07/05/17 07:40AM
Help wanted with game show surveys
Hi all. I occasionally help a friend out with game shows at anime/fan conventions and the next big project is a Family Feud/Family Fortunes riff. However, respondents are needed to get to the magic 100 people. I figure most of you are knowledgeable nerds, so maybe you can help out if you're free.

There are two surveys: while one is definitely <<|more geared for otaku>> there is another one that's more for the <<|general nerd>> who are less familiar with the anime and mango.

Fill out one, or fill out both, but we prefer you do the latter. Thanks in advance for helping out.
07/05/17 07:50AM
"Name the website you spend the most time on."

07/05/17 08:44AM
Mindwipe said:
"Name the website you spend the most time on."


I had the same dilemma.
Record the results if you would please ^_^
07/05/17 09:01AM
pokefannafekop said:
I had the same dilemma.
Record the results if you would please ^_^

I second this notion. It'd be cool to see the responses for those of us that don't get out to cons and such and wouldn't ever play this. :P
07/06/17 01:47AM
Mindwipe said:
"Name the website you spend the most time on."


I lol'd.

TBH it's only an issue if it becomes the number 1 answer. You could always help lessen the bias by spreading the word to your non-kink friends ;)

(It's also why there are so many questions; so that we can get enough that stick and look ready for primetime)

FallenMeteor said:
It'd be cool to see the responses for those of us that don't get out to cons and such and wouldn't ever play this. :P

That has always been the plan. Sadly, that may require more people than are available, but we'll figure it out.
07/06/17 01:52AM
Well, that was cringy, awkward, and I shitposted the entire thing, thus defeating the object.

Time well spent.
07/06/17 01:56AM
Pinkanator said:
Well, that was cringy, awkward, and I shitposted the entire thing, thus defeating the object.

Time well spent.

I didn't shitpost the WHOLE thing, but having the ∞ symbol on hand helped.
07/06/17 02:07AM
Pinkanator said:
Well, that was cringy, awkward, and I shitposted the entire thing, thus defeating the object.

Time well spent.

<<|You say this like it's supposed to be discouraging>>
07/06/17 06:09PM
Despite having to Google which anime could possibly be older than I am (Dragon Ball Z, whew one I know) and obviously not being an otaku, I did my best and filled out both surveys :) hope it helps and there was no requirement of me being from America or anything :p
01/19/18 03:40AM
pokefannafekop said:
I had the same dilemma.
Record the results if you would please ^_^

FallenMeteor said:
I second this notion. It'd be cool to see the responses for those of us that don't get out to cons and such and wouldn't ever play this. :P

So thanks to an exciting finish at our first showing, I'm actually able to post a little bit of info.

[spoiler=If you want to play along]-Name a website you spend way too much time on.
-Name a Power Ranger color.
-After you've bought a video game, name something you need to play it.
-Name a job in the anime industry
-Fill in the blank: My favorite convention is __ days long[/spoiler]

<<|The team's goal was 200 points.>>

So yeah. Also, <<|I'm doing another poll.>> This one has the general nerdom first and then the option to do the otaku stuff. I figure I'll get this down to a science by about 2024.

Thanks again for helping.

[spoiler=Oh, and the #1 answers?]-Tumblr
-Controller (or Stylus)
-Voice Actor/Seiyuu
-Four Days[/spoiler]

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