on the scheduled dates. Those of you who have watched my 24-hour Rampages in the past know that I can go for a while when it comes to this sort of thing, so please show up to support me in any way you can~.
05/06/17 03:58AM
I hope you realize that Obamacare was just as shitty, just in different ways.

Really, it's unacceptable for a first world country to not have free universal health care, but don't think for a second that this is all Trump's/Republican's fault. It's a problem with the rich and powerful in general, and that includes the left. Like I said, Obamacare was just as bad. Until we have free universal health care for every citizen (this of course does not include illegal immigrants), our health care system will be shit regardless of what it is.

Edit: Also, why not actually put forth the effort into something that MIGHT actually get changed if people protest enough, like the government's recent gutting of Net Neutrality?
05/06/17 04:13AM
The bills it's supposed to give the states more freedom to decide if they give coverage to patients with pre-existing conditions or not, not force them to accept. also if you are denied coverage there is still the high-risk polls. The plan of the republicans is to cut stupid taxes and regulations like the one to force owners of private hospitals to ask permissions to the county before buying medical tech implements. Replacing Obamacare means they will give you more options, and no, no one knows if this will be better or worse yet.

Black--Wave said:
Remember: you don't have to be an American citizen to help save American lives!

No one will die, or at least no more people should die with this, worst case scenario they will get in debt for their entire life
Stop spreading fear

Black--Wave said:

All money raised will go to ActBlue, which will, in turn, distribute it to the opponents of every single congressperson who voted "yes" on this bill. The goal is to make American senators understand that their jobs are not safe if they sign this bill into law. We still have a chance to prevent this disaster, but none of us can do it alone.

Your whole text is based on terror and fear mongering from people in media/social media and now you want to raise money to create more fear?
Guess what
It will be useless, people in government will not care

05/06/17 04:16AM
Gojulas said:
The bills it's supposed to give the states more freedom to decide if they give coverage to patients with pre-existing conditions or not, not force them to accept. also if you are denied coverage there is still the high-risk polls. The plan of the republicans is to cut stupid taxes and regulations like the one to force owners of private hospitals to ask permissions to the county before buying medical tech implements. Replacing Obamacare means they will give you more options, and no, no one knows if this will be better or worse yet.

No one will die, or at least no more people should die with this, worst case scenario they will get in debt for their entire life
Stop spreading fear

Your whole text is based on terror and fear mongering from people in media/social media and now you want to raise money to create more fear?
Guess what
It will be useless, people in government will not care

You are completely wrong in all of your statements, and you also missed the entire point of his fundraiser.
05/06/17 04:17AM
Baby steps. If everyone could remake the world in their perfect image overnight, there would be no problems left by tomorrow. You can't take on everything at once, so why not something as basic as survival, first? Which is essentially what Healthcare is.

I applaud the initiative. I wish I could figure out Picarto to stream, even though it's not my country (and I feel really shitty about my art atm :/) Maybe I'll come view to buy something?
05/06/17 04:18AM
Gojulas said:
The bills it's supposed to give the states more freedom to decide if they give coverage to patients with pre-existing conditions or not, not force them to accept. also if you are denied coverage there is still the high-risk polls. The plan of the republicans is to cut stupid taxes and regulations like the one to force owners of private hospitals to ask permissions to the county before buying medical tech implements. Replacing Obamacare means they will give you more options, and no, no one knows if this will be better or worse yet.

No one will die, or at least no more people should die with this, worst case scenario they will get in debt for their entire life
Stop spreading fear

Your whole text is based on terror and fear mongering from people in media/social media and now you want to raise money to create more fear?
Guess what
It will be useless, people in government will not care

People in government will care when they have no jobs because they got voted out.

"Na na na na, hey hey, goodbye" indeed.

05/06/17 04:22AM
While I understand where you're coming from, the two subjects that start huge flamewars are religion and politics. It would probably be best to say that you're selling commissions, and leave politics out of it. This thread is probably headed straight into a huge argument.
05/06/17 04:24AM
Mindwipe said:
You are completely wrong in all of your statements, and you also missed the entire point of his fundraiser.

Yes, you are probably right
Lets spread more useless fear then

Ogodei-Khan said:
People in government will care when they have no jobs because they got voted out.

"Na na na na, hey hey, goodbye" indeed.

You mean like every democrat was completely removed from every place of power almost every office?
Yup, seems accurate
05/06/17 04:25AM
Friye said:
Baby steps. If everyone could remake the world in their perfect image overnight, there would be no problems left by tomorrow. You can't take on everything at once, so why not something as basic as survival, first? Which is essentially what Healthcare is.

I applaud the initiative. I wish I could figure out Picarto to stream, even though it's not my country (and I feel really shitty about my art atm :/) Maybe I'll come view to buy something?

It's really not that hard, and we don't need "baby steps". Simply slash funding for the military (not completely, of course), drastically raise taxes on the rich, stop sending free money to scumbag countries like Israel, end the war on drugs, drastically slash funding for the NSA and CIA (and throw 99% of them in prison while you're at it) and we'll have more than enough money for free national healthcare.

Unfortunately, neither side, Democrat or Republican actually wants any of that because it isn't in the interest of their PROFITS.
05/06/17 04:25AM
trainboy2019 said:
While I understand where you're coming from, the two subjects that start huge flamewars are religion and politics. It would probably be best to say that you're selling commissions, and leave politics out of it. This thread is probably headed straight into a huge argument.

The idea though is to get support from other artists to join in, and you can't really do that without saying what the goal is.
05/06/17 04:33AM
Perhaps to avoid arguing just leave this as a thread for all the artists who will join this fundraiser, thus having them open for commissioning, to state they are with no other replies?

All for people expressing opinions but... well we all know how most political stuff goes on the internet. And it'll detract from the overall purpose of the thread.
05/06/17 04:43AM
GOnna go ahead and curb this one. Leaving the thread up since the link will still work, but locking it pronto.

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