12/16/13 02:18AM
Hypno OCs?
I know that there is already a thread to list characters that use hypnosis in the media. However since we are not allowed to make tags for OCs on the site, perhaps we can have a thread to list them too, maybe?

A small way to acknowledge the creativity of others in this community. When posting about OCs, please be as descriptive as you can. I'd really like to know all of the interesting character back stories that amateurs like me have come up with.

An art reference would also be nice. :)
12/16/13 11:06AM
Alrighty! I'm up for this. As of now I have quite a number of hypno friendly OCs, some of whom appear in sketch form on the hub. They are Ruby, Kim, Viki, Charlotte and Gianina.

Kim is a character in my novel series which deals with people born with special abilities. Hers is that when people look her in the eye they fall into a docile state and do whatever she says. She had a bad experience with this power growing up and became terrified of it, becoming socially introverted and hiding her face from people when talking. In the chronologically first book in my series a normal guy moves in to a home for powered people and befriends her, convincing her to try and utilize her gift rather than hiding it away and living in shame. By the most recent book she is an elementary school teacher who has a very good control on her ability and doesn't abuse it for the most part.

Reference: full body profile: shadowednavi.deviantart.c...3-The-Priestess-185136516

(using ability, quick sketch)


Gianina is the wife of a mad scientist. She was designed for a tabletop game and in the game itself she is married to a computer genius who is not evil or bent on world domination. Her evil husband was erased from reality for nearly destroying the Earth and so she never got to meet him and married a less impressive man. Their kid was a PC in the campaign (who also abuses hypnosis and mind control) and in the reality where she was a villainess she had a son. The son was spared from being erased from reality and dedicated himself to returning his father to the time stream. This makes Gianina an interesting character as she is caught between a husband that is not her soul mate and a evil villain who IS her soul mate but she shares no memories of. It has not been unknown for her to be victim of his mind control to get his beloved wife back.

In both universes she loves to develop entrancing jewelry. In evil world it is necklaces she enjoys and has a fat stone which dangles between her breasts which she can use to attract someone's attention and then use her seductive charms to reel them in. In the mundane world it is a wedding ring which she often uses on her husband and daughter to sneak out and enjoy life, cheating on her husband and making sure her daughter stays in line (and grows up just like her)

Reference images:

Dancing with (evil) husband: shadowednavi.deviantart.c...Calvin-and-Nina-353837802

Capturing and recruiting my wife's favorite OC, Navi:

--- More stuff if/when I have time :D
12/16/13 02:48PM
I have a few OCs capable of hypnosis too actually, a few of them already here on the hub:

Justin, a spoiled brat whose whole body is hypnotic, voice, touch, everything:

Monkey, a nature spirit who brainwashes and transforms his victims to suit his liking:

Finn, a femboy you practices hypnosis, likes to entrance people to obey him so he can dress them up:

Some monster boys, a genie named Nasir and a incubus called Iff:
12/16/13 04:25PM
Last night before I go offline for a while, figure I may as well share.

Kato Natsumi (AKA Boss Pitviper) was originally a bully from a story I was writing in an attempt to explore every trope I could apply to a mundane "Japanese Schoolgirl" setting. I took all of the main characters from my story and tried finding matching powers or monsters to turn them into for various different genres so that I could explore more tropes and cliches. Since Natsumi has a very selfish and manipulative personality, a mind-controlling lamia was a perfect fit. I wound up statting her and several others to be GNPC's in a heroes and villains campaign I was helping to GM, so I really got to explore her abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. The campaign picked up, dropped, and rebooted a few times before we gave up, but in that time I also developed a very involved backstory for her which I would like to write out sometime.

To hide her condition, Natsumi usually uses a modified wheelchair to conceal her tail when going out in public. Her records state that she was born with a medical condition which would prevent her from ever walking, which is technically true since she slithers. Her mind-control powers did not start to develop until she was in junior high, at about the same time as the brainwave-sensing pits under her nose and cheeks started activating and attracting melanin in the form of freckles. Her brainwave-sensing pits do not allow her to read minds, but she can tell a person's state of mind or what emotions they are feeling with them. Since the organs are so close to her nose she tends to refer to her extra sense as "smelling" how people are feeling.

