06/27/17 11:08PM
Good news
I have returned.

Apologies for not being active in MONTHS! I've been constantly trying to stop my addiction to masturbation, and porn.
Ultimately I failed.

I've decided that either God and Jesus forgive all people, or whenever Jesus is ready to show himself to me, I'll stop.

But since that's not likely, I've decided to return to my hypno-porn hypnosis addicted sex-craving ways until that time has come.

But, that's only part of the good news.

For my birthday, which was last Saturday, I received $200 and a couple of birthday cards, there was no big celebration or cake. No one showed up anyway.

Using the money I received, I have bought a functioning NON-messed-up drawing tablet, and Photoshop Elements 15.

Meaning that I will be advancing to actual digital art! I will still use effects in my drawings, for those of you who love my manips.

Thank you for reading.
06/28/17 02:26AM
Glad you back with us ^^' I also look forward to seeing your art improve :)

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