05/17/17 08:14PM
Ideas for Toon Liz
Chef here. Deme and I are always looking for interesting new situations for our girl Liz to get herself in, and we admit we can't always come up with new stuff on our own. Do you have any suggestions for a Liz pic? Tell us here and we might do it eventually. Keyword being "might".

Here's Liz's current ref sheet in case it helps:
05/17/17 10:02PM
I'd be interested in seeing what her Pokemon team looks like, assuming it's not just an Ampharos. Alternatively, since she likes music and radio, there could be something involving the Gold & Silver radio stations.

-Goldenrod Radio Tower plays Pokemon March and Pokemon Lullaby, which increase and decrease encounter rates, respectively. Perhaps Liz likes to listen to one of them? Trancing to Pokemon March and it 'attracts Pokemon' quality, or going into a nice relaxing trace with the lullaby.
-Team Rocket once broadcast a radio signal that screwed with the evolution of Pokemon at the Lake of Rage, causing the famous Red Gyarados. Liz might hear the broadcast and swap out her headband for a shiny colored version?
-That mysterious Unown signal that plays in the Ruins of Alph. I'm picturing Unown corruption, or just a general 'Liz submits to the will of the Unown' kind of thing, possibly with them spelling out O B E Y.

As far as non-Pokemon suggestions go:
-Gale possesses Liz to put her own suggestions on the airwaves, so Liz ends up with a few mindslaves she doesn't remember making
-More lore on what kinds of shows Liz does and their effects; how often does she make herself fall while live?
-More tentacles are always good. Just, y'know. Tentacles.
05/17/17 10:08PM
Obscenario gave me an idea for the radio station.

Maybe something with DJ Mary using her voice to trance Liz.

I actually did a big series about DJ hosting a show where women would tell sex stories. I've always had a thing for her and I think she and Lix would be very cute togather.
05/17/17 10:28PM
Obscenario said:
As far as non-Pokemon suggestions go:
-Gale possesses Liz to put her own suggestions on the airwaves, so Liz ends up with a few mindslaves she doesn't remember making
-More tentacles are always good. Just, y'know. Tentacles.

I approve, we need more with Gale ^^
How about Gale wants some 'fun' but needs Liz' body to do so or Gale just wants to watch some lesbian action with Liz and another girl while both girls aren't in control of their body (<<|reference>>)?
For the tentacle thing you could combine a ghost tentacle alien taking over Gale and then taking over Liz with Gale xP
05/17/17 10:32PM
Hey Chef~ You may or may not know I've been putting a lot of posts of myself on the hub recently and I'm becoming a bit of a rising star~ If you every wanna do something with me and Toon Liz in the same pic message me~
05/17/17 10:41PM
Anno1404 said:
I approve, we need more with Gale ^^
How about Gale wants some 'fun' but needs Liz' body to do so or Gale just wants to watch some lesbian action with Liz and another girl while both girls aren't in control of their body (<<|reference>>)?

StepfordCrimson said:
If you every wanna do something with me and Toon Liz in the same pic message me~

05/17/17 11:44PM
I'm a dummy and forgot Toon Liz had Ampharos Ears...would love to "do" something with her sometime *giggles*
05/17/17 11:58PM
Toon Liz wearing a sexy kimono and zombie walking? :3
05/18/17 12:03AM
StepfordCrimson said:
Hey Chef~ You may or may not know I've been putting a lot of posts of myself on the hub recently and I'm becoming a bit of a rising star~ If you every wanna do something with me and Toon Liz in the same pic message me~

pokemongirl said:
I'm a dummy and forgot Toon Liz had Ampharos Ears...would love to "do" something with her sometime *giggles*

I am in full support of both of these even more so if all three were togather.
05/18/17 12:51AM
Repeating my last suggestion for Toon Liz to Toon-ify Awake-san through the radio and get her to start smashing alarm clocks :3
05/18/17 12:56AM
StepfordCrimson said:
Hey Chef~ You may or may not know I've been putting a lot of posts of myself on the hub recently and I'm becoming a bit of a rising star~ If you every wanna do something with me and Toon Liz in the same pic message me~

pokemongirl said:
I'm a dummy and forgot Toon Liz had Ampharos Ears...would love to "do" something with her sometime *giggles*

Dr_Mabuse said:
Repeating my last suggestion for Toon Liz to Toon-ify Awake-san through the radio and get her to start smashing alarm clocks :3

We're not really looking to do anything that can't be understood or enjoyed by people that aren't actively on Hypnohub. The hub is kinda secondary to us, as we're mostly based out of Tumblr. Not even everything we make ends up on the hub, since it doesn't always involve mind control. Hub-only references or OCs are very unlikely to show up.
05/18/17 12:56AM
How about some good ol' haigure? :D (I'll see myself out)
05/18/17 12:58AM
Sleepyhead97 said:
How about some good ol' haigure? :D (I'll see myself out)

05/18/17 01:00AM
Obscenario said:
I'd be interested in seeing what her Pokemon team looks like, assuming it's not just an Ampharos. Alternatively, since she likes music and radio, there could be something involving the Gold & Silver radio stations.

-Goldenrod Radio Tower plays Pokemon March and Pokemon Lullaby, which increase and decrease encounter rates, respectively. Perhaps Liz likes to listen to one of them? Trancing to Pokemon March and it 'attracts Pokemon' quality, or going into a nice relaxing trace with the lullaby.
-Team Rocket once broadcast a radio signal that screwed with the evolution of Pokemon at the Lake of Rage, causing the famous Red Gyarados. Liz might hear the broadcast and swap out her headband for a shiny colored version?
-That mysterious Unown signal that plays in the Ruins of Alph. I'm picturing Unown corruption, or just a general 'Liz submits to the will of the Unown' kind of thing, possibly with them spelling out O B E Y.

I understand that the Ampharos ears imply this, but Liz isn't a very Pokémon-focused OC. Far as we're concerned, she doesn't even exist in a world where Pokémon (consistently) exist. The ears are a novelty accessory that she wears because she's a big nerd with no fashion sense. In reality, the ears are a hold-over from when her design was inspired by another character who wears a novelty hairband. This doesn't mean we'll never do Pokémon-related stuff with her, but it's definitely not a central aspect of her character.
05/18/17 01:18AM
ChefPyro said:
We're not really looking to do anything that can't be understood or enjoyed by people that aren't actively on Hypnohub. The hub is kinda secondary to us, as we're mostly based out of Tumblr. Not even everything we make ends up on the hub, since it doesn't always involve mind control. Hub-only references or OCs are very unlikely to show up.

No worries, I got my own Tumblr and DA pages too. But if you not interested I understand
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