07/16/17 04:33PM
What's with the sudden unblockable ads?
Came onto the site today to find that my Ublock has stopped working on some of the ads here and there are now three unblockable ads at the bottom of the page.

Now, I get why people want to have ads on their sites, and why they want to make sure people see the ads. Unfortunately, when your unblockable ads are shady at best and obvious viruses at worst, you're not giving me great confidence.

I'll put it this way: Unblockable ads normally means I'd rather leave the site entirely than put up with them, simply because viruses suck and I have no intention of exposing my computer to them. Sure, I'm not going to intentionally click the ads, but sometimes I lean on the mouse, sometimes my finger twitches, sometimes my touchpad turns itself back on and starts clicking when I touch it while typing.
07/16/17 04:36PM
I wonder that too because even before just using Adblock was fine.

And besides, one would have been fine as three would give more chance for my stupid ass to accidentally hover over and click my way into a virus.
07/16/17 04:48PM
Manually filtering them worked for me.

I know the Hub isn't necessarily at fault here, but it is kinda annoying and should be dealt with.
07/16/17 05:46PM
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
Manually filtering them worked for me.

I know the Hub isn't necessarily at fault here, but it is kinda annoying and should be dealt with.

Tried manually filtering and I can only get one of them to stay blocked with Ublock. Adblock Plus broke the entire site.
07/16/17 05:54PM
LordWasp said:
Tried manually filtering and I can only get one of them to stay blocked with Ublock. Adblock Plus broke the entire site.

I got all 3 of them by being a persistent bastard and blocking all the stuff that was in that location until the page shortened.
07/16/17 05:58PM
We don't support any 3rd party browser applications, and especially not those designed to rip the main revenue off the site. I'm unsure why you're complaining here that your default list failed on you. If you're a patreon supporter feel free to send me a pm on patreon and I'll add you to a patreon group that doesn't see ads.
07/16/17 06:37PM
slayerduck said:
We don't support any 3rd party browser applications, and especially not those designed to rip the main revenue off the site. I'm unsure why you're complaining here that your default list failed on you. If you're a patreon supporter feel free to send me a pm on patreon and I'll add you to a patreon group that doesn't see ads.

People tend to complain when there are humongous, obtrusive, likely virus-laden ads on the site. Not to mention that if there's a free way to remove ads, most people take that over getting bullied into paying to keep sites ad-free.

I myself haven't been using an ad blocker, but given the size, placement, and most importantly, content of the current ads, I'm almost tempted to. I come HERE for my porn, meaning I have no interest in clicking the findom viruses I see all over the site. Have you considered changing your source of ads? Maybe they'd be received better than the current set.
07/16/17 07:12PM
Have you considered that for a porn site there isn't any advertisers with the exception for other porn affiliate stuff?

Where are the viruses you're talking about because i don't see any? If you find any then PM me the following details so i can submit it to the network for investigation:

1) Browser
2) Device
3) Country
4) Your current ip ( www.whatsmyip.org/ )
5) URL of page you were on
6) URL of the page you were redirected to (landing page)
7) Browser history that regards this issue, usually redirection pass trough different URLs before ending up on landing page.
8) Screenshot of the landing page.
9) Were you logged in? (logged in users have no pops)

Our ads are all on the footer to, there isn't a place where they could possibly be less intrusive then that. Compare that to other porn sites and you'll notice the hub is actually pretty clean.

People want everything for free, without seeing ads then use biased arguments to try to get their way. Its always been like this and it always will. If you still want to leave the site then I'm sorry you feel that way. I don't possibly see how discussing the fact further that we can't support 3rd party browser apps will gain anything so I'll be locking this.


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