06/02/17 08:36PM
Its time
06/02/17 08:41PM
06/02/17 09:12PM
06/02/17 09:18PM

06/02/17 10:18PM
If only I didn't suck at Tekken :/
06/02/17 10:21PM
06/03/17 12:23AM
I am going to have to request the OP of this thread change their thread title on account of the following <<|forum rule, if they still wish to continue the discussion>> (and a small reminder to go through the forum rules. =P):

Threads must have titles that some way express the topic of the thread. No vague clickbait titles.

06/03/17 12:35AM
Man I suck at this game.
I haven't tried playing online yet (I'm somewhat afraid to, since I'm certain I am going to get my ass beat) but I got up to the 22nd match of Treasure Battle and was offered a special rare item if I won and I lost D:
06/03/17 01:25AM
StepfordCrimson said:
If only I didn't suck at Tekken :/

Pick Eddy and spam the kick buttons. You'll be at Tekken Lord in no time.
06/03/17 02:46AM
Pinkanator said:
Pick Eddy and spam the kick buttons. You'll be at Tekken Lord in no time.

Where do you stand on Eddy vs The World, Pink?
06/03/17 02:55AM
Defcon7 said:
Where do you stand on Eddy vs The World, Pink?

I think he's boring as sin, I hate fighting him, find playing him boring, but can't bring myself to think of a game of one the T3 guys gone.

oh wait they cut lei didnt they
06/03/17 03:53AM
Pinkanator said:
I think he's boring as sin, I hate fighting him, find playing him boring, but can't bring myself to think of a game of one the T3 guys gone.

oh wait they cut lei didnt they

I at least think he's somewhat interesting, but I also detest playing against him. (Also, Lei's gone?? :( I thought he was cool! I never played as him but still...)
06/03/17 04:01AM
Another question: What's your favorite Tekken theme.

I thought mine was indisputably Yoshimitsu's T2 theme, The Head Shaker, But Devil Kazumi's theme and both rounds of Heat Haze Shadow have nestled their way into my heart.
06/03/17 04:03AM
Defcon7 said:
Another question: What's your favorite Tekken theme.

I thought mine was indisputably Yoshimitsu's T2 theme, The Head Shaker, But Devil Kazumi's theme and both rounds of Heat Haze Shadow have nestled their way into my heart.

Antares, Snow Castle, Midnight Wilderness and Anger of the Earth.
06/03/17 07:55PM
I'm going to write a full review of the game from the perspective of someone who has played every tekken game out there, starting at 3 when it first launched in the USA. Now that I've played the game for more than 10 hrs, I feel like I've seen all it has to offer, including most of the story from 7 now as well.
I'll be using Spoiler tags not for actual spoilers, but just to compress sections of the wall of incoming text. Scores I give each segment will follow the Spoiler tag.
I'm doing my best to review this like any other game, and not be biased as hell, since Tekken is one of the series I grew up loving. Objectivity is a serious focus here, I promise.

Combat is SO SMOOTH. The games have truly evolved well, to the point where I think Tekken is about as good as they can get it in terms of flow of battle, linking combos and attacks, animations, inputs, etc. It all combines so easily to make the play experience very fun for me as a veteran player. It also makes things easier for newer players to get into, I've found. Some characters are designed for new players, specifically 3 or 4 of the new characters. Lucky Chloe, Hasheen, Katarina, and Claudio feel to me like they link and follow up almost automatically. And you know that, that isn't all bad. My only gripe is that I have to re-learn a few of my favorite characters, like Lili, because they drastically altered some of the more complex inputs for some returning characters, and that screwed with me a lot.

Tekken is still the same game. You can always rely on it to have the same 4button input system that it always has. But to be good, you need to creatively expand on that system, delve deep into it, and figure out how to use it to its full potential. That being said, the games have begun relying more and more on complex inputs for sort of simple moves. The reliance on quarter circles has grown significantly since the older games (they were always there. See Yoshimitsu's "shark attack combo" from any game he's been in). But I've always hated them in the context of Tekken, because screwing up and accidentally sidestepping is a serious pain. However this is not gamebreaking at all. It's frustrating, sure, having never liked using the sticks for inputs. Regardless, they implemented it well, and it shows.
Breaking the stages has been around since Tekken 5, more-so in the PSP version (where they added 2 new, exclusive stages) and the developers have clearly been having fun with Unreal Engine's built-in destruction abilities. It's easy to take advantage of, and I would have done the same with many stages as well. It's so much fun to smash an opponent through the ground, then follow them down and continue your sick combo while your opponent flounders and bounces. Juggling is a dick move, but I'll eat a raw raddish covered in newspaper if it isn't an effective dick move.
The rage system has been around since Tekken 6, coming through Tag 2, and into 7. And Honestly, I thought it was perfect when they first introduced it. But putting in Rage Arts and Drives? Okay, NOW it's perfect. It adds a whole new dimension to the tail end of battles. It's great to come back from the brink of death by sending the opponent into a badass animated sequence. It has slight armor and needs to actually hit to work, but it isn't invincible, nor is it guaranteed to kill. It can be blocked or dodged, and it can be broken through before it hits. It's well balanced, and a fun addition to the game. What I DON'T like about it, is that they made some of my favorite combos with some characters into Rage Arts. So I can't pull them off in normal combat anymore. *cough*LILI*cough*