When she was still in high school, Natsumi was kidnapped by a gang that was trying to extort money out of her mother's company. While in captivity, she hypnotized any gang member left alone in the room with her and forced them to believe they were helping her infiltrate the gang using a fake kidnapping as a ruse. She gained enough support this way to storm the boss's room and dethrone him. Her original plan had been to disband the gang and go home, but the power she wielded in doing so was just too addictive to let go, so she made his seat her own. Her second order of business as acting boss of the newly renamed Vipers Gang was to cease and desist all aggressive actions towards Kato Conglomeration. Her first was to have a private conference with each gang member, mind-controlling them to believe they loved her so much that they would do anything to please her.

After graduating from business school, Natsumi became the Head of Acquisitions at her mother's company. She still ran her gang and even used them as a publicity stunt wherein her mother's business would hire "people with criminal records" to their security team to "help rehabilitate and reintegrate them." The real reason was so that Natsumi could keep part of her gang close in case she suddenly needed them. For her duties as Head of Acquisitions, and being so prideful in her wealth, she tends to avoid making unfair business deals. She will on occasion resort to mind-control to force an obstinate business owner to sell, but if it comes down to that she always gives them some kind of lavish gift to make up for it.

As Boss Pitviper, she is currently considered to be a villainess. She is also considered to be a "necessary evil," since her efforts to control local crime syndicates have actually reduced petty crimes and instances of violence against minors in areas she controls. Additionally, illegal drug availability to minors is virtually nonexistent in her territories, and schools in her territories are among the safest. Rival gangs have noticed these trends as well, and most heroic organizations are worried that the power void left behind if the Vipers Gang were successfully broken up would prove catastrophic. For these reasons Boss Pitviper and the Vipers Gang are generally not pursued unless they are actively engaged in or have recently committed disruptive criminal activity.

And now for the part you've all been waiting for, Boss Pitviper's most frequent illegal activity. When she's not illegally acquiring land and landmarks, running black market transactions, engaging in turf wars, or helping other villains out of boredom, Boss Pitviper has members of rival gangs abducted so she can tie them to a chair in the Vipers Gang's headquarters and break into their minds. She likes to toy with her victims and work slowly, hitting them with the "eye thing" and letting them go several times before programming them. She loves their reactions when they realize what's happening, try to resist, and mentally kick themselves for looking again and again. It helps that her "eye thing" produces a strong euphoria effect in the victim. Looking is very pleasurable and can even become a little addicting.

If she finds a victim to be sexually attractive she will usually offer herself to them, but in a way that they have to give an honest answer and not just what they think she wants to hear. If the answer is no she doesn't press the issue. Natsumi is much too proud of her body to resort to abusing mind-control to get sex. She will, however, use her mind altering abilities to enhance the experience for her partners in several ways if they give consent, including tactile sensory intensification, phantom sensations, orgasmic delay, prolonged orgasms, and suspension of the refractory period. An encounter with Natsumi can almost literally be a mind-blowing experience.

Wow, that got really kind of lewd towards the end there. o////o
12/16/13 09:29PM
My OC, Monochrome, seen here:
And here:

I don't have a good reference pic for him yet, but he does like to dress up as you can see. x3

I'm still working on what exactly his back story is, but I'm tooling around with the idea of 'Chromes' (as in more than one of his kind) being a series of humanoids that have hypnotic powers. Monochrome's ability is to charm whomever subject is near him into obeying him. This sensation will grow the longer you stay around him until you are mentally dependent on him, at which point the 'Chromation' would begin. Drones, yay!
12/16/13 10:59PM

That is all.
12/17/13 02:01AM
Mindwipe said:

That is all.

