07/03/17 01:35PM
Looking for players for a MonsterHearts game
Since I've found myself in the position of wanting to play more roleplaying games than I currently can with my usual group I was wondering if anyone on the Hub was interested in playing MonsterHearts. It's a roleplay game about high school drama in which the player characters are also supernatural creatures. I'd be GMing so I just need at least three people who'd want to play.
07/03/17 04:40PM
Mahyma said:
Since I've found myself in the position of wanting to play more roleplaying games than I currently can with my usual group I was wondering if anyone on the Hub was interested in playing MonsterHearts. It's a roleplay game about high school drama in which the player characters are also supernatural creatures. I'd be GMing so I just need at least three people who'd want to play.

i'm assuming(read:hoping) that this will have some kind of hypno twist? if so then i'm in as long as i can play a frankenstiens monster
07/03/17 05:50PM
skullman2033 said:
i'm assuming(read:hoping) that this will have some kind of hypno twist? if so then i'm in as long as i can play a frankenstiens monster

Not much of a twist required. The Vampire option has the ability to hypnotise people anyway, one of the options for the Queen involves have psychic influence over others, and both the magicky-types, the Witch and Infernal (read: Warlock) have magic which can mess with peoples' heads.

Also the core mechanic of the game revolves around a currency called Strings. Strings can be spent to make people do what you want and are earned by either being charismatic and seductive or cold and domineering. Seems pretty easy to refluff that into some more hypnotic if the player wants to handle it that way.

If you like the idea of being the Frankenstein's monster kind of character then there are two options. You can either be a Ghoul, in which case you may literally be kept alive by your sheer drive to have power over others (this is explicitly one of the options in the rulebook) or the Hollow, in which case you get bonuses in exchange for allowing others to determine your personality.
07/03/17 06:24PM
Mahyma said:

If you like the idea of being the Frankenstein's monster kind of character then there are two options. You can either be a Ghoul, in which case you may literally be kept alive by your sheer drive to have power over others (this is explicitly one of the options in the rulebook) or the Hollow, in which case you get bonuses in exchange for allowing others to determine your personality.

Im interested, go on (though the lack of being a patchwork creature does leave something to be desired)
07/03/17 07:00PM
skullman2033 said:
Im interested, go on (though the lack of being a patchwork creature does leave something to be desired)

So the Ghoul's basic schtic is that they're someone who died and came back and are kept going by some extremely strong motivation/addiction. The options the game gives for this are:
Power & Dominence
And the chracter in question gets bonuses to actions taken in persuit of whichever one of these they chose and has to make a willpower test if they want to ignore oppertunities to indulge themselves in the same.

The Hollow is a person who was artificially made, they might be magically animated, or a machine, or a stiched together creation like you described. Their thing is a lack of identity, they don't really have a one so they rely on other people to shape it. Depending on how you want to handle it you can be proactive or reactive about this. The proactive approach is taking some abilities for the Hollow which let them mimic other characters' abilities and re-arrange their own statline and otherwise modify themselves as they feel fit. The reactive allows other people to tell them what to do and then gets bonuses for doing those things.
07/03/17 07:16PM
Mahyma said:
So the Ghoul's basic schtic is that they're someone who died and came back and are kept going by some extremely strong motivation/addiction. The options the game gives for this are:
Power & Dominence
And the chracter in question gets bonuses to actions taken in persuit of whichever one of these they chose and has to make a willpower test if they want to ignore oppertunities to indulge themselves in the same.

The Hollow is a person who was artificially made, they might be magically animated, or a machine, or a stiched together creation like you described. Their thing is a lack of identity, they don't really have a one so they rely on other people to shape it. Depending on how you want to handle it you can be proactive or reactive about this. The proactive approach is taking some abilities for the Hollow which let them mimic other characters' abilities and re-arrange their own statline and otherwise modify themselves as they feel fit. The reactive allows other people to tell them what to do and then gets bonuses for doing those things.

proactive Hollow it is then.i'm guessing there's no alignment system?
(i just know building the character is gonna be a pain, it always is for me
07/03/17 07:46PM
Colour me intrigued, though given my usual experiences with tabletop games online my timezones and full time work will probably get in the way of taking part. That and the best time I have free is already being taken up by my own gm'ing duties. How did you plan on playing this out? For my own World of Darkness campaign we've always used Roll20.

Regardless I'd be interested in seeing how this goes down, tabletops have been my main inspiration for drawing art that isn't smut and this could be an interesting marriage of the two.
07/03/17 07:57PM
Mr.H said:
How did you plan on playing this out? For my own World of Darkness campaign we've always used Roll20.

My plan would be to use Roll20 yes, also Discord for chat.
07/03/17 08:39PM
Definitely the best combination I've found as well for playing these kind of games. Dang it curse my love of concepting up characters I really need to stop jumping at every chance but I'd love to chip in somehow anyway ^^;
07/04/17 01:15AM
Oh god, so this game is "teen angst but with monsters? I thought this was gonna go a sort of rosario vampire route.
07/04/17 01:41AM
skullman2033 said:
Oh god, so this game is "teen angst but with monsters? I thought this was gonna go a sort of rosario vampire route.

Eh, it's as angsty as you make it. Every group I've ever seen use it are pretty lighthearted about it all.
07/04/17 02:12AM
Mahyma said:
Eh, it's as angsty as you make it. Every group I've ever seen use it are pretty lighthearted about it all.

oh thank god. i can work like i prefer, lighthearted humor with an underlying dark humor tone.
07/05/17 08:14AM
Can I get a PDF or something fer it? I'd be interested if there's still slots. ^^ What service is gonna' be used and is it going to be voice or text based?
07/05/17 02:52PM
SirSiggles said:
Can I get a PDF or something fer it? I'd be interested if there's still slots. ^^ What service is gonna' be used and is it going to be voice or text based?

I'd prefer for it to be voice based however if some people don't like that it is negotiable.

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