06/30/17 06:10AM
Help me make some cards based on mind control
Hey everyone! So I have this little pet project I've been working on for a couple years now. I've been making cards that have short descriptions of hypnotic suggestions (including post-hypnotic ones), role-play scenes and characters, and a bunch of other stuff related to hypnosis. They're for use with my girlfriend and I, her being my wonderful sub. It's just something to help me keep track of EVERYTHING, because we're generally pretty creative people but our memory gets burned out trying to think of a suggestion we may have used years ago. I'm in the process of refining a good majority of them, setting them to a standard, etc. I had a buddy working with me, but he hasn't updated his ideas since 2015 :(
So what I need help with here, is the "methods" segment of cards. I want to make cards, one for each method of fictional mind control that anyone has ever come up with (that I'll figure out how I want to use later on). Aside from regular hypnosis using a pocketwatch, crystal, pendant, metronome, bodily focus, or even a spot on the wall, is what I'm aiming for. Making a list of every method of mind control is proving a little daunting and I want to wrap this whole project up before I lose all free time to work on it for a good long while.
So could you all list ideas in the comments, to help me get this moving along a little faster? I would greatly appreciate the help. Just make sure to see if anyone else has posted what you're thinking of so we don't get a bazillion duplicates please? :)

Edit: To rephrase for clarity... What are the means by which a character or person could become mind controlled in fiction? for example, if they believe to be an animal, how did they get to that point? If they have magically become a doll, how did it happen?
Stuff like magic spells, or brainwashing machine, or nanobots? Or as already mentioned below, snake with Kaa eyes and smile? Love potion? Ideas like that are what I'm looking for. Sorry to be so specific, it's hard to express what exactly I'm trying to come up with haha
06/30/17 07:09AM
I'm sure we'd all love to see the finished product posted online

That said,

Hypnosis via Snake
06/30/17 07:16AM
ShadowSeraphim said:
I'm sure we'd all love to see the finished product posted online

That said,

Hypnosis via Snake

I'll post a link to cloud storage when I'm done. I might forget until the end of summer TBH >.>

But by snake, I assume you mean Kaa or similar means?
06/30/17 07:23AM
Being turned into a robot/doll.
06/30/17 07:28AM
muffinmuffler said:
Being turned into a robot/doll.

by what means? a machine or some kind, a curse or magical spell, some kind of goo, etc?
06/30/17 07:33AM
bullet said:
I'll post a link to cloud storage when I'm done. I might forget until the end of summer TBH >.>

But by snake, I assume you mean Kaa or similar means?

I personally don't discriminate if it's Kaa specifically, an OC snake character with a similar design or just a realistic snake- since im not a fan of the vore aspect, my main focus for snake stuff is the victim with the eyes and most likely the big smile, so it all feels like the same genre
06/30/17 09:30AM
Sorry if I don't seem to get it, but I'm still a little confused by your request. Are you looking for standard stuff such as "girl gets hypnotized into a chicken by a stage hypnotist" ? Or are you looking for more creative/ oddly specific options such as " girl gets hypnotized into being a dinosaur by an Elvis-impersonator"? (and before you ask, I have no idea how i got that either. I just put whatever came into my head at the time and even i'm still trying to figure it out :p )

Or am i missing the point entirely and do you want specific events that happened in a fictional show/book/form of media? Such as the hypno-ring from Gilligan's Island?
06/30/17 10:40AM
Random spiral-shaped tumbleweed. You never know when the buggers'll strike.

But in all seriousness, I've got a few.

• Following a hypnotic smell to an overwhelmingly brain-melting source.
• Playful spirit/trickster god casually throwing out mental suggestions and watching the aftermath.
• If you've got a girlfriend that fancies herself a catgirl, a hypnotic box.
• Hypnotic dong.
• Hair-worship.
06/30/17 01:52PM
pokefannafekop said:
Random spiral-shaped tumbleweed. You never know when the buggers'll strike.

But in all seriousness, I've got a few.

• Following a hypnotic smell to an overwhelmingly brain-melting source.
• Playful spirit/trickster god casually throwing out mental suggestions and watching the aftermath.
• If you've got a girlfriend that fancies herself a catgirl, a hypnotic box.
• Hypnotic dong.
• Hair-worship.

Let's see if I can add to this list!

