07/06/17 11:52PM
Hey let's make Jojos Bizarre Adventure Stands.
you like jojo? you like stands? lets make stands, because i'm bored and this seems like a good use of my time
07/07/17 12:09AM
Ah cool! I've actually been trying to work on one for a few months now. I haven't seen all of Jojo though, so I'm not sure if there's already a Stand like this, but.....

Mine's called [The Lamia] (referencing the Genesis song of the same name), and it's essentially a huge serpent with a beautiful woman's head and face. It wraps around people to comfort/calm them, and basically saps them of any aggressive feelings or anger and brings on deep feelings of peace and serenity. I'm a very nurturing, non-confrontational person, so I thought this might be a good Stand for me. :)

07/07/17 12:25AM
Stand name: <<|Chloroform Girl>> (it's rather on-the-nose for JoJo, I know... but if you have anything better as far as a musical reference, just let me know >.>)

Type: Automatic

Appearance: Feminine humanoids with jeweled elbows and knees, wearing Shakespearean garb. Their faces are pallid theatrical masks, with typical stand-eyes and red lipstick. An elevated ring protrudes from their shoulderblades, from which a curtain hangs to serve as a cape (able to render those inside invisible to non-stand users). Their right hands can morph into breathing masks

Ability: After the target is shown a picture of themselves, Chloroform Girl marks them, and will be able to form multiple bodies from smoke out of any crack they step on.

C.G. will attempt to restrain the target and smother them with their right hands, which emit a sedative gas. After 3 minutes of accumulated breathing, the gas will render a human-sized being unconscious, after which C.G. will drag the target in and teleport them to another crack; as near to the user as possible.

While the number of C.G. that come out of a given crack is indefinite (they will continue to form one-by-one until the crack is entirely covered by their mass), they cannot reach beyond their bodies' length from the crack, and their speed and power is only slightly above human-level.

Power: D
Speed: D
Durability: C
Range: A
Precision: B
Potential: C
07/07/17 12:26AM
JoJo stands?I think we need to set up standards.

For exmaple:


Power 1:
Power 2:
Power 3:

Conditions and restrictions:

07/07/17 12:38AM
i have so many fan stands. so i'm just gonna rapid fire em without showing stats

Doctor feelgood, Humanoid stand with scalpel fingers. ability is to heal others and the user via surgery, as well as using the scalpel fingers as slashing weapons

Under pressure: Humanoid stand, covered in terms used for measuring weight (N, KG,MG,LBS, etc) no lower body, in the middle of the chest appears to be a 7 digit counter, the stands ability is super strength and the ability to increase or decrease the weight of an object or body part up to any seven digit number in american pounds. (000000.1 to 9999999. and it can use objects as melee weapons (and the stand of my jojo character Daniel Shay Zeppeli)

life on mars, no form, but it allows the user to bring fictional characters or object into the real world for a small amount of time by pulling them out of a tv screen, the character obeys the user and has all their abilities. but the character or object has to fit through the screen to be summoned.

Ballroom Blitz: Jewel encrusted microphone, anyone who sings into BBlitz essentially gains hypnotic control over anyone and everyone in earshot....but the control only extends in making them sing and dance in the unholy lovechild of jpop idols and broadway, basically, the user becomes the music meister, stand users are resistant to it's effect. they arent under her control, but they still sing and dance to the tune of the song
07/07/17 12:44AM
This thread was bound to happen eventually.

I have a bunch of stand ideas written down but I'll choose a couple of my favs.

One stand idea is Baker Street and it's ability is that when the user drinks alcohol they activate the stand. The stand transfers the amount of alcohol in the user's bloodstream into the target the stand user chooses. So basically the stand user gets as drunk as possible then finds a person to make them as drunk as they are. The downside to the ability is that the user is still as drunk as they was before transferring the effect so each fight with the stand boils down to a drunken brawl.

Another stand idea is While My Guitar Gently Weeps and it's ability is that if the user plays a song with a certain mood then people around the stand will strongly feel the emotion of the song. So if the user plays a sad melody on a guitar then those around them will start to feel incredibly sad. This stand isn't very combat oriented but I feel it could have some fun uses.

Another stand idea is Paper Planes which allows the user to make any paper they touch as hard as iron. So they can make various weapons out of paper like those paper shurikens you'd always make in school for fun and use them to fight.

