07/07/17 09:10AM
Black Wave Commission Campaign
Hey, everyone. It's been a while since I've been able to accept commissions, so I'm happy to be bringing them back, albeit on a limited basis.
I'm accepting two commissions, starting now, but closing again as early as this Sunday night, the 9th. If more than two commissions come in and are accepted, I'll randomly select which ones are put into production. You'll know by early Monday if your commission was selected. If less than two come in by then, I'll extend the deadline, but it will be first-come, first-served in that case. =)

So! Send me your commission proposals via [email protected], and we'll discuss details. Prices will be a bit more fluid than previous, but expect around $20-$30 per character. Please allow a few weeks for production, as scheduling is very tight for me right now.

Looking forward to seeing what you all come up with~.

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