06/06/17 01:18AM
Superpower concept contest
So lately I've been super into My Hero Academia, so I ended up joining a forum RP a while back for it and making several characters, then the RP died and I never got to use em. They sat around for a bit before season 2 came around and kicked off the inspiration again, so now I'll be writing a fanfiction set in an AU so I can use my characters instead of being limited to the canon ones (some canon characters will be around but not typically directly involved in the story, they're just there and might show up from time to time).

Problem is though, right now I only have 3 fully formed characters and 1 throwaway one who's going to get expelled from school one day 1 (maybe he'll come back as a villain). I've got my main character, the headmaster, and a villain who's infiltrated the students so she can slowly start mind controlling all of them (because mind control is hot, also I liked the villain concept of one trying to take over the next generation of heroes and make a personal army of supervillain servants unable to disobey her). I've also got a rough concept for the homeroom teacher but it's only in the conceptual stage.

I could just make a bunch of random blank slate characters to fill out the ranks of the class but that's lame, and taking the time to fully craft a full class of characters from scratch each time would take forever without some sort of inspiration to go on. So I'm visiting forums like these to call upon the creative powers of others to help get the inspiration for various characters and see what creative and neat things come up.

I'd like us to all have fun with this if possible, and considering the hypno content of the story (it won't be the only focus of the plot but it'll definitely be there) I had a neat idea for a contest I can make this into. Only came up with this idea to make it a contest instead of a normal post while writing this so it's a bit impromptu but here goes

---The contest---
create a superhero, hero student, or supervillain with an interesting power, with a name/general personality being optional additions.

----a possible template----

Name -
General personality -
Possible motivations -

---some ground rules---

Of these only the power is necessary of course, but the other stuff is nice.

Multiple entries allowed so long as you don't spam

Similar powers are fine, but try to avoid suggesting something identical to what someone else already has.

The MHA universe, so far as we know, does not have magic, all powers are physical in some way or another, there's still a lot of freedom there but no summoning demons or magic rituals or anything like that.

No ripping off canon characters from the anime or manga

let's not have any mind control powers for the heroes, we've already got a villain with that power and the headmaster character can do it to an extent as well, I don't want to flood the story with too much of it

---The prize---

the makers top 3 concepts (limit 1 per person) can have a persona of themselves made into one of two things, based on whether said person is a dom or a sub

For the subs - the persona will be one of the main villainess's most useful/powerful/favorite minions (she has a wide network of people under her power already, and has a handful of her favorite thralls which she takes steps to protect and reward). I'll work with the winners to design each character, and these characters will be recurring major villains relevant to the plot.

For the doms - the persona will be another major villain outside of the school who poses a threat of some kind, with their own minions and whatnot. The main villainess might still be pulling some strings behind the scenes (she tends to have a hand in most major operations, directly or indirectly) but they won't be under her direct control. As with the sub reward, this villain will be a major threat and a recurring one.

For those who don't want either prize but still win, we can work something out, I can't really offer cash prizes or anything like that but I'm sure we can come up with something or another.
06/06/17 01:25AM
Oh and you can still suggest things and opt out of the contest part of it, I just made the contest part to make things a bit more fun for people.
06/06/17 01:48AM
I must ask, while I enjoy the concept that you're presenting, I'm a little curious. You say we can create a villain, hero or a student studying to "be" a hero, yet when you talk about awards for the top three entries, you speak as if only villains will be selected as the winners, why is this?
06/06/17 03:48AM
Oh boy, oh boy! Okay, I'm just going to toss a few characters here and hope really hard they get some creative juices flowin' :p Two of these are old RP characters from World of Warcraft, but I'm sure you can tailor them to your needs~ You can change the names, though I would prefer them to have at least the same first letter. (Like Strahan Silverblade, I'd like his first name to be starting with an S still.)
(Also, I'm totally gonna watch that series now. It sounded great from the wiki page!)

