05/19/17 07:16AM
Recommendations for MLP artists who take commissions? Plus general suggestions.
EDIT 05/25/17: The story is now complete, all that's left is to find an artist. This is still proving to be difficult, so any assistance would be appreciated. As it turns out, Saurian is a no-go because he won't depict Spike if he isn't taking it up the butt, so he politely declined after I said I was attached to his scene with Fluttershy. So I'm back to square one.

So I had this idea swimming in my head for a series of hypno commissions based in the MLPFIM universe, basically involving the Mane Six being seduced by a mysterious spiritual entity known as The Influence into "better embodying" their elements of friendship in extreme and sexual ways.

It will be roughly three images per character, with dialogue in the form of a hypnotic monologue from The Influence herself.

The thing is I have absolutely no idea who to look for to commission this. What I've seen of Sebastian (my previous artist)'s work with MLP characters doesn't really interest me, and I'm not sure where I should look next. If I have to I might be able to go with Sebastian, but if I can I'd really like to pick somebody with an MLP specialty just to make sure it's as good as I can reasonably get, so If anyone has any suggestions, I'd really appreciate it.

Here are the six stories:

Rarity: The Influence persuades her that she has failed to live up to the element of generosity by designing and modeling sexy clothes and causing poor horny stallions to lust after a body that none of them will ever have. It urges her to atone by swearing off clothing forever and devoting her life to offering her body to all who lust after her.

Applejack: The Influence urges her to be honest with herself and admit to her deepest, most depraved desires, namely her incestuous crush on Big Mac, and her secret desire to be treated as livestock rather than as a farmer.

Pinkie Pie: The Influence convinces her that she knows next to nothing about throwing REAL parties, and urges her to go to a crazy local party, get drunk off her ass on alcoholic cider, and in general be a total spring-break-level slut, doing humiliating stuff in the process.

Rainbow Dash: The Influence persuades her to get back together with her ex boyfriend, who she had left because he was a bit of a traditionalist and a bit of a jerk. The Influence tells her that she needs to show more loyalty and faithfulness than that and needs to be more flexible to make love work, and while influencing the boyfriend to be a bit nicer, the Influence also compels her to tame herself and become a submissive, feminine, naked-apron housewife.

Fluttershy: Fluttershy is persuaded to comfort a devastated Spike after he doesn't take Rarity's change in occupation very well, helping him deal with his hang-ups about being a generally abused butt monkey by giving him a session of attentative, compassionate pity sex, simultaneously allowing The Influence to worm its way into Spike's mind as well.

Twilight: Hers is a surprise :)

Anyway, I'm running around mostly blind here, so if anyone has any interest in seeing this idea illustrated and has any leads for me, that would be awesome.

05/19/17 08:44AM
Fluttershy: You poor dear! You're still a virgin at your age? Well..if you'd like.. I'll be your first. I promise I'll be gentle.

Rainbow Dash: What?! She was crazy to break up with you! You're an amazing lover.. and I'll prove it. Fuck me! Yeah, you heard me. You can have me, in any hole, as many times as it takes to get your confidence back. Rainbow Dash never leaves a friend hanging!

Twilight Sparkle: Saucy Stocking's Bonum Tactus can increase the sensitivity of erogenous zones. However, that would be useless unless somepony knows WHERE you like to be touched. A Know Them Be Them spell would let you know everything about what your partener was thinking and feeling. But would the increased sensory feedback from Tactus be too much? Would you care to help me in a few experiments?
05/19/17 12:07PM
What sort of ponies are you interested in? Anthro?
05/19/17 01:34PM
Zelamir said:
What sort of ponies are you interested in? Anthro?

Well, I'm really more concerned with how well the artist can draw the female form (specifically their ability to draw full, perky, round breasts at a large but reasonable size), but also, from what I've seen I find Rarity's usual humanoid hairstyle to be too much of a poofy turn-off, but I'm not sure what hairstyle looks better on her other than her furry form's standard mane. So I think I'll go with furry rather than fully humanized.

anonymind said:
Fluttershy: You poor dear! You're still a virgin at your age? Well..if you'd like.. I'll be your first. I promise I'll be gentle.

Rainbow Dash: What?! She was crazy to break up with you! You're an amazing lover.. and I'll prove it. Fuck me! Yeah, you heard me. You can have me, in any hole, as many times as it takes to get your confidence back. Rainbow Dash never leaves a friend hanging!

Twilight Sparkle: Saucy Stocking's Bonum Tactus can increase the sensitivity of erogenous zones. However, that would be useless unless somepony knows WHERE you like to be touched. A Know Them Be Them spell would let you know everything about what your partener was thinking and feeling. But would the increased sensory feedback from Tactus be too much? Would you care to help me in a few experiments?

Thanks for the suggestions!

* The Fluttershy one is too similar to Rarity's concept of compassionate sluttiness. Though it did persuade me that maybe instead of all the text being a sort of hypnotic monologue from "The Influence", as we'll call her, maybe a few of these characters would be better off speaking for themselves. I'd certainly be willing to explore compassionate sluttiness from another angle, just worried it'd get repetitive. To avoid that I could throw in some bestiality or tentacle stuff by having her show this compassion to an endangered species she's taking care of and becoming a breeding mate for it.

* The Rainbow Dash one I don't feel I can use, but it DID jog my thought process enough to come up with my own idea where The Influence tells her that any truly loyal pony would never have broken up with their ex, and in something similar to stepfordization she turns into a faithful naked-apron housewife.

* Hm.... now there's an idea for Twilight, sexually corrupting her love of magic and experiments, encouraging her to open up some naughty forbidden book of spells and testing them on herself out of a perverse desire to learn.
05/21/17 05:05AM
Aaaalright! So! I actually have four of the six parts scripted out with illustration descriptions, and I've finalized my plans for the other two as well. I should be ready to go and start making this soon. But I still need an artist, and I have absolutely no clue who to choose or where to start looking. So... any help would be appreciated!
05/21/17 08:27AM
Hawkeye said:
Aaaalright! So! I actually have four of the six parts scripted out with illustration descriptions, and I've finalized my plans for the other two as well. I should be ready to go and start making this soon. But I still need an artist, and I have absolutely no clue who to choose or where to start looking. So... any help would be appreciated!

I believe <<sauriansponies.tumblr.com|Saurian>> is willing to take comic commissions.
05/21/17 01:15PM
Obscenario said:
I believe <<sauriansponies.tumblr.com|Saurian>> is willing to take comic commissions.

Hmmm. This is pretty nice, but I'm not sure what I think about the whole fingerless hooves thing. I mean I want their feet to be hooved for various reasons (namely why Rarity has no shoes to take off and also because it'll look great with applejack) but one planned picture revolves pretty heavily around one character giving another a handjob, so...

EDIT: Oh, looks like they do normal hands too. Hm... I'll consider it. Any other options anyone can think of?
05/22/17 07:28AM
Aaaaaaand... DONE!

Excellent, all six "episodes" are fully written out. I may do a touch of modification here or there, but they're ready. I've tried looking around for other potential artists, though it hasn't been easy, and so far Saurian's looking like my best bet. Though if anyone still has any other options they can think of, I'd be happy to hear them.

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