05/25/17 02:13AM
Blocking users for the sake of one's sanity
In light of recent events I am prompted to ask; is there any method of blocking communication with people on here? Just to keep ourselves sane?
05/25/17 02:15AM
Defcon7 said:
In light of recent events I am prompted to ask; is there any method of blocking communication with people on here? Just to keep ourselves sane?

Nope. Just gotta build some thicker skin, mental fortitude, ooorrrr, just take a break from the site. The last I wanna do more of :/
05/25/17 02:17AM
That's...very unfortunate. Can that feature be implemented somehow? (I'm asking because I'm worried about harassment.
05/25/17 02:20AM
It would've been a nice option to have during the days of LTM. >.>
05/25/17 02:20AM
Defcon7 said:
That's...very unfortunate. Can that feature be implemented somehow? (I'm asking because I'm worried about harassment.

No. If any users are legitimately harassing you, screenshot and link the comments (or DMs), and tell a mod or admin immediately. This isn't something that's just allowed to happen, and as I'm sure, it will be discussed and somehow dealt with.
05/25/17 02:26AM
I could whip up a Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey script to remove comments from specific users if you really need it.
05/25/17 02:28AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
No. If any users are legitimately harassing you, screenshot and link the comments (or DMs), and tell a mod or admin immediately. This isn't something that's just allowed to happen, and as I'm sure, it will be discussed and somehow dealt with.

YouAreARobotNow said:
I could whip up a Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey script to remove comments from specific users if you really need it.

Ok. Thanks for your inputs. Robot, I'm on Mobile anyways and I haven't uploaded anything. But again thank you.
05/25/17 03:54AM
What did I miss? Did something happen?
05/25/17 03:55AM
WhatIsLove said:
What did I miss? Did something happen?

Let's not get into it, please...

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