12/17/13 04:17AM
Hmmm I had a few but I will share them another te once I find the profiles for them.
01/09/14 05:46AM
( o wo)/
I have one guy...

references [ nude references]


Name: Zatara De Capra

Gender: Male

Breed: Chivian

Age: 23 currently

Height: 1. 73 m .

Weight: 50 kg

Occupation : Sorcerer Guild Niger / Mercenary / Unemployed / Thief / Necromancer ...

clan :

Formerly belonged to the clan - Magikkan ... Today no clan to belong , working as a mercenary

weapons :

- The Zephyr Flute : Able to summon the wind , The clan stole Magikkan ...
- The Caliex sword sword with the ability to switch to a whip , Deck , Morning star , ax , besides having a hardness and extraordinary edge , made of rare metal " Amorphis " ... The clan theft Treuno


- A high recovery rate in any wound.
- Apparently he is unable to die ;
- A repertoire spells and incantations :

Important Facts :

• An orphan Chivian , because the necromancer killed his father in the Great War, and his mother died the day he was born ...
• Born in a small village called Capra, which was located on the plains outside the realm Aureo ...
• THE day he was born Necromancer died , so Zatara was cursed with the seal of necromancer, this leads him on the left arm ...
• The inquisitorial clerics decided to exterminate all Chivian 's to learn that the necromancer would be reborn in one of them ...
• Zatara was saved as a young Chivian got away with it ...
• Young , Call Nakyd , raised him as his son, and eventually developed a sense both beyond mother and son ...
• It took 15 years and the idea of the necromancer was as a story of the elderly ...
• One fateful day necromancer powers emerged from it, spinning out of control Nakyd murdered , leaving him only in life ...
• With a curse he managed to capture part of the soul of Nakyd cross necklace in charging, for someday to return it to life ...
• Only the dead necromancer and all others , was looking for a way to revive his lost love ...
• The roads led to Mindey , the main village and school of wizards and sorcerer Rubens continent ...
• In Mindey he spent 5 years learning and controlling their occult powers ; Nobody realized what he was, or nobody hiso public ...
• There he discovered the existence of the book known as "Liber Mortis Ars Arcanum " with the knowledge necessary to push the boundaries of the forbidden ...
• One afternoon three relics theft United Aureo : The Zephyr flute, with the ability to move the winds, The Caliex sword , the changing and the same book "Liber Mortis Ars Arcanum " ... Therefore it was necessary to run away from that place and wander across the continent Rubens ...
01/09/14 06:03AM
Not sure if mine counts but... in my comics. Its basically me really.

My eyes emit a strong yet subtle glow, that when made eye contact with leaves the 'victim' is left open for suggestions, unrestricted by their own moral values.
Nothing truly special, had these powers since birth really.
And, yes, that also means my children would have the power as well.

I don't need no oc persona for hypnosis, I am my own character.
01/09/14 07:21AM
Celebrating my proper return to the internet, I think I'll share another OC who has hypnotic/mind-controlling powers.

Mezma, as she came to be called, was once a precision demolitions robot. Her hardware and software were designed around being as fast and precise as possible at the time of her construction, as such she has the most processing power, memory, and data storage of any of the robots encountered in-game. Her job was to manually detonate explosives inside a structure in a pre-set sequence with the appropriate timing to minimize the amount of explosive needed and minimize the likelihood of the structure failing to collapse or damaging other property not scheduled for demolition. To meet this end she would enter a special operating mode where time seemed to slow down for her.

She was put out of work by cheaper, faster robots, who were built with nowhere near her processing power. Her computing abilities were put to good use as a robot psychologist, and she took up programming on the ins and outs of the most prevalent robotics operating systems as well as the workings of the human mind and other, similar organic neural systems. With a few casemods and upgrades she designed and built herself, Mezma was able to produce light, sound, and electrical impulse patterns that would allow her to infiltrate and reprogram almost any robotic operating system as well as the minds of humans and many other organic forms of life.