Name: Strahan Silverblade
Power: Influencing live flames (colour, shape, heat, ... but requires an active flame and/or fuel?)
Looks-pointers: He HAS to be ginger~ preferably long-haired.
Dom/Sub: Most likely dom.

General personality:
In one word: a slut.
He's totally egocentric, cannot imagine ever walking in someone else's shoes. He's quite sexist too, insisting on calling every woman he meets "flower" or some variant of it. And I mean -every- woman. (He might get confused by tomboys and feminine looking men sometimes.) He's a closet homosexual and though he's not opposed to having sex with men (albeit begrudgingly) he prefers sleeping around with as many women as he can and will never, ever admit to loving a man.

Possible motivations:
Wealth, "stud-credit", anything that might get him stature/power without him having to actually do anything for it.

Name: Freya Fields
Power: Healing/Flesh-warping
Looks-pointers: Blonde, dark blue eyes. In her right mind, never having cleavage (unless if it's for "helping" someone or being hypnotised)
Dom/Sub: Most likely sub.

General personality:
Most of the time holier-than-thou, bit know-it-all and very big on charity and community. Quite prude and thus rather oblivious to sex and sexuality. She'd never use her powers for evil. Oh, and she's a bookworm.

Possible motivations:
If you need something, she'll jump through a thousand hoops for you - so long as it doesn't harm anyone - just for the sake of helping you. She believes she has a divine mission to "heal the world", but she'll start with healing the school.

Name: -
Power: Creating of Citrus Fruit
Looks-pointers: -
Dom/Sub: Most likely sub.

General personality:
Laid back, keeps a lot of secrets. Just cruising through life as if it's always a summer day.

Possible motivations:
S/He really just likes messing with people and their perception of reality, as well as having naps as often as humanly possible. S/He will do anything for a nap.

So this is super vague, but I figured I should put it in here. My dad was laughing at a scene in a book I haven't read, and I asked what's funny.
In the book, summoning magic doesn't exist - but this one magician has figured it out. Whatever the time, whatever the occasion, he summons an orange and offers it to people like it's no big deal. I'm fairly sure it isn't a plot point, but Near the end of the book you find out he can't summon shit - he's just managed to open an unstable portal from his coat to an orange warehouse. So every time he fancies, he just reaches into his coat and grabs an orange from the warehouse. Tadaah, "summoned citrus"! anyway...

I don't really have a persona per sé, but I guess I could make "Freya Fields" my persona if things do rock that way. (I really hope no-one recognises my character though honestly with this nickname people might anyway >.> If you do recognise me, I'll thank you kindly for not mentioning it!)

Also, you should totally have a shape-shifter. Shape-shifters are fuuuun!
06/06/17 04:32AM
Lord_Derik said:
I must ask, while I enjoy the concept that you're presenting, I'm a little curious. You say we can create a villain, hero or a student studying to "be" a hero, yet when you talk about awards for the top three entries, you speak as if only villains will be selected as the winners, why is this?

The concepts themselves can be for any of them and any of them can win, I'm just saying that the prize for winning would be the winning creators getting villain personas in the story, separate from the concepts that won them the contest in the first place.'

And on that note, the dom/sub nature of the characters being suggested is irrelevant, I meant whether the person themselves was a dom or a sub since it would be their persona being made into a villain and since it represents them I wouldn't want to make a dom take a sub role or vice versa. That won't become relevant until winners are decided upon.

So this is super vague, but I figured I should put it in here. My dad was laughing at a scene in a book I haven't read, and I asked what's funny.
In the book, summoning magic doesn't exist - but this one magician has figured it out. Whatever the time, whatever the occasion, he summons an orange and offers it to people like it's no big deal. I'm fairly sure it isn't a plot point, but Near the end of the book you find out he can't summon shit - he's just managed to open an unstable portal from his coat to an orange warehouse. So every time he fancies, he just reaches into his coat and grabs an orange from the warehouse. Tadaah, "summoned citrus"! anyway...

