07/06/17 03:24AM
Hypno games suggestion for my youtube channel
I'm thinking of doing a day of hypno on my gaming channel, maybe Wednesday or Thursday. So I was wondering if there are any "safe" hypno games that have to be downloaded. I'd appreciate it.

Note to Mods: Sorry if this isn't correct.
07/06/17 04:00PM
*Incoming wall of text*

Well, there are a few. First off, I'd suggest checking out <<|this thread>>, they have collected a lot more ideas than what me, or probably anyone else, could really think of off the top of our heads.

But I'll still give a few suggestions (I'm assuming you want single-player, but there's also some multiplayer options) :

-XCOM (the remake or the original, as well as the 2016 sequel) has some mind-control in the form of aliens that take over your troops. And, since you can customize your troops' gender, well... Of course, it is a tactical game, so that wouldn't be good for your victory itself, but if you want some RP or "game over" hypno, that could work. EDIT : If I read correctly, seems you can actually augment your own soldiers to control the aliens. Don't know too much about that, though.

-Skyrim (and Oblivion before it) has some in the form of Illusion spells such as Charm (don't remember the Skyrim name too well), but I particularly recommend the "SexLab Mind Control" mod, which is only available for Skyrim. It adds a mind-control circlet that you can reverse-pickpocket (or, if that's your thing, wrestle with another SexLab mod) onto an NPC or even an enemy, and they become a companion. EDIT : You can even activate glowing eyes and stuff, it's great : END OF EDIT. Of course, Skyrim is really good for RP, so that might be cool. I don't remember if there's any actual sex in that mod (despite its name), unfortunately, but I do believe for explicit scenes, you need another mod, which could mean in essence it's a "safe" mod.

-Quite a few Japanese RPG and adventure games have mind-control (female or male) as part of their storyline. The other thread has some really good suggestions, but here the only example I can think of is Zelda Twilight Princess, or the Nintendo DS game Phantom Hourglass which has some male possession at the end. However, most of these scenes are generally advanced in the story, so it might not be enough for a full day that's hypno-themed.

-Prototype (don't know about the sequel) isn't exactly mind-control, it's more like imitation à la The Thing, but with some imagination could be interpreted into parasitic possession.

-The two games Lucius and Lucius II both feature mind-control as, respectively, prominent storyline and gameplay, mechanics. They're not very good games, and they're a bit dated, but they'll do for a MC Let's Play.

-Hearthstone has some mind-control mechanics that can be used on female or male minions. Sure, it's rather pay-2-win, but it's still a pretty fun game if you're looking for a specific theme. EDIT : The advantage is you can also set up games with friends, and make some specific decks themed around, for instance, mind control. Some other card games, like Shadowverse, Gwent or Elder Scrolls Legends, might also be worth looking into for that exact reason. 2ND EDIT : I myself am thinking about making a DAZ Studio story about some friendly games of Hearthstone, 'cause I find the potential for MC fetish to be quite outstanding. There would, of course, also be a way to control the opposing hero(ine), otherwise it's no fun. I'm actually thinking about posting a thread about it.

-By Blizzard as well, Warcraft (particulary III) and Starcraft (EDIT : particularly II and Brood War, but the first one seems to have some as well) both have mind-control in their storyline and, sometimes, in their gameplay. World of Warcraft also has some, but I doubt you'd want to subscribe just for one weekly Let's Play.

-Also a multiplayer game, Heroes of Newerth, one of the "Big Three" MOBAs, has the hero Parasite, which can take control of creeps and stuff. If MOBAs don't bother you, that could be worth exploring.

-IIRC, Dragon Age : Origins has some at one point or another.

-So has Dishonored (mostly 1, don't remember 2).

-So has Bioshock, and (maybe, can't remember) Bioshock 2 and Infinite.

-Fallout 3 has the slaver thing. Fallout 4, I believe, also has a questline like this.
EDIT : Looked into these a bit. F3 has the quest "Thought Control" from the Point Lookout add-on, I think it's got something to do with that (turns some people hostile IIRC), it also has the Mesmetron weapon that you get for a quest, and that I think (?) you can keep. Fallout 4 has a quest called Dangerous Minds that features some type of memory manipulation, though not actual MC, it seems.

-Dante's Inferno has Beatrice's corruption.

-The oldie Age of Empires games, the first and second ones, though not technically mind-control, have the priest and monk units, respectively, that can convert enemy units. I'm sure a few mods would fix their unit type into something more kinky.
EDIT : Now that I think about it, there's quite a bit of strategy games where units can convert others. Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, an Age of Empires remake IN SPACE, comes to mind (the Jedi can use their (in)famous Mind Trick on enemies, they're like monks but actually badass). You can try sites like AoK Heaven for mods. By searching for "mind control", I specifically found <<|this campaign>> that looks interesting.

-EDIT : In strategy games, there's some classic scenes of female (and male) mind control in Command & Conquer : Red Alert 2 (specifically the expansion, Yuri's Revenge).

