05/12/17 11:29PM
The Rock from People´s Champion to President?
This is part of the interview that The Rock did basically say that its a real possibility that he will run president someday.

So i am a Spaniard and i am curious of what do you think about the Rock being president?.

Because seriously if the Rock wants to be president he will be president he is the most carsimatic person of the planet just look at him there is no fucking way in hell that he loses.
05/12/17 11:31PM
<<|I beg to differ. There is one more charismatic>>
05/12/17 11:33PM
Pinkanator said:
<<|I beg to differ. There is one more charismatic>>

Look at him again


that smile should be categorized as a weapon of massive wetting
05/12/17 11:35PM
Motorata said:
Because seriously if the Rock wants to be president he will be president he is the most carsimatic person of the planet just look at him there is no fucking way in hell that he loses.

A. Not how you spell charismatic.
B. Charisma alone is never enough to win. That, and I wouldn't support some charismatic guy if his policies/decisions/beliefs are shit...
05/12/17 11:37PM
But we already currently have the people's champion as president!

Edit: Plus everybody knows that the next president is going to be Lisa Simpson.

Though personally, I think this would be our best option:
05/13/17 12:05AM
Reminds me of the time an <<|UFC fighter>> ran for, and got into, Finnish parliament. Or, you know, Schwarzenegger.

Funny thing is, he might actually be a decent choice, not because he's particularly qualified, but because no one is under any delusions that he is, hopefully himself included. A man of average intelligence would with any luck have the good sense to listen to expert advisors instead of going with whatever he wants.

RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Charisma alone is never enough to win. That, and I wouldn't support some charismatic guy if his policies/decisions/beliefs are shit...

Trudeau. Sorry, but people really are that fickle that they'd vote for someone if they're pretty enough. Or, if you'll excuse me evocing Godwin's Law, Hitler, as he'd written Mein Kampf quite early in his political career.
05/13/17 12:05AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
A. Not how you spell charismatic.
B. Charisma alone is never enough to win. That, and I wouldn't support some charismatic guy if his policies/decisions/beliefs are shit...

A Thnaks for the correction i will remember it.

B No its true you need to have some ideas that your supporters can get behind but as any politician he will become the persona that would take more votes and that would even the field with the other politicians and then it would be a war of popularity and charisma, The Rock is already a know figure loved for many people, maybe he would have problems in being taked seriously but he would only had to say that Regan was a actor too.

And then it would be a war in speeches and debates and there the Rock has more energy and charisma in his little finger that any politician that i know in his whole body. Proof

Just watch the first 30 seconds now try to imagine someone facing this in a presidential debate.
05/13/17 12:40AM
Now here is a little scene that i have on my head The Rock is on a presidential debate with Trump ( i only use Trump because he is know to insult people in this kind of debates i don´t want to begin a flame war this is only for Fun)

-So about the inmigrant Ban,says the rock,i think that this is one of yout greatest mistakes MrTrump, this country is made by inmigrants that is what it make it strong in the first place, that is what make it strong now we need to abolist it inmediatly

-(Insert a Trump insult here)

The Rock first look in disbelief that he dared to say that to him, with a sigh he rapidly put his sunglasses on, lifts his eyebrow and grabs the mic in his hand.

-Why the hell do you said that?

-Well i think.....

-ITS DOESN´T MATTER WHAT DO YOU THINK, maybe you can´t hear me well with that pubic hair that you sticked on your head but the Rock its gonna make it clear for everybody, The Rock are gonna save this contry by beating that orange candy ass back to Russia because if you think that the people are gonna vote a Jabroni like you having the Great one to be the president you aren´t just a fat dumb ass, you are the fat dumb ass that thinks that all americans are like him and if you disrespects America like that The Rock will lay a smackdown on your candy flacid as,because The Rock the peoples champion is gonna be finally on the White House to be the most electrifying presidente ever
05/13/17 01:22AM
I thought The Rock was a conservative?

Granted, it looks more likely by the hour that Trump won't be president by Christmas, but it would still mean a Republican incumbent in 2020 either way.
05/13/17 01:30AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
I thought The Rock was a conservative?

Granted, it looks more likely by the hour that Trump won't be president by Christmas, but it would still mean a Republican incumbent in 2020 either way.

I don´t know what his political views are i just know that i would love to see him in a debate
05/13/17 01:33AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
I thought The Rock was a conservative?

Granted, it looks more likely by the hour that Trump won't be president by Christmas, but it would still mean a Republican incumbent in 2020 either way.

He'll be a president for eight more years! :)
05/13/17 03:09AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
A. Not how you spell charismatic.
B. Charisma alone is never enough to win. That, and I wouldn't support some charismatic guy if his policies/decisions/beliefs are shit...

Try telling that to the people of Jonestown...wait a minute scratch what I said
As for if The Rock should be president, well, like you said, depends on his policies, beliefs in the betterment of the United States, and having the stones to back his policies if they are good, just, and what this country needs
05/13/17 05:15AM
Ronald Reagan did it. Why not?
So long as he has proper views and can stay calm under pressure I wouldn't suddenly start worrying for the future over here in Europe. It doesn't seem to say in the article at first glance, but I wonder what party he'd run with. Anyone coming after president Trump is going to have a hell of a job though, do not envy that person... Pulling the nation back from "fake news" and the likes.

Eigher way, for the next 4 years it is definitely a moot point.
05/13/17 05:41AM
"So tell me, what does the senate think?" "Well president Johnson the sena-" "IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT THE SENATE THINKS! Because the Rock is gonna veto their candy asses!
05/13/17 11:19AM
All the jokes aside, Dwayne Johnson's politics have... Mostly been kept pretty close to himself? People know he openly supported George W. Bush back in '04, but he's also supported Democratic candidates at times, indicating that he's probably politically pretty strongly centrist. This is a difficult position to Primary in - he'd either be running to the left of 45, or to the right of most of the Democratic slate - but would make him almost a shoo-in if he made it to the General under either major party.

I don't think he's a supremely smart individual, but he does, IMO, have something I feel that we haven't had since Bill Clinton - he's a very savvy individual compared to the slates we've seen since 2000. I'd opine that he'd be a perfect crowd-puller as a Vice Presidential candidate, especially if his centrist-compassionate attitude were used as a 'balancer' to an activist Presidential candidate. (A lot of people forget the value of a good Veep pick to voters - a lot of the strongest victories in American electoral history came from contrasting President/Vice President duos. Compare the activist-styled Barack Obama to his Experienced Elder Statesman Vice President, Joe Biden, for a successful example of this sort of contrast... And for an example where the contrast just wasn't there, look at Hillary Rodham-Clinton and Tim Kaine.)

Mind, if he runs in 2020, his choices are pretty much "Run as a Democrat" or "Pray Trump's out of office before the Primary season starts" - the chances of any sitting President losing in the Primaries of his own party is very, very low, meaning his best chance if he ran for the GOP nom is if he were going against a President Pence (who lacks the same sway with the Trump base and would be extremely short on momentum.)
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