05/06/17 11:08PM
(looking for GM and players) Anyone interested in game based on WH40k systems?
As in title.
Most of books existing are here:

I think systems are really neat, we could, in theory, mix and match as we want and try something?

Just small disclaimer - it doesn't have to be in WH40k universe. Hell, there isnt much porn i'd like to see from WH40k. But systems are nice.
05/07/17 03:51AM
I'll give it a go if we can get a party together
05/07/17 11:10PM
Sounds like fun. I'd want to know which game we'd mainly be playing ahead of time though. Did you have an preferances?
05/08/17 12:58AM
So GM isn't Garry's Mod, right?
05/08/17 01:02AM
Frostbyte said:
So GM isn't Garry's Mod, right?

It means Game Master
05/08/17 01:28AM
Mahyma said:
Sounds like fun. I'd want to know which game we'd mainly be playing ahead of time though. Did you have an preferances?

I know i'd rather avoid Deathwatch due to people there being male buff dudes. What would you say of Rogue Trader?

As I said, tho, I'd favor composite over single system.
05/08/17 11:45AM
Nazwa said:
As I said, tho, I'd favor composite over single system.

The main thing there would be balancing, you'd have to give a Dark Heresy character a lot of xp in order to make them as good as a starting Rouge Trader character, and at that point why not just make them a Rougue Trader character?
05/08/17 12:43PM
Mahyma said:
The main thing there would be balancing, you'd have to give a Dark Heresy character a lot of xp in order to make them as good as a starting Rouge Trader character, and at that point why not just make them a Rougue Trader character?

I think more of, well, mixing in aptitude system over Rogue Trader chars, and use more than just few selected weapons. Why don't we grab fluffy flying familiar (FFF) with servo-skulls stats from Dark Heresy, for example? I have these stats. And you can fit in Astartes Bolt Pistol in one for 3-shot series of 2d10+something.
05/08/17 03:16PM
Well whatever ruleset we end up using I'm still in. What platform would we be using to play?
05/08/17 04:01PM
Mahyma said:
Well whatever ruleset we end up using I'm still in. What platform would we be using to play?


Main issues are:
- Finding DM
- Slotting time.

I'm free *most* of sundays (but it's uncertain day) 10-24 GMT +1, and mondays/tuesdays/wednesdays 7-24 GMT +1.

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