Another stand idea of mine is Pretty Tied Up which is a stand that is quick and has the ability to create bondage equipment to use to incapacitate people with. It can create handcuffs, rope, ball gags and the like to use on enemies to make them unable to fight by tying them up. Probably my kinkiest stand idea.

I enjoy thinking about stand ideas.

07/07/17 12:50AM
I'm just going to copy/paste the one I did for <<|this thread>> which had the same topic.

I remember around the time the Part 3 anime was finishing up I took a shot at making my own stand, called DARE, based on the song by the Gorillaz.

It took the form of a pair of black sunglasses (based on the sunglasses on the giant head in the music video) and could be seen, touched and used by non-stand-users.

[spoilers]Its ability was along the lines of 'whoever wears the stand will receive "dares" to complete', should they wish to accept it. Three dares would appear on one of the lenses of the sunglasses (only visible to the user), along with a number from 1 to 100 displaying the difficulty (1= super easy, 100=extremely hard), and would remain for a certain amount of time.

If a dare was accepted, the user could complete it to receive a "buff" or reward (e.g. become stronger/faster, gain money - basically anything that would benefit them) based on how difficult the dare was. The buffs would last for as long as the user wore the stand or until they failed a dare, so they'd have to continually complete dares to keep their buffs (physical rewards like money will remain). Also, as the user completed more dares, the average difficulty and rewards would increase.

The stand is completely indestructible, similar to Super Fly.

Buffs can include abilities similar to some stand abilities like control over the weather, like Weather Report, or fire, like Magician's Red. This does not include some of the really OP stand powers - [spoilers]nothing related to time or space control.[/spoilers]

New dares appear 24 hours after the last dare was completed/failed, rounding to the nearest hour.

The stand would never give an impossible dare like "climb Mt. Fuji within 10 minutes!". It is always doable within the allotted time if there is a time limit.

The stand cannot do anything on its own, but it can go anywhere without losing any power since it has no original user, like Anubis.

NOTE: Any physical rewards are not just poofed into existence - a sequence of events will trigger which will lead to the user receiving their reward and cannot be stopped, similar to how Thoth could make 100% accurate predictions so long as you followed the plan.[/spoilers]

[spoilers]So obviously it'd be pretty inconvenient to have to drop whatever you're doing to complete a dare and if you're in a bad situation the last thing you want is to lose your buffs, but, again, the dares are never impossible for your current situation - you might even get some good ideas from them.

Having the potential for a buff to last indefinitely is pretty strong, and if you're powered up with a load of abilities you're going to be extremely difficult to deal with.

Another issue is the fact that, while you may be nigh invincible with a lot of buffs, if the stand isn't in contact with you, its effects disappear immediately, creating a major weakness.

Worse yet, your opponent could use the stand against you by stealing it, powering up and then using their own stand and their reward abilities.[/spoilers]

[spoilers]Destructive Power: E
Speed: E
Range: E
Durability: A
Precision: E
Developmental Potential: B[/spoilers]
07/07/17 01:47AM
Stand name: Iron Maiden

Description: Iron Maiden is a humanoid stand made of metal but wears a very large metal dress that's capable of taking hits like a tank and dealing just as much damage as one.

Destructive Power: A
Durability: A
Speed: D
Precision: C
Range: D
Development Potential: D

Metal manipulation: Iron Maiden's signature power is to manipulate any metal withing the Stand user's range. She's capable of telekinetically picking up and throwing metal, reshaping it into other shapes, liquefy it or even turn it into other kinds of metal.

Burning Ambition: Allows Iron Maiden to heat her body up to high temperatures, almost to metal melting point, allowing her to burn enemies on contact.

Be Quick or Be Dead: While she's using this ability she loses weight and gains a brief speed boost allowing her to go "Ora Ora Ora" on people.

Hallowed Be Thy Name: Allows Iron Maiden to encase the Stand user, enemies or other objects in a suit of armor. This armor is near impenetrable however whatever is inside is trapped and cannot move until the armor is removed. Iron Maiden cannot use any other abilities while this one is active.