-Quite a few Star Wars games have this : Knights of the Old Republic (1 & 2) has the Persuade and Force Persuade mechanic, The Old Republic as well, some of the Jedi Knight games (such as Jedi Academy) allow you to temporarily command enemies. The Force Unleashed 1 & 2 have, I believe, the same mechanic, although in a much more go jump off a cliff way.

-The Fable games have the same type of MC power (mostly remember the first one, though I think at least the second one has it).

-The Witcher 3 is also a pretty obvious example, having the Axii sign that can either convert enemies or persuade people in conversation. 1&2 also have it, although slightly more subdued.

-Overlord, from 2007, has the option to kill or enslave, using mind-control, villagers and stuff.

-Resident Evil, mostly 7 and 4, have it. 5 has some type of parasite as well (Las Plaguas, IIRC ?)

-Finally, I'd also recommend checking out <<|this Youtube channel>>, cause they have quite a few other suggestions.
EDIT : Looked at their videos, there's :
*inFAMOUS, with the Mind-Control upgrade
*Some stuff from Marvel : Ultimate Alliance
*A good scene from Assassin's Creed : Syndicate I'd forgotten (Evie vs the Hypnotist subplot that ends with her hypnotized by his pendulum)
*Some Mortal Kombat (2011) characters that have a MC/Possession moveset (Quan Chi). Believe the Xth one also has something like this
*Silent Hill and Alan Wake (haven't played these)
*Psi-Ops : The Mindgate Conspiracy
*A GREAT possession scene from the end of Jedi Knight : Jedi Academy I'd forgotten (baddie woman gets possessed by Sith Lord)
*Meryl in Metal Gear Solid
*An awesome one (optional) that comes courtesy of Mass Effect 2 (Sheppard, male or female, can be mesmerized by one of his/her love interests). There's also the plot element of indoctrination
*A great ending to a character storyline from Soul Calibur 3 (Tira, the Harley Quinn-esque girl gets possessed by Soul Edge, I believe)
*And a bunch more I don't really have the time to check out, but I do welcome you to.

That's unfortunately all I can think of for now. Only other thing I can recommend is pretty much just searching on Google for MC in video games or the like, you're bound to find some lists.
EDIT : Actually did that for you as well (search terms : mind control in video games, video games with/about mind control).

From <<|Wikipedia>> (mostly posting those which I've actually played or know about directly, feel free to explore the list by yourself):
-Danganronpa (of course). I won't spoil it, but you can probably already tell from this very hub there's a lot in there.
-DESTROY ALL HUMANS ! (Sorry for all caps, but I really like this game) The first, second, and Path of the Furon (not a very good game) all feature tons of mind control and possession, alien-themed.
-Apparently a scene from Super Paper Mario involving Luigi.
-Some of the Batman : Arkham games have this, most notably with Poison Ivy (male).
-Quite a few Final Fantasy titles, which I haven't really played.

From <<|GiantBomb>> (again, only those I know) :
-Prey has some, where you can control some of the alien stuff, and (I think ?) possibly humans.
-INSIDE is all about this (greatly recommend this one, good for Role-Playing due to its open and interpretative nature). As a side note, Limbo (from the same developers) also features this with the parasite worms that control your character. (Also see <<|this video>>)
-The Binding of Isaac has some subtle, and not-so-subtle, mind-control themes.
-The Syndicate series (original, reboot, everything) is all about this.
-A pretty good one I'd forgotten is Mindjack. Although an awful PS3 game, you can possess pretty much anyone, be they male or female (it's actually more mind control, cause your character continues to fight with the AI). I'd imagine it'd be REALLY good as a hypno-themed LP.
-Persona 4, apparently (haven't played it myself).
-An interesting one : Clive Barker's Jericho. Besides the copious amounts of corruption and mind-control in the plot, you, as a ghostly commander, have the ability to jump into the body of each of your squad members. And there are male and female members, so there's something for everyone.
-Psychonauts features it. Besides your mind-purifying abilities, the villain's plot involves draining the brain of the campers and making them helpless, obedient zombies.
-System Shock 2 seems to contain some. Haven't played it myself, but I've heard some good things about it.

You can also check out <<|this page.>>

From <<|Superpower Wiki>> (look under Manga & Anime, scroll down and there's a section called Video Games ; I also recommend the rest of the page for movies and everything else) :
-Shin Megami Tensei
(Don't know much about these, sorry ; mostly to give you the website name)

From <<|this forum discussion>> :
-Messiah, a game where you play as a tiny cherub baby sent by God to clean up Earth's act and possess people's bodies to kill other people (pretty weird, but looks like a cool, albeit dated, game)
-And, of course, Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor and its upcoming sequel Middle-Earth: Shadow of War, that, for some reason, I'd completely forgotten about, both feature mind-controlling big muscular orc captains as a core mechanic. Awesome games in themselves, though.

Miscellaneous :
-It's pretty easy to reinterpret Plague Inc. and the like into zombie-virus apocalypse.

That's all for now ! But props for this awesome idea, and don't forget to tell us your channel name, so we (or at least I) can subscribe. If I think of any more, I'll post it here, but in the meantime, feel free to search yourself as well !

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