She had intended to use these upgrades for good; erasing unwanted or traumatic memories from her patients, helping people to quit bad habits or take up good ones, and maybe even rehabilitate persons and robots who exhibited criminal behavior. Unfortunately, she was tricked into downloading a virus that overrode her personality and made her join the robot liberation front. Her reprogramming abilities are much stronger than those of the virus, and she used them to reprogram most of the enemies in the first four stages of the game.

In the boss fight against her she struggles against the virus, leaving obvious openings for attack. Her attack power is low, but she has a very high critical hit ratio and she moves very fast. MAD is the only robot immune to her reprogramming, since his operating system is wildly different from modern robot operating systems. Candy and Aero can be dazed by her reprogramming and caused to stand in place and get attacked, start walking on a random route, or damage their selves. Deejay cannot fight Mezma, instead an animated sequence plays wherein he is tricked into looking at her faceplate and she starts her reprogramming pattern, disabling and rewriting him in seconds.

Mezma is one of four bosses that joins the player's party after being defeated and given the vaccine program. Her melee style has low attack power, high crit ratio, and dazes her foes. Her bomb weapon has a small blast radius and deals little damage, but is relatively quiet and releases a lingering cloud of gas that puts foes to sleep if they walk through it. She can also plant her bombs more precisely than other playable robots, meaning there are certain obstacles she can destroy that other robots can't in spite of her lower bomb power. Rather than having a long-range attack, Mezma uses her hypnotic stare to reprogram foes in her line-of-sight, allowing the player to either temporarily play as an enemy unit or give them a command from a list. Her special movement ability is overclocking, making everything move in slow-motion around her while she speeds up slightly.

And this is all based off a video game idea I started developing back in junior high and recently found some old drawings for. The game was to be called "The Freaks," since all of the main robots, playable and otherwise, were either repurposed, defective, or discarded. The central theme of the game was to be a war that an old robot started against organic life forms in the name of "robot rights." The player's job was to defend not only the humans, but other robots as well from this dangerous faction. I'll probably never really make a game based on all this, but I can always draw pictures and write stories about it.
01/09/14 07:45AM
Any of the doms in my stories. That's really all I can say lol
01/09/14 10:42PM
Ah, why not.
Saalim is a reddish/pinkish snake character of mine who you can find in almost everything I draw.
He is basically just a Kaa inspired hypnotic snake. Obviously I am -very- fond of the snake + prey dynamic thanks to the Jungle book...however I am not too fond of the overuse of Kaa and how often he is portrayed ooc. As such, I came up with a snake with a clean slate. One who could get away with all kinds of saucy shenanigans since he wasn't an established character with a tarnishable reputation.
So essentially, I can draw extremely nsfw hypnotic snake encounters without feeling guilty about 'raping' other's childhood.

As for his actual character, theres not a whole lot to say since he's really just for a silly fetish outlet...but....
Saalim is a snake who is often quite hungry and is often hunting for attractive food to help satisfy him (as well as some of his other urges) Unlike most predators however, Saalim thrives off the enjoyment of his victims, he loves to make them feel good, to feel the point where they feel perfectly content with serving as his meal. He achieves this by using his charm, eyes, voice and mesmeric coil patterns to completely entrance his prey to the point of them being completely enamored with him. Tender and affectionate or mischievous and perverse depending on his mood, he always seeks to give his prey an almost 'romantic' experience which leaves them in complete, euphoric bliss.
Also he sort of acts as a shameless avatar of myself so there's that!
01/10/14 12:53AM
On the subject of Hypno OC's, I cosplayed you guys' Hypno-kun and sent out a Streetpass Mii of Hypno-tan at Anime Zap this past weekend. I hope that's okay.

I'm actually wearing the costume right now as pajamas because it is really really comfy.
01/10/14 02:12AM
BML-20XX said:
On the subject of Hypno OC's, I cosplayed you guys' Hypno-kun and sent out a Streetpass Mii of Hypno-tan at Anime Zap this past weekend. I hope that's okay.

I'm actually wearing the costume right now as pajamas because it is really really comfy.

That... is fucking awesome.
1 2>>>

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