05/23/17 09:03AM
Persona 5 Shadow Challenge
Okay for those of you who don't know there's thing thing that just started getting a lot of buzz called the Persona 5 Shadow Challenge. For those of you who played Persona 5, it's simple: Do a short monologue as if you yourself was a shadow interacting with the Phantom Thieves who are out for your own treasure. This mini-monologue or interaction with other characters can be funny, sad, dramatic, emotional, or whatever direction you think would suit your personality best. You also have to include description of what your Palace would be like, what your Shadow is like and what your treasure is. On top of that you can call out 5 of you r friends or other people to try this as well.

I threw my hat into the ring and I'm wondering if anyone else has one or wants to make one. If you do write it down below or have a link to one~

Here's mine stepfordcrimson.deviantar...hadow-Challenge-682158533

As for who I challenge to this, I chose Roxa, EdgeOfTheMoon, Oo_Sebastian_oO, TwilightL and Whisper

Have fun peeps~
05/23/17 09:59AM
Looks like fun. :3
05/26/17 02:25AM
*has the party wear the DaN outfits to her palace to spite her shadow.*

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