05/07/17 07:59AM
For those watching Samurai Jack...

First off, why is there no Ashi work on here yet? Second, [SPOILERS] Jack and Ashi are now an item. Discuss please.

Personally, I'm okay with this. I didn't think that was the route they were going prior to last episode, but it wasn't completely out of left field either. Personally, I'm happy they did it in one single episode so that we don't have to see them be awkward for the rest of the series. I feel like this could have potentially ruined ashi as a character, making her more arm candy than the badass she has been thus far. So since they wanted to have them get together, I'm glad it took only one episode.
05/07/17 08:01AM
We have a topic for this already should redirect over to that and fix the Spoiler tags but not doing them in all caps and a / in the bottom one.

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