07/12/17 07:58AM
Sammynona Author Discussion Thread
Hi everybody, this is Sammynona. I write mind control erotica on mcstories, tumblr and patreon. Since I commission a couple of artists to make art based on my stories it was suggested to me that I start a thread so people can discuss the art and stories while also throwing any questions they have at me! To start off I've been a follower of hypnohub for a few years now, and mcstories is where I first really got into the hypnosis fetish. I loved it so much that I wanted to give back, and since I can't draw I decided to try writing, and people seem to be enjoying it so far. I plan to keep commissioning artists to make illustrations for the stories and original pieces based on the characters, both as a way of finding new readers but also to give back awesome erotica art to the community and support the fantastic artists who make it. As I said feel free to throw any questions at me or discuss the stories and I'll be sure to get back to this thread as much as I can.

I'm going to try to keep links for the artwork here and update it as it goes. I mostly use AWMBH because he's a great guy and a fan of my stuff, but I hope to start branching out to other artists too. If any artists enjoy my stuff and would like to be paid to draw some stuff feel free to reach out!
07/12/17 08:45AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Well, that's why I'd hope for some sorta exclusive/limited print run of these with the illustrations, tho I understand how that aint easy to pull off.
Still, just saying how I'd love to see that if you ever do it. Glad you're sharing the pics here with us ^___^
And hey, maybe someday I'll do some fan art/comic after reading one of the stories if I'm digging it :)

So again, ik it can be a lotta work, but do you ever think you'd do some sorta small/limited print run of your stories with illustrations? While I can speak for myself wanting one (the Snake Goddess story in particular I'm currently reading + throughly enjoying), I figure you could ask people here + on your patreon if they'd pick up a copy. That way, you can scope things out as to get an idea of how many copies to make.

That aside, I guess I'll ask a proper question about yourself:
What gotcha into writing these stories, and around what time did this all take off to begin with? Even if it's a fairly simple backstory to all this, can't help but ask as I'm curious bout it.
07/17/17 08:16AM
I remember that Slaves of the Snake Goddess story. That was a really really good one.
07/25/17 09:14AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
So again, ik it can be a lotta work, but do you ever think you'd do some sorta small/limited print run of your stories with illustrations? While I can speak for myself wanting one (the Snake Goddess story in particular I'm currently reading + throughly enjoying), I figure you could ask people here + on your patreon if they'd pick up a copy. That way, you can scope things out as to get an idea of how many copies to make.

That aside, I guess I'll ask a proper question about yourself:
What gotcha into writing these stories, and around what time did this all take off to begin with? Even if it's a fairly simple backstory to all this, can't help but ask as I'm curious bout it.

On the picture story front, it won't be something we would see for a long time. I'm using some of my profits from writing to commission more artwork for fans to enjoy, but as of right now I really don't have a way to make picturebooks, or have a way to sell them. Amazon is dicey enough with their rules on mind control (because they treat it as non-consent and if you get on their radar you can be banned, even if your story doesn't involve any non-consent.) I've been lucky so far with them, but any story published with pictures is extremely hard to hide, and any pictures they view as being too inappropriate gets sent right to the dungeon.

For me to sell stories with pictures attached it would have to be through a site I make myself, and I don't have the technical knowledge right now to do any of that. It might be something that happens in the future if I have the time and money to put into it, as I'd love to do a choose your own adventure style book that includes artwork of the characters changing with your choices. Might be something for another day, and if I ever do I'll make sure some of the art ends up here.
07/25/17 09:21AM
Making a separate entry for the other part: What got me interested in writing stories. Honestly I've always had an interest in mind control, thanks to sites like mcstories and good ol' hypnohub. What I really enjoyed though were stories with real characters, where we see them changing with the programming put in their head. Most of the stories I found where about the chase of putting the girls into trance, but as soon as that was done they'd just be mindless or instantly horny and then they'd just fuck. It was hot to be sure, but really left me unsatisfied as I want to see how these girls react to their new lives.

So one day about two years ago I decided to write my own story based on a silly idea in my head. What would happen if three college friends watched on old cheesy movie and were actually brainwashed by the bad mind control scene in it. That becomes the first chapter of Slaves to the Snake Goddess, one of my most popular stories. I didn't think it was good enough to put on mcstories though and sat on it for a while, until a friend encouraged me to try writing more erotica. I eventually started writing Victoria's Mansion which become my first series, although that's only on Amazon now, and that got me into writing commissions and all my other stories. Now two years later I've quite my old terrible job and working full time as a writer. I'm only making part time pay for now, but I'm still on my way to making my dream come true, and I really do owe it to everyone in the mind control community who's helped support my writing.

