06/19/17 03:24AM
PSA: downloading from tumblr

TL;DR if you're saving images from tumblr, change "1280" to "raw" in the url first!

If you're like me, you care about having the highest quality images (and if you're not like me, shame on you).

Tumblr is stupid and frustrating in that it resizes everything that's uploaded to it. If the filename ends in _540.png or _1280.png then you've saved a smaller, resized version instead of the original image, and that's bad. Most image downloaders are going to grab the 1280 version, because that was thought to be the biggest one available. But it turns out you can obtain the raw, unresized image by replacing the 1280 with "raw" in the filename.

Here's an example. Let's take a post from Zko's blog (nsfw, obviously):

If you were to save that image, you'd probably get it from this url (open the image in a new tab to be sure):

That's a much smaller version than the original. The one on the hub, uploaded by Zko himself, is 2400x1513, while that one is only 1280x807.

Replace that _1280.png with _raw.png however, and you get:

Which is the original 2400x1513 file, in all its lewd glory!

Please tell all of your friends about this. Don't link to 1280 urls, and don't save them, either. If you've uploaded a _1280 version of the image in the past, do us all a favor and replace it with the raw version. Together, we can keep our boorus as high-resolution as possible.
06/19/17 03:28AM
This is some pretty good advice
06/19/17 03:34AM
Dude i am noting that down in notepad cause what i learned i gonna make sure i keep that piece of knowledge.
06/19/17 04:08AM
Mods, can we get this stickied, please?
06/19/17 04:38AM
liquidhobo said:
Mods, can we get this stickied, please?

I second that motion. If not, we need some sort of sticky PSA thread for this sort of stuff.
06/19/17 05:37AM
Tumblr's interface sucks. I joined there after TVTropes threw me out and it's just not my scene, but part of the frustration there was that awkward as hell structure that just opens blogs as frames instead of just sending me to a new url.

Yes, i'd rather browse tumblr like it was blogspot or, say, the Washington Post.

Nice to know they're also fucking with image sizes in that convoluted UI of theirs.
06/19/17 05:57AM
plsignore said:

TL;DR if you're saving images from tumblr, change "1280" to "raw" in the url first!

If you're like me, you care about having the highest quality images (and if you're not like me, shame on you).

That's pretty solid advice! Still, "if you're like me," ...*looks at the adorably masked penis pic* I can only imagine that picture talking.


*immature giggle*
07/18/17 11:23AM
So, I noticed today that this no longer seems to work. Did tumblr change something? Are we back to only getting the 1280 versions?
07/27/17 08:23PM
Mindwipe said:
So, I noticed today that this no longer seems to work. Did tumblr change something? Are we back to only getting the 1280 versions?

It only works on some images. Likely because they were accessed while the trick still worked, and are cached in server memory. Elsewhere it looks like it was intentionally disabled.

<<|tumblr_o7cybkmfO61twt3x6o1_1280.jpg>>: ok
<<|tumblr_o7cybkmfO61twt3x6o1_raw.jpg>>: 404
<<|tumblr_o7cybkmfO61twt3x6o1_asdfghjk.jpg>>: "Access Denied"
<<|fhy4wi5ghuesyhg.jpg>>: "Access Denied"
<<|fhy4wi5ghuesyhg_raw.jpg>>: 404

The servers are returning 404 errors on any URL ending with _raw.jpg, unlike all other nonexistent URLs that instead return an "Access Denied" message. This implies that the raw versions still exist, but they don't want us to see them :C
07/28/17 12:04AM
YouAreARobotNow said:
It only works on some images. Likely because they were accessed while the trick still worked, and are cached in server memory. Elsewhere it looks like it was intentionally disabled.

<<|tumblr_o7cybkmfO61twt3x6o1_1280.jpg>>: ok
<<|tumblr_o7cybkmfO61twt3x6o1_raw.jpg>>: 404
<<|tumblr_o7cybkmfO61twt3x6o1_asdfghjk.jpg>>: "Access Denied"
<<|fhy4wi5ghuesyhg.jpg>>: "Access Denied"
<<|fhy4wi5ghuesyhg_raw.jpg>>: 404

The servers are returning 404 errors on any URL ending with _raw.jpg, unlike all other nonexistent URLs that instead return an "Access Denied" message. This implies that the raw versions still exist, but they don't want us to see them :C

Well *that's* nuts.
Someone go complain? :v
07/28/17 12:13AM
CORRECTION! If you get a 404, you need to remove the number at the beginning of the url. Thanks, e621 wiki.

That 404 thing is still hella weird.
10/13/17 02:41AM
Necroing this thread. The format has changed again and raw links are broken.

Now you need to change "media" to "data" e.g.
08/19/18 01:38PM
So, apparently tumblr recently changed this again and the old method no longer works. Anyone know a new way to get the full res images?
08/19/18 02:09PM
As of August 9th there is no longer any way to get raw images from tumblr. I've tried for hours to find a solution, but nothing has worked.
08/19/18 04:58PM

Unfortunately the userscript suffers also from the new URL order:
1 2>>>

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