12/17/13 05:24AM
What's In Your Manip Folder?
Plain and simple. I know a lot of people here like to make manips, so I figured that we could all share our plans with each other. You can link to an image you're going to manip and talk about what you plan to do with it or you can even link to a download of your entire folder and see if anyone else wants to take a crack at your choices.

I think that this can be another thread for us to share manip techniques and approaches to specific projects. I'm going to upload a few of my choices later on, as well. I hope we all can enjoy this thread and learn a lot from each other.
12/17/13 05:41AM
My manips folder turned into my porn folder so now it has 5000 images in it. D:
12/17/13 05:50AM
I have a folder for all my photoshop files with manips and what not but in terms of a folder with images I plan to manip it's pretty much what petal says, its just a run of the mill porn stash. The way I go about doing manips is either sifting through a bunch of images to see which has potential or if I see an image online that has potential I grab it and put it to the side for later. I generally don't find much so and I don't like "forcing" manips on images that don't really call for them so I never really made a folder for it.
12/17/13 06:13AM
No Way!!! O.O Am I the only one here who actually has a folder for their manips? I didn't expect to be the odd one out...
I do understand, though. My manips folder used to be a cluttered mess. Eventually I just decided to try to be more realistic with myself and became very organized about it. There's actually only a small handful of images in my folder now. Images that I feel like I can truly alter into something interesting for this site. It helps that I don't go on image hunts like I once did.

Well, even if your folder is cluttered you can still share some images you're thinking about doing and your plans for them as well.
12/17/13 06:29AM
I do. I try to keep organized. I have a manips folder followed by the different types of manips (the only thing I ever do is glaze eyes and do heart-eyes) and then I have a set of folders ranging with numbers 01, 02, 03, etc. for each image. Each folder contains the original image as well as the manips. Sometimes I do a couple of attempts at the picture and then compare them all side by side to see which one looks the most appealing for me.

No Vanndril, don't even THINK about it asking "that". Go away.
12/17/13 07:10AM
I have a manip folder, but it's not uncommon for me to ignore it and dig in my other folders for pics to manip. As for what's in my manip folder... umm... good question.
12/17/13 08:33AM
Got one, but it's not really all that organized. Thankfully it's still of manageable size, though since I've named the images just about whatever came to mind, I've had some fun times trying to find the damn things sometimes. Content wise there's some finished works, a few that are pretty much done, but just lack some finishing touches, and some I'll probably never get around to working on. I might start sharing some of the images I found to have potential, though I feel that should be at the manip request thread instead of here.
12/17/13 12:21PM
This is one that has been sitting on my hard drive for awhile. I intended it to be a sequence with bimbofication elements in my Las Lindas series (so, furry warning!). But it seems like whenever I start composing the text the story starts getting over long and/or having problems with flow. Eh, I'll crack this one sooner or later.
12/17/13 03:08PM
RebKMG said:
I have a manips folder followed by the different types of manips (the only thing I ever do is glaze eyes and do heart-eyes) [...]

Your heart eye manips are always insatiably cute. I tend to enjoy them a lot.

RebKMG said:
[...]and then I have a set of folders ranging with numbers 01, 02, 03, etc. for each image. Each folder contains the original image as well as the manips. Sometimes I do a couple of attempts at the picture and then compare them all side by side to see which one looks the most appealing for me.

I envy that. I could almost never even think about doing more than one draft of the same manip. XD

RebKMG said:
No Vanndril, don't even THINK about it asking "that". Go away.

You guys are pretty weird. That's cool.

Mindwipe said:
I have a manip folder, but it's not uncommon for me to ignore it and dig in my other folders for pics to manip.[...]

I tend to copy some images over from pictures folder to my manips also. Images tend to appeal to me in different ways but sometimes I see potential in them that I hadn't noticed before. That's how I came to add <<|this image>> to my manips folder. It's a little far off on my list but I'm looking forward to it. I even had a little bit of text in my mind which I won't give away here.

TheKinkyFinn said:
[...] I might start sharing some of the images I found to have potential, though I feel that should be at the manip request thread instead of here.

You're probably right, then. This thread is for images that you plan to manip and for you to talk about what you plan to do with them. It's also to ask for help if need be but it's a mostly "self-driven" thread.
12/17/13 10:09PM
...Am I the only one that not only has a manip folder but also... well, subfolder depending on what I plan to do with those pictures?

... Yeeeah, it is mostly full of JRPGs heroines anyway
12/17/13 11:24PM
Blue said:
...Am I the only one that not only has a manip folder but also... well, subfolder depending on what I plan to do with those pictures?

In my case, there are just so many different things that I plan to do with each of the images in my folder. It would't really make much sense to classify them all in different folders since it would probably be one folder for every manip.

I guess it all depends on your manipping style, as well.
12/18/13 05:29AM
I have a folder for manips hiding in the folder labeled "stupid shit I made", and inside /that/ folder I have one labeled "potential material" consisting of art that I can easily reinterpret as something hypno-related. Most of it's random crap I find on 'chans and such, but there's a good chunk of art from my fandoms in there as well.

Though I often forget to go through my other art folders to look for stuff to put in there, oops.

There's some Don't Starve art in there, as of latest additions. I mean, come on, the villain used to be a stage magician! That's practically asking for it!

(Also shadow hands/tentacles. Mmm delicious corruption.)
12/19/13 06:39AM
RebKMG said:
No Vanndril, don't even THINK about it asking "that". Go away.

I am sad... :(

Anyway, I'll keep this short due to time constraints of the moment.

I have a manip folder, too. I named it "IOU".
It is full now, and I don't know how...
but I let it get too big, so finding something is quite the dig.
I've been thinking on clearing it out and starting anew.
It might become useful again when the images number in only a few.
12/20/13 08:26AM
Mostly furry stuff. ;p
12/20/13 05:53PM
Strangely enough, on my manips folder there are some manips I've done (oh, so obvious! I've to upload there when i'll get a stable internet), some hypnosis scripts I've written so that when I've to make a manip, I can use one of those scripts, and of course, drawings I've taken from 2ch.

Oh, well, more precisely: some from Magika Madoka, Hyperdimension Neptunia, and Touhou (how classic!)
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