07/11/17 12:56AM
Commisioning for Mei (Overwatch) Artwork
After some issues were handled, I'm now ready to start commissioning more stuff.

And since I really really love glasses girl, I've decided to see if I can get some Mei commisions done. (Girl from Overwatch)

As some have seen I'm really into zombie walking and spiral eyes etc... And I'm actually willing to do a comic strip type thing and involve Tracer as well, (if you are an artist up to that)

so comment in here a link to your artwork, I'll check it out and hopefully we can get some Mei stuff going.
07/11/17 02:44AM
Just noting that if you're ever interested in commissioning from me again, feel free to note/email me!
07/12/17 12:57AM
Hey, I currently have a commission slot open. =) You can browse my work here on the Hub: hypnohub.net/post?tags=black--wave
Or over here on DA: black--wave.deviantart.com/

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