06/02/17 07:52AM
Can we get some sort of noticeable indicator of an animated image?
I feel like I miss things I might like because I don't realize they're animated and just skip over them based on the thumbnail. Some sort of indicator on the image would be nice.
06/02/17 07:55AM
UselessFish said:
I feel like I miss things I might like because I don't realize they're animated and just skip over them based on the thumbnail. Some sort of indicator on the image would be nice.

I noticed if its a sprite 9 times outta 10 its animated.
06/02/17 08:03AM
Argonis said:
I noticed if its a sprite 9 times outta 10 its animated.

and the 10th time, it's animated but stuck on the first frame forever.
06/02/17 08:14AM
i check the animated tag every now and then for exactly this reason.
06/02/17 08:47AM
For the record, my latest image is one of these. Just so you know. It's actually my first time ever uploading one of these to the hub in fact.
06/02/17 08:50AM
What I do for my preview images for animations I usually put giant text in the corner that says gif or animation. I recommend other artists do the same to differentiate.
06/02/17 09:38AM
Hover over the thumbnail and check if animated_gif is in the tags. You won't get any more than that, because we can't make that sort of change to the site's code.
06/02/17 07:44PM
Mindwipe said:
Hover over the thumbnail and check if animated_gif is in the tags. You won't get any more than that, because we can't make that sort of change to the site's code.

Yeah this is what I do if I think it might be animated but I'm not sure. Because the tags are listed alphabetically, animated_gif will always pop as one of the first ones even if it has fifty-bazillion others.
06/03/17 06:38AM
I use the mobile version for reasons. Can't exactly hover on a tablet... Could there be a kind of border around the animated images perhaps? Just in the simple red of the site?
06/03/17 06:44AM
Blacklisting them might help in an odd way.
06/03/17 07:10AM
Friye said:
I use the mobile version for reasons. Can't exactly hover on a tablet... Could there be a kind of border around the animated images perhaps? Just in the simple red of the site?

Like I said, we can't make changes to the site's code, and the guy who made the code stopped working on it. We're kinda just stuck with how it is for the foreseeable future.
06/04/17 07:50AM
Friye said:
I use the mobile version for reasons. Can't exactly hover on a tablet... Could there be a kind of border around the animated images perhaps? Just in the simple red of the site?

Mindwipe said:
Like I said, we can't make changes to the site's code, and the guy who made the code stopped working on it. We're kinda just stuck with how it is for the foreseeable future.

What's it coded in? Do you have the source? Is the guy who made the code still around to ask for the source?
06/04/17 08:28AM
UselessFish said:
What's it coded in? Do you have the source? Is the guy who made the code still around to ask for the source?

From what I got when talking to Van about it many ... maaaaaaany months(may be even years now) ago, is that they are not allowed to make big changes. There were very minor changes done - like for example with the report system of an image - but if you want to change a couple of more important things, chances are high you are going to break something else or create a security hole.

Mindwipe said:
Like I said, we can't make changes to the site's code, and the guy who made the code stopped working on it. We're kinda just stuck with how it is for the foreseeable future.

Yeah. I think the board software has done its duty. It's seriously time to update to a modern one that gives the userbase more options and its artist the chance to grow. If this means we have to move to another Server because slayerduck doesn't want us running any other software, then maybe patreon/donations might help fund the changes.

A more basic system like the ones used with sankaku complex for example would be sufficient. They support animations in apng and even movieclips. We are seriously lacking and people that do not check other sites miss great stuff like this:
or this:

The Software had it's last update end of 2013 and like you said, it's not expected to get any updates. People have been asking for a better forum and lots of features for a while, that is why, now that henry is in charge and things may change a little, this may be the best time to look into what can be done here.

Looking into it and asking the community shouldn't be that big of an issue - the implementation more so.

Of course, if the remaining staff does not want to put the work into organizing all that, I can completely understand that. It would be quite a bit of work, but that would also be quite disappointing for the community in the end.
06/05/17 04:41AM
Mindwipe said:
Like I said, we can't make changes to the site's code, and the guy who made the code stopped working on it. We're kinda just stuck with how it is for the foreseeable future.

I guess I don't know enough about coding ^^; oh well, we could always ask :)

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