05/11/17 05:50AM
PSA: Expect Anti-Hypnosis articles popping up in the coming days/weeks.
Potentially, anyway.

On this week's new episode of America's favorite fear-mongering police worship propaganda show (Law & Order SVU), the subject is Hypnosis. Oftentimes when SVU has an episode that revolves around some sort of subculture, they make it look as terrible as possible, perpetuate lies about it and scream "(x) IS RAPE!!!" as loudly as possible. And oftentimes, the media will run with the lies and claim that whatever (x) is, is a terrible, disgusting subculture that exists for no other purpose than to rape women, just after said episode airs.

So... don't be surprised if media outlets start publishing articles over the next few days/weeks equating Hypnosis fetishism to literal real-world rape. FYI I didn't even really watch the episode, I only just so happened to have it on for a few minutes while I was making dinner and overheard them talking about how somebody was raped with hypnosis. I don't know the whole context of it, since I only watched it for like 2 minutes, but I can almost assure you that the media is going to run with the subject for clicks.

If it does happen, be the smarter person and don't take their bait.
05/11/17 05:55AM
a) I didn't know SVU was still that relevant. I mean I know SVU is still going and it is <<en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nielsen_ratings#Sweeps|sweeps month>> but I thought it was more of on the level of afterthought that the original was when it was winding down its run.

b) we all survived the Great Fetlife Kerfluffle, we can survive this.
05/11/17 05:57AM
Oh boy...this isn't good...
05/11/17 05:59AM
Sir_Lurksalaot said:
a) I didn't know SVU was still that relevant. I mean I know SVU is still going and it is <<en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nielsen_ratings#Sweeps|sweeps month>> but I thought it was more of on the level of afterthought that the original was when it was winding down its run.

b) we all survived the Great Fetlife Kerfluffle, we can survive this.

Great Fetlife Kerfluffle?
05/11/17 06:00AM
You know what? good if people get turned away from my fetish that just leaves more of it for me.
SVU is like one of my favorite shows
05/11/17 06:04AM
God, if you think SVU is propaganda, I'd hate to see what you thought of a movie like Patriots Day.

Anyway, that show hasn't been relevant for friggin' years. And any time they do something like this, it's so over the top it's comical. So don't worry our pretty little head over such matters. Hell, Jessica Jones had more relevance when it did the whole "Mind Control/Rape" thing a lot better, with interesting responses on both mc and non-mc communities.
05/11/17 06:04AM
Argonis said:
You know what? good if people get turned away from my fetish that just leaves more of it for me.
SVU is like one of my favorite shows

Man, it's literally just propaganda though. Almost every episode with a "based on current news" type of plot just pushes official narratives.
05/11/17 06:06AM
Contorted said:
God, if you think SVU is propaganda, I'd hate to see what you thought of a movie like Patriots Day.

Anyway, that show hasn't been relevant for friggin' years. And any time they do something like this, it's so over the top it's comical. So don't worry our pretty little head over such matters. Hell, Jessica Jones had more relevance when it did the whole "Mind Control/Rape" thing a lot better, with interesting responses on both mc and non-mc communities.

Haven't seen Patriots Day. Summary?

And yeah it's still pretty relevant because there's a lot of armchair activists who watch it and try and run with the fearmongered narratives that it pushes.
05/11/17 06:06AM
I mean, none of us here would ever do something like that with hypnosis. People can believe whatever they're told, be it the BDSM community is filled with abusive sex maniacs (Fifty Shades), gamers are misogynistic domestic terrorists (<<youtu.be/UEg7qjFcGXw|H3H3 gotcha covered>>), and hypnotists are all buncha creepy rapists (<<youtu.be/-M2khjpOxzc|the tape they watched on Red Letter Media was so... ew>>). Regardless of poor representation, we know there are shitty people out there, but are in no way representative of the overall community. If anyone you know brings it up (with or without knowing your fetish), I'm sure you could tell them what's what.
05/11/17 06:09AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
I mean, none of us here would ever do something like that with hypnosis. People can believe whatever they're told, be it the BDSM community is filled with abusive sex maniacs (Fifty Shades), gamers are misogynistic domestic terrorists (<<youtu.be/UEg7qjFcGXw|H3H3 gotcha covered>>), and hypnotists are all buncha creepy rapists (<<youtu.be/-M2khjpOxzc|the tape they watched on Red Letter Media was so... ew>>). Regardless of poor representation, we know there are shitty people out there, but are in no way representative of the overall community. If anyone you know brings it up (with or without knowing your fetish), I'm sure you could tell them what's what.

Of course *we* know it, but that doesn't mean that the general public does.

But that's kind of what I'm saying in general. Don't take their bait. Don't get riled up by it if people start harassing us because they saw it on SVU.

Also yeah I remember the Gamergate episode of SVU. One of the few I actually watched all the way through. Dear god that episode was a disaster.
05/11/17 06:12AM
WhatIsLove said:
Potentially, anyway.

On this week's new episode of America's favorite fear-mongering police worship propaganda show (Law & Order SVU)

Show me on this doll where SVU touched you.
05/11/17 06:12AM
WhatIsLove said:
Haven't seen Patriots Day. Summary?

And yeah it's still pretty relevant because there's a lot of armchair activists who watch it and try and run with the fearmongered narratives that it pushes.

It's about the Boston Bombings and the manhunt that was committed to stop them from attacking again. Absolutely fantastic movie, even though it didn't so well at the box office when it came out early this year.

If you say so.
05/11/17 06:14AM
EoD said:
Show me on this doll where SVU touched you.


Contorted said:
It's about the Boston Bombings and the manhunt that was committed to stop them from attacking again. Absolutely fantastic movie, even though it didn't so well at the box office when it came out early this year.

If you say so.

We did it, Reddit!
05/11/17 06:22AM
I thought this show died off or some shit.
05/11/17 06:30AM
someguy231 said:
I thought this show died off or some shit.

It died a loooong time ago. Probably around the time Christopher Meloni left.
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