07/07/17 02:32AM
Stand name: The Huntmaster

Description: A large humanoid figure clothed in Traditional German Hunting Attire the hat cast a shadow over the face leaving only a set of glowing yellow eyes visible. A large hunting rifle slung over his shoulder and a sword on his hip.

Destructive Power: B
Durability: A
Speed: D
Precision: C
Range: B
Development Potential: D


Dogged Pursuit: Once The Huntmaster has selected a target it will pursue them until they are killed or captured. It is Physically indestructible and will resurrect if killed. Even if Stand User dies The Huntmaster will not stop until it’s prey has been dealt with.

Hunting Rifle: A very large and powerful gun that can blast through just about anything in one shot it takes several seconds to reload after each shot.

The song
07/07/17 03:27AM
I did this long ago. XD I actually had two main Stand ideas.

The first is actually a group of three Stands, but each has 1/3 the power of a normal Stand (think kind of like Sylph from Tales of Phantasia or the Magus Sisters summon in Final Fantasy X - it's one Stand but made up of three entities). It's called Winterheart's Guild, and made up of Stratovarius, Sonata Arctica and Rhapsody of Fire. Its powers are essentially fire, ice and sound-based.

The second one is a single stand named Dream Theater. It's an illusion-based stand - it works by trapping your mind in an illusionary world, sort of like Death 13 except you don't need to be asleep for it to work.
07/07/17 03:45AM
Allow me to introduce you to my stand: OVERDRIVE

OVERDRIVE manifests as a male humanoid wearing a martial arts Gi with similar appearance to Akuma's of street fighter fame, although it is red with purple ropes. its hair stands flows straight up, a'la Gon's hair when he's enraged.

as most humanoid stands, OVERDRIVE can manifest on his own, and is generally a close range stand, It has physical stats some where between Star Platinum and Crazy Diamond, though its range is only about 1 meter.

OVERDRIVE's unique ability is that it can "inhabit" objects or its user. while inhabiting the user can decide one attribute of said item to enhance, or put into overdrive. this can be as simple as the toughness of an object, or as complicated as a sharp increase to his intelligence.

However if a single object or the user inhabits OVERDRIVE for too long, the object crumbles to dust or the users body begins to break from the stress.

This Stands cry is "WORA" and is heard when it itself makes attacks or when inhabiting the user and attacking

Destructive Power: A
Speed: B
Range: E
Durability: C
Precision: C
Potential: B
07/07/17 06:41AM
The Valkryie
White-Black but default is grey armored knight with female like body,the head is protected by knight helmet.Wearing a 1 handed sword and a Europe knight sheild .
Des: C
Spd: C
Durability: A
Precision: C
Dev potential:B

Balanced and vertasile stand that mostly good for taking damage.Even more helped by TV skill .

White mode:User wouldn't be affected by any kind of damage/ability that TV or the user got,however attack and speed would be reduced by 1 rank.And TV still would be disappear if taking enough damage itself,but no harm done to the user until TV disappear.

Black Mode:User and TV would be more vurenable to more damage and skill,however it would also reflecting any kind of attack to the attacker.Banging yourself to the wall or any kind of self damage wouldnt be reflected to yourself or the object.

Gray mode:Default state,no bonus nor benefit.Perfect to dealing with equal or already known enemies.
tldr: white:user immunity
Black:reflector dmg
Grey: default.

07/07/17 06:57AM
Ayy here we GO

Stand name: Knife Party

Stand appearance: as of yet undesigned

Abilities: Knife Party is able to turn physical objects into bladed edges. While this on its own is obviously not particularly menacing as compared to many other Stands, the real threat this power poses lies in its ability to affect smaller and smaller things the more it physically harms its target. Depending on how much physical damage Knife Party deals to the thing it is attempting to wound, kill, or destroy, its power extends to smaller and smaller objects, to the point where it can turn individual molecules and even atoms en masse into blades.

It's the edgiest Stand around

(Not my personal stand, just an idea)
07/08/17 12:01AM
i'm pleasantly surprised that no one's made "absolute mind control" stands
07/08/17 12:11AM
skullman2033 said:
i'm pleasantly surprised that no one's made "absolute mind control" stands

I have one like that (although a specific, repeated condition has to be met by the target before it activates)...

I just happened to post it on a general RP forum previously, and don't really feel great about leaving a public trail between the two sites >.>
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