06/07/17 07:15PM
Journey to Soliel! (A Mind Control themed pokemon tabletop game)
Hello! Looking for some people interested in playing a mind control based PTU game. The basic setup:

The Soliel region has recently put out the call for young trainers to come and take a shot at the Pokemon League stationed there, offering $5,000,000 to the person who can take the champion title. The prize money attracts many young trainers to the region, but it's also caught the attention of some shadier organizations, mainly, Team Harmony, infamous for using Pokemon to dominate people's hearts and minds. You are a lieutenant of this team, working to secure the prize money for your organization, and maybe find some new recruits along the way.

New players are welcome to join and feel free to post character ideas, I'll leave the thread up for a bit before sending out invites.

EDIT: Realized that maybe I should put up a very nice character sheet in the main post for people to use.
This will automatically give you your derived stats so you don't have to mess around with all the calculations.

EDIT: Here's the discord link for spectators.
06/07/17 07:48PM
I might be interested in playing, but I'll need more details
06/07/17 08:03PM
RoboFonzy said:

New players are welcome to join and feel free to post character ideas, I'll leave the thread up for a bit before sending out invites.

TLDR: Melee Dryad.
Dunno on mon
06/07/17 08:06PM
Frostbyte said:
I might be interested in playing, but I'll need more details

Feel free to ask any questions you have.
06/07/17 10:01PM
Interesting. How does one play this game?
06/07/17 11:22PM
StepfordCrimson said:
Interesting. How does one play this game?

Well, you'll go around this region, capturing pokemon with a team of 4 people. Using dice to help determine damage and skill checks. Like a standard pen and paper RPG. The rules are released for free online and they're pretty simple to get a handle on.
06/07/17 11:29PM
RoboFonzy said:
The rules are released for free online and they're pretty simple to get a handle on.

<<|You can get them here.>>
06/08/17 01:09AM
As you might have guessed I haven't played many "mind control themed pokemon tabletop game"-s, or any other RPG games. My main question would be how it would be played. Would it be online or something?
06/08/17 03:38AM
Frostbyte said:
As you might have guessed I haven't played many "mind control themed pokemon tabletop game"-s, or any other RPG games. My main question would be how it would be played. Would it be online or something?

Yep, we'd be using discord and roll20 for the game, roll20 is a very easy to use map tool hosted at their website It also offers chat logs and dice rollers so that everything can be resolved there. Discord will be used for scheduling times and out of character talk.
06/08/17 05:02AM
As one of the pepole involved I feel we should also share the info on the region that it's set in.
06/08/17 05:50AM
Would there be sex stuff, or just hypnosis/MC? I might be interested in joining (probably a bit more interested if it's not meant to be explicitly sexual.) I do love me some hypnosis in the Pokémon setting, and just DMing gets old - would love to get into something as a player.

*(I'm generally fine writing/RPing sex stuff if that's the intent, but I'm not totally sold on it in a tabletop game setting. I'd probably be willing to at least give it a shot, though.)
06/08/17 05:53AM
I'd be interested in trying this out, but like Frostbyte I'd need more details, and of course I'd need an invite to join.
06/08/17 06:04AM
I can answer a few questions. It will be pretty lewd.

The game will mos likely be held on discord itself with Roll20 used for maps.

As for mechanical stuff for those who know the rules already level 5 trainer level 10 pokemon.
06/08/17 06:10AM
Key2DestNE said:
I'd be interested in trying this out, but like Frostbyte I'd need more details, and of course I'd need an invite to join.

Well gonna keep recruitment up for a week, then go based off who is interested, as for details I'm writing up some more info on Team Harmony right now. Invites will be sent out in a week based on who all is interested, but their are limited spots (stuff gets a bit too crowded with too many people) but you can expect a bit more details on the setting and the team you're working for tomorrow!
06/08/17 06:21AM
Imasuky said:
I can answer a few questions. It will be pretty lewd.

The game will mos likely be held on discord itself with Roll20 used for maps.

As for mechanical stuff for those who know the rules already level 5 trainer level 10 pokemon.

Eh, you know what, I can handle lewd. Here's my info, let me know if you want me in and I'll read up on the rules:

Timezone: Central (US)
Availability: Available nights (6:00 PM - 11:00 PM) on weekdays (except Wednesdays; I run my own game that night) and any time on weekends.
Character preferences: I would need to talk to the other players and whoever's running the game about expectations - for example, will players be expected to avoid hypnotizing people and leave that stuff to Team Harmony? Will humans be able to hypnotize people via means other than telling their Pokémon to do it for them? Anyhow, in general, I prefer playing females (though if people feel the party needs a male presence I could do that, too.) I'm pretty flexible about personality types, and would need to know what the other players are up to before I nailed anything down. (I sorta like the vague idea of a performer of some renown who uses Dark and Ghost Pokémon, one that seems super mysterious and awesome or whatever on stage, but is really an awkward dork whenever they're not performing. But I dunno!)

Also I'm like super hype to talk about this now that you've got me thinking about it, so hit me up with a Discord link whenever.
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