I think that's why the Snake Goddess girls have always been close to my heart, and I'm enjoying that I have a long term plan for the series that will make it into a trilogy. Hopefully everyone enjoys the serial recruitment stories with character arcs and drama along with tons of lesbian sex, and so far people seem to enjoy it. Thanks for the question RCBC :)
07/25/17 09:22AM
strangeperson said:
I remember that Slaves of the Snake Goddess story. That was a really really good one.

Thank you so much :D I love finding out that my work has made it's way around to so many people.
07/25/17 09:50AM
Gotcha and gotcha. Shame on the first one, though hey, ya never know if you'll find some people here on the site/elsewhere that can help you out setting that stuff up. Least that's something to hope for. And as for the background stuff, nice :)

New question(s) to throw your way!

>Favorite genre/subject matter.
Even if you don't have a single favorite for either, I wonder what sorta stories you love reading and/or writing the most. Also, any stories/movies/comics/games/etc. that inspire ya in particular?

>Think we'll ever get to see a pic of the Snake Goddess herself? :0
07/25/17 09:51AM
I noticed 2 chapters of Falling were uploaded to mcstories this month.

I have to say that I genuinely get excited whenever that happens, its like I'm being spoiled. Keep up the good work.
07/25/17 09:18PM
Tr4pD00r said:
I noticed 2 chapters of Falling were uploaded to mcstories this month.

I have to say that I genuinely get excited whenever that happens, its like I'm being spoiled. Keep up the good work.

I'm glad you feel so spoiled haha. Unfortunately we're almost to the end of the series, only a handful of chapters to go, although there might be a hiatus between the next chapter and the last set after that. Gonna take my time to write the ending as best I can
07/25/17 09:43PM
Oh man, dude, this is the guy who originally commissioned the "family" story arc from you a few months back. Artwork of that would be insanely awesome.
07/26/17 02:31AM
Akkaban said:
Oh man, dude, this is the guy who originally commissioned the "family" story arc from you a few months back. Artwork of that would be insanely awesome.

Wait, you're the guy who commissioned It Runs in the Family? Nice to hear from you again! And yes, art would be awesome
07/26/17 02:54AM
Akkaban said:
Oh man, dude, this is the guy who originally commissioned the "family" story arc from you a few months back. Artwork of that would be insanely awesome.

Baragon said:
Wait, you're the guy who commissioned It Runs in the Family? Nice to hear from you again! And yes, art would be awesome

Hopefully this may help if either of you are looking for an available/well-priced artist:
07/26/17 04:11AM
I haven't seen an update for It Runs in the Family in a while and I was starting to get worried. It's one of my favorite works on mcstories, I hope you still have plans for it. I really love the idea you set up of a non-hypnotist accidentally triggering a hypnotist and using her for her own gains. Great work, your stories are excellent.
07/26/17 12:07PM
nitonito said:
I haven't seen an update for It Runs in the Family in a while and I was starting to get worried. It's one of my favorite works on mcstories, I hope you still have plans for it. I really love the idea you set up of a non-hypnotist accidentally triggering a hypnotist and using her for her own gains. Great work, your stories are excellent.

I was really attracted to that idea as well, although we're going to see Connie learning to be a hypnotist herself to help her plans. Unfortunately she can't let the real hypnotist find out what she's up to, or she just might test the limits of what that trigger can do XD

And not to worry, there's a lot of room to have fun with this series. It's up to chapter 14 on my patreon, and I'll have the next chapter coming to MC stories soon. I've just been trying to push myself to finish off the Falling series first. Thanks for the feedback and I hope you continue to enjoy :D
07/26/17 11:08PM
Baragon said:
Wait, you're the guy who commissioned It Runs in the Family? Nice to hear from you again! And yes, art would be awesome

Yeppers. Didn't know you also frequented this place (I mostly lurk, not much to say) but it's great to see. Glad to hear there may be a new chapter soon. I should check out the rest of your stuff too.

Glad to see some members here are enjoying that story.
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