07/07/17 10:29PM
I am proud of myself
Sooo I just had another "life is anime" scene
I took wild cat I didnt knew, who had giant wound on throat, to vet, by foot, without any container.
I'm proud of myself because this means that cat no longer have hair in his wound, so it will recover nicely. Also, better meds.
07/07/17 10:39PM
Nazwa said:
Sooo I just had another "life is anime" scene
I took wild cat I didnt knew, who had giant wound on throat, to vet, by foot, without any container.
I'm proud of myself because this means that cat no longer have hair in his wound, so it will recover nicely. Also, better meds.

And perhaps, many years in the future, when the cats take over, the descendants of that wild cat will remember you, and erect a statue in your honor. (Or at the very least, a plaque.)
07/07/17 11:13PM
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