That is freaking hilarious, no idea what I'd do with it in a superhero story, but it's hilarious.
06/06/17 06:11AM
Name:Marcos Martinez de la Olla

Powers: Well this is difficult to explain lets say that if there is a infinite number of alternate universes there is in theory a universe of whatever you think and according to the strings theory all the universes are in the same place but vibrating in a different frecuency.

So this power is derived from his brain using takions instead of electrons he is able to tap into the infinite possibilities of the multiverse and summon any object that he wants.
The only problem is that if the object violates some of the rules of physics Marcos suffers a great pain keeping the object in our universe.

Also he is talented in martial arts

General personality.

He is pretty ramdom that plus his power makes him a ideal deadpool type of character that just loves to use pop culture references.
But that ramdoness isn't withouth a cause, the endless stream of possibilities that comes to his brain confuses him and make his spawn of attencion increidbly low.
He struggles to keep it to normal and constantly looks up to something that can keep his mind centered but at the end of the day he is a nice person and tries to be a good friens

Dom/Sub:Sub all the way he would try to help his friends but being controlled and centered in somthing withouth distractions is a life long dream

Apparence :
He is a Weasly, red hair and parts in his faces.
But he is a little short.


He is on the school because at the end he is a good person and wants to help people.but also with a the craziness that exist in the Superhero world he expects that he finds something to help his condition.
06/06/17 06:24AM
BnHA gives pretty much every character a Japanese pun in their name that relates to their quirk in some way. Since I'm not really confident in my ability to do that, most of these names are just placeholders.

Name: Patrick Asher
Hero Name: Throwback
Quirk: [Redirection]
Patrick absorbs a portion of the kinetic energy of anything he touches. Once he's built up enough energy, he can release it in a big blast! Since he's always absorbing energy, physical attacks don't hit him as hard, and he can even mitigate fire to some degree. On the other hand, he also absorbs the energy of his own movement so he really can't move very fast and gets tired easily. It's like he's always wearing training weights, but he can't take them off! Once he's built up some power, watch out!

Personality: He's a bit of a history buff, and likes listening to old music or playing retro video games when he's not reading. He's a nerd, but since his quirk gives so much resistance even during normal movement he's ended up pretty buff. Since he got that way without working out at all he's surprisingly lazy and likes not moving if he can help it. He talks in an old timey way, being excessively formal at all times.

Motivation: As a student, he wants to be a hero so he can encourage people not to forget the past. People listen to heroes way more than historians, especially if they're popular. He'll be the Teaching Hero, Throwback!
As a villain, he's a follower of Stain. His goal is to tear down modern society because the old times were better.


Name: Angi
Hero Name: Flower Child
Quirk: [Gardening]
She's got a layer of soil on the surface of her skin! If she plants a seed in it she can use a power based on the plant that sprouts. From flying on the wind with dandelion fluff to briar whips and pollen bombs, it's a versatile quirk! If she makes some fresh fruit, she can replant the seeds to reuse that power. It works quickly, but she still needs some sunlight and water, depending on the plant. If she's not careful, she might dehydrate!

Personality: Despite her quirk making her covered in dirt, she's a total germaphobe. She always makes sure her soil is clean and healthy, explaining the importance of cleanliness to anyone that will listen. She's got a sunny disposition and likes bright colors, but isn't big on studying. All of her knowledge of plants comes from messing around in her parents' garden. Seed puns.

Motivation: Student Angi didn't think she was cut out to be a hero until the debut of Kamui Woods. Before she thought she'd be best in support and rescue, but watching him fight made her realize she could be a great all around hero. She wants to apprentice under Kamui Woods, feeling the same way about him that most others do All Might. (Replace Kamui with another plant hero if necessary.)
Villain Angi takes the cleaning metaphor too far, planning to rid the world of filth and grow clean greenery in its place. She has no issue using the plentiful potent poisons plants provide. Seed puns.


