05/29/17 06:06AM
Those subtle things that tip you that someone you know shares your fetish
So was just wondering if anyone has ever picked up on any of these?

For me personally there are little things that I notice about people close to me such as my parents sharing my love for the Jungle Book and particular mentions of Kaa without other things from the film. Just little things like that. Anyone else ever had this realization or assumption about anyone they know?
05/29/17 08:48AM
A close friend of mine always used to comment about my art that I would show them by stating that belly buttons are cute. I always played it cool and didn't delve further into the issue but I'm quite curious if he ever had the fetish himself or if he knew anything about the art I've been making.

I've grown distant from him now so I may never know the answer to that question.
05/29/17 11:31AM
I install keyloggers on all my friend's computers to find what porn they search for.

But in all seriousness, I find that people who are normally very comfortable with comedy, able to roll genius jokes out with barely half a moment to think, tend to be more likely to trip up or overthink a joke that is relevant to their fetish. In fact, they'll often spend a lot of time pondering whether a not a joke is appropriate or not within the context of their own thoughts, even though it's completely innocent to everyone else in the room.

More reserved, less fluent comedians, however, seem to have an opposite problem. Their fetish-related jokes still tend to be a bit awkward or stilted in delivery, but they stand out among the others.

It's definitely not certain, every comedian stumbles through a delivery every now and then, and even the most awful of jokers occasionally hit one out of the park. I'd typically look for patterns and do some subtle probing from there.

As for fetishes that are shared with me personally, I like essentially say "Does the following ring any bells", then say a sentence filled with keywords that, taken out of context, are vague enough to be meaningless to anyone outside the community, but specific enough that, you know, it leads to your fetish and few to no others.
Here are some keywords/phrases I've found good for hypnosis:
"Go/Put under"
"Relax to let go"
"Talk you/them to sleep"
Obviously, again, not 100% reliable as smaller, self-contained communities may not practice the same diction, or the person you're talking to might just be a bit... slow.
05/29/17 01:27PM
I've found that if someone says to you "I have a hypno fetish" there's at least a good 80% chance they might be into this fetish.
05/29/17 06:36PM
pokefannafekop said:

I'm quite the comedian but I avoid the topic entirely. The fewer opportunities to make something awkward the better. I find it easier to joke about robots and such because my interest isn't entirely sexual.
05/30/17 05:09AM
I hope I never find out about any fetishes my parents have, curious though I may be if there's any correlation. My sister and I are very open when we share things these days but so far there's nothing we have in common when it comes to fetishes. We can explain it to each other in a way where we understand the other's point of view, but never to the point where we agree that it's a fetish for both of us.

I tend to avoid anything to do with the hypnosis fetish IRL. It just... catches me off guard so easily, and I don't like that in any situation. But for other fetishes, like say, tentacles, "I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going" rolls off the tongue quite easily without me immediately linking it to the sexual part of my brain, even if I say it with a tongue-in-cheek kind of tone.

As for noticing other people's fetishes: I am absolutely, 100% clueless. I've had people share them outright with me, but that's the only way I know they have a certain fetish. I "get" that other fetishes exist (like say, men in uniform, BDSM, ...) but who among my friends has them? No idea. And that's okay :)
05/30/17 12:03PM
YouAreARobotNow said:
I'm quite the comedian but I avoid the topic entirely. The fewer opportunities to make something awkward the better. I find it easier to joke about robots and such because my interest isn't entirely sexual.

Ily YAARN <3


I don't think I've met anyone who just TURNED OUT to have the same fetish as I, so it's hard for me to say if there are only tells or clues <_>. I avoid letting on about it unless they're an SO or I'm in the lovely community. I'm probably just bad at noticing...
05/30/17 12:06PM
Changer said:
I've found that if someone says to you "I have a hypno fetish" there's at least a good 80% chance they might be into this fetish.

The other 20% just want to have sex with a big yellow pokemon with big noses that look like they came out of the Simpsons.

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