First, the classics (though they have been mentioned before, I like lists :p)
• Induction through a swinging item, preferably shiny like a pocket watch or pendant
• Swirling patterns from a computer screen
• Magical spells
• Sneaky sneks
• Sneaky plants with hypnotic aromas or pulsing petals
• Hypnotic (magical?) slime

Hmm... A few off the top of my head
• Induction through song (usually subliminal)
• Staring into fire for whatever reason is really hot (pun not intended)
• Stirring a liquid and using the spoon as a pendant
• Hypnotic accessories like necklaces, clothes, ... usually imbued with a spell
• Trigger words

A fantasy of mine but I don't believe I've seen this specifically on the hub yet (seen similar things but usually the sub is hypnotised before orgasm and the orgasm is just a trick to get the sub deeper):
• Regular ol' sex or otherwise driving someone to orgasm, but then using the orgasm to put someone under by either making it super powerful or a trigger or something like that.
06/30/17 04:23PM
averageguy17 said:
Sorry if I don't seem to get it, but I'm still a little confused by your request. Are you looking for standard stuff such as "girl gets hypnotized into a chicken by a stage hypnotist" ? Or are you looking for more creative/ oddly specific options such as " girl gets hypnotized into being a dinosaur by an Elvis-impersonator"? (and before you ask, I have no idea how i got that either. I just put whatever came into my head at the time and even i'm still trying to figure it out :p )

Or am i missing the point entirely and do you want specific events that happened in a fictional show/book/form of media? Such as the hypno-ring from Gilligan's Island?

What i'm lokig for is more in the realm of how someone in a fictional world might become hypnotized or controlled (the means, not really the result). So yes, the hypno-ring you mentioned would fit quite well.
I know it's hard to express what exactly i'm asking of you all to begin with, so clarifictation questions are good!
06/30/17 04:58PM
Oh gee I must've missed the point entirely then! Let me correct that! :p

- In the Molly Moon novels, there's mostly hypnosis with the eyes and droning voices. One time, a friend of hers uses an aluminum foil ball to reflect the light off it while hypnotising her.
- The imperio curse from Harry Potter!
- Who could forget the Jedi mind-tricks ^^
- Not 100% sure, but I seem to recall the Artemis Fowl books (the first at least) having some glamour hypnosis humans need to ward themselves from. The effects include but are not limited to obedience, sleeping, forgetting.
- The Dalemark Quartet series has in the first book a bunch of magic happening, and at one point the main character plays a whole army to sleep. It's described beautifully, how with the bass string he reverberates everyone to sleep pretty much.
- Maybe silly to mention, but mythology- or simple folk-story-wise, Cupid does "alter the mind" if you ask me :p bow, arrow, BAM you're in love.
- If you haven't read it or seen the movie, I reccommend Stephenie Meyer's "The Host". The movie does it justice, even though the whole book is pretty much an inner monologue. Not quite hypnosis, but it is posession I suppose? An alien species invades Earth and takes over humans. Idk I always really liked that story. (And the writing's better than the Twilight novels, trust me!)
06/30/17 06:36PM
-Tech control, with a collar or a helmet.
-Parts of the body, like Tits, ass or dick.
-Text Hypnosis, reading a book of obedience or things like that
-Telephaty Prof Xaver style
06/30/17 10:03PM
* Magic
* Droning voice
* Topical cream


* Suggestions planted in a piece of text
* "Repeat after me"
* Sensory overload
* Sensory fatigue (repetitiveness)
* Sounds beneath conscious notice
* Direct stimulation of brain through ear canal ("fiction")
* Ingested drug
* Inhaled drug
* Gum
07/03/17 08:57AM
I am definitely liking a good portion of these!
Please keep em coming everyone! :)
07/05/17 02:57AM
Hmm, here's just a few:

•Listens to hypnotic audio files habitually, being conditioned that way.
•Has a dream that impacts them profoundly.
•Exhibitionist play, which may condition somebody to act in various ways.
•Mask/Costume bonds with wearer, transforming them.
•Reciting Mantras.
•A collar/tattoo that controls via magic/technology, or that acts as a subliminal submissive trigger.
•A marker/pen that is used to write commands on a person's body.
•A book/diary that can alter the people you write about in it.
•Stickers/talisman tags used on subject of hypnotism.
•Parasite/spirit invades the body, transforms host's mind.
•Hypnosis App on phone, either through self-induction or through manipulating targets perception of reality.
•Pheromone injections.
•Absorbing slime.
•Hypnotic makeup/lipstick.
•Person with Disassociative Personality Disorder has one of their personalities (generally an infrequent one) become their dominant personality.
•Genie wish or similar wish-granting device.
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