07/07/17 08:58AM
My Patreon
So, I've been around in one way or another for awhile and I've decided to start up a Patreon. My main interest is in game's, computer games and tabletop games.

I've got a working set of house rules up. I've made some interesting games for Pathfinder that I can likely roll into an formatted module. Given enough time I can even make it look pretty like an actual rpg product!

Another project I want to work on is a simple Ren'py visual novel to introduce a grim fantasy world. Not exactly grim-and-dark, just grim. It would, of course, be filled with mind control. I'd be fairly interested how important people find physical transformation to be important in the work, and will likely have an open straw poll on that sometime in the future. I'm mostly interested in mind control and the stories that can be told with it.

Some of this stuff has been work in progress for awhile. I've had troubles with anxiety and depression, not going to lie about that. I do want to see if I can make some things I am passionate about pay dividends or create interesting content beyond forum rp posts.

I'm going to try and get some more items up between now and the end of July. Might even draw a little who knows.

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