Name: Holly Somni
Hero Name: Undead Hero, Halloween
Quirk: [Dullahan]
Holly's quirk was the result of a bizarre quirk merger. Her mother's quirk, [Self Sufficient], allowed her to create everything needed for life inside her own body, and came with a horselike mutation on the side. Her father had [Autonomy], which gave him the ability to create small flesh pods able to act independently. Both were quite surprised when their daughter's head fell off. Currently, Holly can remove (only) her head and it will live on its own indefinitely while the body acts almost on its own. Her body is horselike from the waist down, making her a headless horsewoman! Her horse body is very strong and fast, and with her mother's half of her quirk she can survive very grievous wounds. Even though she can't heal quickly, the whole package makes her a spooky survivalist.

Personality: Holly is vey fond of spooking people. Though she can't speak when separated, she has a support item that reads her body's vocal chords and projects them to a speaker she wears on a choker on her neck or severed head. The speaker's settings include normal, demonic, and zombie voices. She believes that fear isn't something to fear, but gives life meaning. It's how you stay alive! Aside from being a notorious prankster, Holly enjoys horror movies and will play any video game that lets her be undead.

Motivation: Student Holly thinks fear is a healthy response and wants to help end the idea that a hero can "look like a villain."
Villain Holly is Sinestro + Scarecrow.
06/06/17 06:31AM
Name: Rosy E. Garden
Alter Ego: Toxio
Gender: Female
Power: Control plants that can release
Personality:Nice, pacifist, Loves plants
Motive: Wants to learn to control her power better.
She owns a garden and loves making people happy and a little naive and it hurts her in the end....alot

(Hows that?)

Also where i got the alter ego name www.seventhsanctum.com/generate.php?Genname=superheronameorg read the comments you will laugh
06/06/17 10:30AM
Hm. Could be fun...

Name - Gregorio Tempest
Villain Name- DISCOrd.
Power- Body emanates Disco music, and at any volume. People listening dance to said music accordingly... oooor clutch their ears in pain if too loud.
General personality - Old 80's Hair Metal type guy. Old and grumpy
Possible motivations - Angry at the world because his one time metal band failed due to his inability to fully control his powers, causing this weird disco-metal blend that nobody liked. Now wants everyone to suffer the "Curse of the Disco" by causing everyone to dance to his funky grooves.
06/06/17 03:33PM
Name:Floyd Balkin


Power:He is able to separate his limbs from his body and put them back together withouth any damage, each limb has a power when it isn´t attached to his body the powers are

Right Arm:Shoots fire from the part that chould be attached to his shoulder.

Right hand, the fingers shoot of his hands to speeds faster than sound

Left arm: It has the flexibility of a whip with the plus that he still can control it.

Left hand:the fingers can strech themselves to trap a target.

Right leg it can shoot water from where should be attached to the body it has the same amount of pressure as a fire hose.

Left let:it can´t be separate from his body but even with one leg he can move arond pretty quickly.

Code in life: Its just a flesh wound
06/06/17 09:40PM
Well, I think this is going to be fun, guess I'll throw my hat into the ring, in that case!


Kokichi Aizuma

A man stands at roughly 185 centimeters tall, dressed cleanly and neatly, holding a suitcase at his side and running his fingers through his long red hair, evidently bored as he waits for his train to work. However, his train would be delayed somewhat, as villains, not your everyday lot either, decided it'd be a fantastic idea to try and rob "this" train station.
The man sighs, looking around to check if there are any heroes around to do their job. Seeing none, he puts down his suitcase and starts walking briskly to the scene.

As he got close, the villains decided that it would be a rather fine idea to take a swing at the man, one giant who's strength was surely greater, was extra vigorous, but they were all surprised as the man with red hair simply blocked their blows. This process would repeat, the red-haired man blocking every blow, careful to not blemish his suit, and when he thought it was time, he decided to counterattack. The two villains, confused and bewildered, were not expecting two fingers to be pressed into them, and dozens of blows worth of attacks being pushed into their guts at once. The man turned around, straightened his tie, and walked back to the crowd, as the would-be villains collapsed to the ground.

