05/13/17 09:09PM
Pain from dreams, Deja Vu, Weird dreams, etc.
This has been something that has bothered, and fascinated me for a while now. I would like to know if anyone else has experienced physical pain as a result of actions in a dream. Like just last night I was struck with a nightmare that's ended with me getting electrocuted; not just a shock, but constant streams of electricity coursing through my body. When I awoke, I could not move or speak and it felt like I was paralyzed; still feeling the intense pain. Any information or even experiences would be very much appreciated!
05/13/17 09:16PM
Closet I have experienced is sleep paralysis just waking up completely numb and unable to move. I once woke up and thought I was actually paralyzed for the first few seconds.
05/13/17 09:20PM
Imasuky said:
Closet I have experienced is sleep paralysis just waking up completely numb and unable to move. I once woke up and thought I was actually paralyzed for the first few seconds.

I guess my experiences are like sleep paralysis, but much more painful, it is hard to really define
05/13/17 09:33PM
Rookaa_Nocturn said:
I guess my experiences are like sleep paralysis, but much more painful, it is hard to really define

It sounds like it.

I'm one of those lucky pepole that gets sleep paralysis on a somewhat regular basis. Often enough that it doesn't really bother me as much anymore.
05/13/17 09:36PM
Imasuky said:
It sounds like it.

I'm one of those lucky pepole that gets sleep paralysis on a somewhat regular basis. Often enough that it doesn't really bother me as much anymore.

This is only the second experience I remember, the first one happened sometime last year, and is much more...disgusting
05/13/17 09:39PM
Imasuky said:
It sounds like it.

I'm one of those lucky pepole that gets sleep paralysis on a somewhat regular basis. Often enough that it doesn't really bother me as much anymore.

From what I've heard, it's more likely to occur if you sleep on your back.

What you're talking about, Rookaa, on the other hand, I'd personally probably want to go to a GP about. [Though I suppose that depends what country you're in =u=]
05/13/17 09:43PM
Pastel-Daemon said:
From what I've heard, it's more likely to occur if you sleep on your back.

What you're talking about, Rookaa, on the other hand, I'd personally probably want to go to a GP about. [Though I suppose that depends what country you're in =u=]

05/13/17 09:48PM
Rookaa_Nocturn said:

General Practitioner I think.
05/13/17 09:51PM
Imasuky said:
General Practitioner I think.

Oh, I gotcha, seeing as this doesn't happen too often, I am not thinking a visit to a practitioner is warranted just yet, but thank you and thank you as well Pastel
05/13/17 09:53PM
I have experienced pain from dreams seeping over into wakefulness--I had a dream once that I was bitten on the arm by a weird lizard/plant hybrid, and I woke up instantly only to still feel the pain. I felt a terrible burning sensation in my arm where the thing bit me in the dream that very gradually went away.
05/13/17 09:59PM
geekgirl8 said:
I have experienced pain from dreams seeping over into wakefulness--I had a dream once that I was bitten on the arm by a weird lizard/plant hybrid, and I woke up instantly only to still feel the pain. I felt a terrible burning sensation in my arm where the thing bit me in the dream that very gradually went away.

I felt similar pain in my first experience. Perhaps it is a misfiring of neurons in response to phantom stimulus?
05/13/17 09:59PM
By how you explained it it sounds like the reverse what happened in your dream did not seep into your waking body but in fact something happened to your body while you were asleep that transferred into your dream.
05/13/17 10:11PM
Argonis said:
By how you explained it it sounds like the reverse what happened in your dream did not seep into your waking body but in fact something happened to your body while you were asleep that transferred into your dream.

Thats the funny thing; I was on my computer, turned it off, fell asleep, and then the feeling of being electrocuted in my dream, before waking up and it bleeding into reality
05/13/17 10:14PM
Rookaa_Nocturn said:
Thats the funny thing; I was on my computer, turned it off, fell asleep, and then the feeling of being electrocuted in my dream, before waking up and it bleeding into reality

Maybe that's why you felt like you were being electrocuted its cause you fell asleep in such an awkward spot.
05/13/17 10:17PM
Argonis said:
Maybe that's why you felt like you were being electrocuted its cause you fell asleep in such an awkward spot.

I have my laptop on a stand next to my bed, so I shut it, then laid down...but maybe you are right
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