07/01/17 05:35PM
Announcing a Patreon and First chapter of new mind control hotness!
Hey hey everyone! I'm Umbra. I post every once in a while, and you might recognize some of the stuff I've commissioned or otherwise posted.

I'm here today because I'm starting off the new month by officially announcing my Patreon to support my writing! You can find it here For $1 you help support me writing stuff with mind control, latex, monstergirls, and other weirdness, as well as the potential for even bigger things in the future.

And to that end, I've also posted the first chapter of my big project, Pretty Kitties. It's got latex suits and malesub mind control, so if you're into those things, dig in! You can read the whole thing right now by become a patreon, or read the first part right here on my tumblr.

@Pinkanator: It took me a long time, but as the only person that's sent me mail, this is that project I mentioned. It's done, enjoy~


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