06/10/17 01:39PM
E3 is here!! Created HypnoHub E3 Discord server~
Gamers rejoice! It is time for E3~ One of the gaming conventions of the year~

I hope you're all excited~ I know I am~ In fact I've made a Discord server so that we can all react and discuss the new announcements and conferences together so click here if you wanna check it out~

PS this is my first and possibly only attempt to make a Discord server so please let me know if I did anything wrong :P

I'll provide links to the live shows soon~

Happy gaming everyone~
06/10/17 06:55PM
Here's hoping Nintendo's got at least one high-profile surprise that isn't Mario x Rabbids.
06/10/17 07:04PM
Footage of Wolfenstein The New Colossus or GTFO.
06/10/17 07:23PM
Here's to hoping we get more outright PC announcements instead of the "This game is TOTALLY exclusive to PS4/Xbone.... for the next year!" bullshit.
06/10/17 11:14PM
I will be there LIVE!
Would anyone like me to post about my experiences when I get back?

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