In all seriousness, the cast is amazing as always. There isn't much to say except that the diversity continues to grow in both demographics and play styles, which is amazing. They added Akuma from "streets" as one of my friends (who competes at EVO in street fighter) calls it. It's odd, but really cool, I think. They did it partially to draw in a wider audience of players, but also as a show of good faith and friendship between lead designers of both games: Harada and Ono. And it worked. It actually has my friend, a competitive Street Fighter player, seriously interested in Tekken for the first time since we met almost a decade ago.
Adapting him from 2D to 3D is really interesting, but he works exactly the same, if not better in some cases, in Tekken. So somebody did something very, very right.
And hey, I hear they're adding a TON of awesome characters back in through (free?) DLC later on, so all is forgiven. Actual score 9/10


Sound and Music
Tekken has always had amazing sound design and KILLER soundtracks. Tag 1 was the best, hands down, for me. But That doesn't mean other games don't get insanely close. 6 and 7 both have chillingly good sound and music. I get goosebumps just listening to the openings for almost every Tekken game to be honest, but Tekken 7 has a slightly different charm to it. I haven't quite put my finger on what differentiates it from the others yet, so I'll come back to that another time. There were some odd choices in which pieces correspond to which arena/stage, but I don't care because I can play the soundtrack on my own, mute the stage's music, and pretend the "right" song is there. :P
No serious complaints here. Great sound effects, music, everything.


The story is... Well, it's hard to say. I can't tell what part of me is being legitimately critical, and what part of me is being an opinionated jerk.
Because I liked the story over-all. It gave new dimensions to characters. But there's just so much sitting there and watching. You watch a long series of videos and cinematics and cutscenes and then "oh, I can play now?" which isn't bad per se... it just doesn't suit everyone the way the older games' story modes did. Except 6... making 6's story in the little beat-em-up mode was questionable, since it had always been an optional thing before that only slightly expanded the story AFTER you went through the traditional story mode.
They used QTEs which is a heavy sin in game design for most people, but they're not at all intrusive. They're rare, in fact. I just hate them, especially when they serve no purpose. Press X to pay respeX. It's a waste to me, but oh well.
I'm not a fan of how it ended, and the narrator did a piss-poor job of narrating. Both in voice acting and as a character. But that can be overlooked because really, who cares? It's not even a real person.
I DID really like how the player's control of characters is split throughout the story mode, so you see multiple perspectives and understand the more minute differences in the lore. Nice touch!
No actual spoilers for the story here, because GO PLAY IT FOR YOURSELF. It's cool, I promise.


The UI is clean, easily usable, and just plain gorgeous. Customizing how your own UI and profile appears is a long awaited thing for Tekken players like myself, since I've seen it in other fighting games and thought of many ways to implement it into Tekken myself.
The amount of options for both profile customizing and character customizing is awesome, and I love it.
Fight money isn't hard to come by.
The treasure fight mode is also a blast. Its a way to get new (free) customization options, and it seems like it won't get old, especially with random modifiers that get slapped on battles sometimes.
The character portrait change is a cool little touch for online play too. LOVE IT. It's particularly cool that the artists get credit right there on the selection screen, as opposed to just a small mention in the fine print of the credit scroll at the end of the game.
not only is the ability to use equipped silly items back, but they show the inputs for them in customization, so that's neat.
Arcade mode is... actually really disappointing. It's short, easy, and while you CAN get a decent amount of fight money doing it, you're far better off just doing treasure battle and hoping you get that sweet silver chest that spits out 500k. It doesn't bother me personally, since I always preferred other modes to classic arcade mode, if applicable, but just a heads-up.


Aside from the usual connection issues on launch of a new game... Perfect. There's even rumored cross-play between PC and consoles, so there's actually nothing to complain about here. Props.

The game runs smoothly, and I've read reviews that it even boots and is playable on those tiny little Intel compute sticks. There's little more I could ask for. The only time the game crashes is when I have my laptop mirroring it onto a second screen, which is odd because I have an obscene amount of vram for a laptop, so it's not that I'm out of that. Oh well, I'm sure they'll fix the problem soon, it's only been a couple days; they need to collect data and read news/reviews.

It's Tekken. The stage design is always magnificent and immaculate. The refreshes of older stages is amazing, and the new stages are just... I could sit and just stare at them for hours. Like Final Fantasy games, Tekken games are always at the front lines when it comes to pushing fancy graphics and just making shit look pretty. They haven't failed me yet!
Animations are killer, special effects are on-point, and everything just looks so good by itself. I don't really know what else to say about the topic.

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