05/09/17 04:54AM
I want to upload art but I have a problem
I've been following this site since 2015 and I always wanted to upload some draws about this fetish to share it with you all.
The problem is that I CAN'T let anybody of my friends or my family know my secret fetish.
I have a normal art account with another name, but I think that if I do hypnodraws with the same art style I could be caught someday.
I don't know what to do. And sorry if my english is bad.
05/09/17 04:58AM
If it's SFW you could always put it <<saimin.booru.org/index.php|here>>. Do you think your friends and family would care if your art made it an SFW booru?

If that doesn't work for you why not post it on DA or imgur and put links to it in the forums?
05/09/17 05:06AM
Terrie said:
I've been following this site since 2015 and I always wanted to upload some draws about this fetish to share it with you all.
The problem is that I CAN'T let anybody of my friends or my family know my secret fetish.
I have a normal art account with another name, but I think that if I do hypnodraws with the same art style I could be caught someday.
I don't know what to do. And sorry if my english is bad.

Perhaps experiment in another sorta style for experimenting.
That, or just make art that's fairly SFW/tame as far as the NSFW stuff goes. Cause even if somehow someone close to you found it and thought you were behind it (which I HIGHLY doubt), I think the subject matter you draw won't get you in too much trouble.
05/09/17 05:08AM
Some artists make work that look similar to other artist if you are worried you could upload under a different name and act like you don't exist that way as long as some art remains exclusive to your other name people will think you and this other person have a similar art style.
05/09/17 04:33PM
If it makes you feel any better, I've been making both erotic hypno art and "safe" art for years on the same website under different names and no one's found me out. Or, if they have, they've had enough sense not to point it out.
05/09/17 10:23PM
I do sometimes wonder if people will link my SFW stuff with my NSFW stuff, even though they're under different names. To be fair though, if someone were to link the two, they're have to admit to looking at porn at the same time as outing me, so I guess the same would apply for you

My other half just let me know she'd found my porn stuff by friending my NSFW accounts on tumblr and dA
05/09/17 10:29PM
lasci_me said:
To be fair though, if someone were to link the two, they're have to admit to looking at porn at the same time as outing me, so I guess the same would apply for you

That's how I've always looked at it. xD

I've been found out before but in reverse, with people I've met via my smutblog remembering my old sfw stuff.
05/09/17 10:29PM
lasci_me said:
I do sometimes wonder if people will link my SFW stuff with my NSFW stuff, even though they're under different names. To be fair though, if someone were to link the two, they're have to admit to looking at porn at the same time as outing me, so I guess the same would apply for you

My other half just let me know she'd found my porn stuff by friending my NSFW accounts on tumblr and dA

Can only imagine what that must've been like :0
05/09/17 11:31PM
TFW I've actually shown my mom a porn-picture I was working on not even a month ago ._. and I'm like "Look at how good the skin looks! And that pose, leg-between-legs... It's really difficult you know, especially with the anatomy and..."

At least I got an atta-girl from her xD


Try turning it around! Don't worry about what they'll do to you, but what about what you can do to them?

Firstly, by confronting it, they wouldn't only have to admit they surfed to a (fetish) porn-site, but secondly they would have to admit that they were thinking of you while most likely touching their junk.

It might be difficult to imagine, but imagine someone telling you they saw it. Why not ask them "Did you enjoy it?" with a smug grin instead of screaming and running for the hills? If you're a regular artist already, I'm sure they -will- enjoy it ;) And if they don't, don't they like porn at all? Then why are they on that porn site in the first place? Or do they have valuable critique or perhaps even requests?

Ok that last bit would send me running for the hills as well. But eh, remember the first bit - try turning it around :) (It's how my mum got me over my fear of taxi's. I'm no longer getting into a stranger's car, but a taxi driver is allowing a stranger to get into the car with them.)

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