QUIRK: kinetic force, any force he directly absorbs with the palms of his hands is nullified, and stored inside of his body! He can expel the force he absorbs into attacks, to increase his speed and more, but his body has a limit! If the force is too strong, his body can't withstand the pressure and cracks.

Hero name: Concussive Blaster(given by others, he doesn't care too much)

He is a calm and calculated man, in his mid 30's, he is a teacher at one of Japan's various hero schools and a somewhat reluctant hero. He doesn't expressly seek out trouble, but if his help is needed, he feels compelled to help out. His students are his pride and joy, he feels that a good teacher should always set an admirable example for others, and lives by that creed.

06/06/17 11:30PM
Lord_Derik said:
A man stands at roughly 185 meters tall,

My goodness.
06/06/17 11:41PM
Obscenario said:
My goodness.

You saw nothing... <.<
06/07/17 04:23AM
Never tried this before, but it seems like fun, so I'll give it a shot.

Name: Andrew Acier, much more commonly known as Aurum

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Role: Dom

Power: Aurum can completely control all properties of metal. At first, this power may seem simple and almost mundane in this world of uniquely powered heroes and villains, however, it is deceptively powerful in more ways then one. Firstly, his ability allows him to levitate anything made of metal, meaning he can easily fling cars and knives at his enemies. Secondly, his ability to control metal's properties means he can liquify, solidify, cool, and heat any metal in an instant, which is one of his favorite methods for trapping opponents (hard to put up a fight when your entire body is trapped is steel that was a liquid just a moment ago). His power also works exquisitely when on the defensive. He wears an incredibly thick suit of armor made entirely of steel on him nearly all the time, and it's tough enough to withstand most damage that comes his way. It covers the entire body from head to toe, and would be impossible for any human to wear under normal circumstances, as it weighs more than a ton and stands at an intimidating 8 feet tall. But that's not all, if he concentrates hard enough he can create massive metal titans, the biggest of which can be as tall as a skyscraper, although a titan of that size requires a massive amount of effort to produce and control, and is very hard to maintain. He can either pilot these titans directly in a way similar to a mech, or he can control them indirectly, creating huge golem bodyguards. His power makes him an incredibly dangerous opponent, especially in a city, as he possesses a strong offense and defense, although if he is fought in a place with very small amounts of metal, he is much easier to handle.

Personality: Publicly, not much is known about Aurum due to his secretive nature, though he is known to be stoic, calculating, and careful. Regardless, it's seen as an honor amongst the world's villains to be offered a position as one of Aurum's minions. Although many would jump at the chance to be trained personally by him, Aurum selects only the strongest and most trustworthy of young villains to be his minions. This makes the position even more desirable, as it is seen as a sign of how talented you are if you are accepted by Aurum. Though if they knew how tough Aurum's training regime was, they would not be so eager to serve him. Aurum's training is designed to break down the will of the trainee, in order for Aurum to build them up to become completely loyal and devoted. During training Aurum is a cold and stoic man, showing little to no emotion while training, regardless of how much the trainee suffers. Though, if the soon to be minion outright resists Aurum's training or attempts escape, his stone face is broken, and he will show the unfortunate pupil just how angry he is through punishment. Despite how tough his training is, he is not sadistic or cruel to his students, and is fair with them. Once the training is over, and the minion is completely submissive to him, Aurum becomes much gentler, he regularly expresses his pride in his minions, gives them rewards if they are especially good, and would fight to the bitter end to protect them from harm. He shows his true personality, that of a snarky yet jovial man, who is actually rather lazy. The reason he feels the need to secure the complete loyalty of his minions is due to the betrayal of a former partner he had trusted for years. His goal is to create a successful crime syndicate in order for himself and his minions to lead luxurious lives.

(Sorry if he's too edgy or mary sue-ish, it's pretty much my first attempt at an OC).
06/07/17 04:25AM
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