05/12/17 11:04PM
PSA: Worldwide hacking going on!
I just read in the news that a worldwide hacking is going on. All kinds of facilities have been hacked, hospitals, universities, police departments and more important business. It's a ransomware virus that uses a bug in Windows to get in your system and encrypts all your files, you have to pay money to the hackers to decrypt them. So everyone, please be careful right now, don't open suspicious email, update your malware and virus scanners, and update your Windows to fix that bug.

05/12/17 11:11PM
Any sources links to share about this...?
05/12/17 11:14PM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Any sources links to share about this...?

I don't know all American news sites since I'm Dutch, but CNN posted an article
05/12/17 11:20PM
You do realize that ransomware isn't a new thing, right? Hackers have been using it for years.
05/12/17 11:21PM
WhatIsLove said:
You do realize that ransomware isn't a new thing, right? Hackers have been using it for years.

I know that it isn't a new thing and I also never said it was
05/12/17 11:29PM
It's just a good measure to actually share your sources, as to get more information on whatever's being described.
05/12/17 11:31PM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
It's just a good measure to actually share your sources, as to get more information on whatever's being described.

Agreed, however, I don't know many English sources, so I'm sorry for the lack of sources ((I'll try to see if i can find some more)) anyways, hopefully this worldwide hacking is over soon.
05/12/17 11:35PM
05/12/17 11:36PM
Just make sure your stuff is updated, I guess. From what I'm reading, Microsoft released an update in March to block the exploit that they're using to infect PCs.
05/13/17 02:50AM
I'm sure I just got that update on my PC last night. Also, this also feels like a more active attack than your standard ransomware and when IT experts are concerned, then you might need to be, too.
05/13/17 05:09AM
Ohh, so that's what that update was. Oh well.

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